hehehe...This thread reminds me of those hot conversations on music industry forums back in 1999 ("digital music will never replace the physical need of having a CD because X, Y and Z"). Ironically today CDs appeared to be in the way of the Dodo when Lady Gaga smashing Amazon's servers with her 99 cents album and old vinyl LPs are surging in sales.
Anyway, I think the
near future solution for the dilemma about fashion magazines is the
e-paper. That will bring the best of both worlds. Sony is already innovating in this area. They even developed an electronic paper you can bend:
And you also have this innovative Taiwanese company that is excelling in this field (can't remember the name at the moment thou).
Although I can't wait to experiment a FULL DIGITAL-PHYSICAL magazine, I think this
SO near future!
I think the medium-term future will bring better surprises. Has someone here experimented
The Live Issue magazine from those crazy British chicks? That was literally a LIVE magazine (it happened early this month and sayonara).
I think the fashion magazines (either digital or paper-made) are going to disappear in the long term future to be replaced by self-generated body and mind immersive dreamy media

...but full of product placements.