Prabal Gurung S/S 2013 : Joan Smalls by Daniel Jackson

Mat Cyruss

Mag Master
Jun 4, 2012
Reaction score
Styling: Tiina Laakkonen
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She's giving the same face in each photo, and its not a good one. :ninja:
Well, i'm glad to see a campaign from him again, but another model would have done this better.
I'm not a huge fan of Joan, but I think she looks great in this! :smile:
i like the idea, but joan's expression ruins it for me.
The second shot is fantastic, love the movement, the rest is just okay.
It's quite powerful and beautiful.
I'm not understanding everyone's dislike for this campaign tbh. I think it's great!!
I think if she looked upward , the results would be better
She's giving the same face in each photo, and its not a good one. :ninja:

Haha, it is almost like they took the same head and 'shopped it on all the bodies. I'm disappointed this is in black and white, the color palette was quite nice. Last season with Candice was way better.
I don't care of what anyone thinks; this campaign looks spectacular.
The clothes look amazing on Joan and just pop out.

Joan poses are a hit and her face looks flawless.
I looove the composition of each ad, the lighting and everything regarding art direction is perfect... Joan's poses are awesome and easy, she really is one of the best posers in the industry 'cause she always makes the clothes look appealing, but I would have like more diversity in her expressions, looking at all of them together, as a whole campaign, makes them appear redundant ... but each of them work very well separately , and that's what really matters at the end.
how disappointing is this!! :( the colour in the collection was just so good and this is so lifeless
Oh wow this is quite stunning, very Avedon.
There's nothing wrong with Joan. She's absolutely spectacular. I'm just not sure if the campaign itself fits Prabal Gurung's aesthetic. Notwithstanding the clothes, the concept is more on the borderline of "edgy". I would have preferred some flash of colors.
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I like the campaign as a whole, but not as much as I like each image separately. The lack of variety in her facial expressions is the only flaw.

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