How The Internet Is Affecting the Fashion Industry

^ I think they still are ... and I suppose it is because it's hard to look exclusive on the Internet.
certain designers *cough* karl legerfeld *cough* raf simons *cough* among others have an aversion to the internet.

refusing to sell clothes online etc.

INSISTING on the fear that their brand will somehow collapse and die off if they start selling clothes online.

when in reality all it would do is generate more income.

as the old, resistant ones will begin croaking, it is my expectation that the CEO's and owners of the future will finally accept that the internet is not their enemy, and we will begin to see high fashion being sold online as well.

the internet is undoubtedly the future. and the further we get into the future, the more inevitable this fact becomes.
^ Karl is old, there's no denying that, but Raf? Raf is 46--that's Gen X. Unless he's very unlucky, he won't be 'croaking' anytime soon.
I wan't sending death wishes to them lol

but I'm looking forward to a time when people who are open minded and keeping up with times, will take over those big fashion houses we all love.
Internet leads to fast fashion, and also the loss of the air of exclusivity. And since the designs would shown so quickly they would be copied so quickly. Besides, some people think social media and most of the Internet is mediocre (this quote sums it up: "instagram is twitter for people who can't read". Some of these historic fashion houses don't want to be associated with the modern brainless youth ruling the net, they're catering to older customers who are not as dependent on the Internet. Also, considering the relationship chanel likes to create with its clientele, they may feel that online shopping would hinder the nurturing of such a relationship
I was about to start a thread about this topic especially where pages like Diet Prada, Estee Laundry and HF Confess are concerned. Lately they seem to have plenty of power int he industry especially with 'cancel culture.' Many have pointed out how Diet Prada seems to ignore particular topics like the Virgil LV fiasco from the most recent show. The fact that fashion has turned faux PC and given power to people with hidden agendas means the end is near.
^ haven't had instagram for a few months now, but i agree. although there are some accounts that are truly invested in their love of fashion (you can clearly tell these apart)..
the accounts mentioned above are not true fashion / style accounts imo.
very surface level,superficial stuff that is basically made up of unoriginal content with the point of stirring up drama ...
And the democratization of Fashion is coming with this code ... When you know that the world can see a show at the same time than Front Row Editors, you know there's a big change !

I totally agree with this. The Internet, especially during a pandemic, is democratizing fashion with the shows being accessible to pretty much anyone just with a Google search. Definitely different than the traditional exclusivity of shows, which is interesting. Also think of websites like Grailed - they contribute to reselling culture, which wasn't as convenient and widespread until the Internet came about... This is also democratization in a way.

She, basically, said that the blogs, forums etc. develops opinions that are not based on knowledge, education or knowledge. In a way, she underlined the deprofessionalization of the world of fashion : not only people who studied or work in the industry are now able to state something on Fashion. Now anybody can do a magazine, a fashion review etc.
She says it is bad, but basically she underlines something very interesting (she just didn't know how to say it ! ahah).

I found this interesting too. There's good and bad parts to deprofessionalization, but whether people like it or not, it's happening in fashion just like it's happening in other industries. More and more fields don't require a formal education in order to be considered educated and successful in a field because people can educate themselves with the Internet. For example, many people in the field of business teach themselves how to buy and trade stocks and succeed at it. Many people in the field of computing use free online resources to teach themselves to code, and progressive tech companies don't care about their lack of a formal college degree; they just care if they can code or not. Likewise, in the fashion industry now, people can self-study fashion, network with others with a similar interest through forums like these, and launch their careers as influencers or opening an Instagram shop for their brand and go from there. This goes along with the democratization because before the Internet, there weren't all these resources for "regular" people to get their foot in the door in the fashion industry. That's not to say it's an easy process. But the resources the Internet provides has definitely does have a positive effect.
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I was thinking about this the other day and well. I feel like the brands which do kinda of have a big reach worldwide and the ones which are getting boring. Internet is making things easier to buy, making you appreciate the interaction less. Personally, I can't wait until we will all get better (I know, I sound tacky, but it is an awful pandemic), and shopping in real life becomes a thing again. Right now, there's delays for anything. Even if it's from one city to another, two day deliveries which would take a two hour drive sound like an amazing delivery! I miss trying on stuff, feeling the fabric, knowing or guessing if it's worth it, watching it up close, how it looks on the hanger, how it looks on me and etc.
I've always hated online shopping, but some items are impossible to get otherwise and now with no travel, no stores, internet is our only salvation and because we cut so many "middle men" I think that's our sad, dry future.
Also, I know it's ironic in this forum, but I am tired of the same runway looks showing up on everyone across the globe just because it has a heftier price tag and shinier logo.
Hello, I agree with what you said. Social networks are already changing the focus. I have a friend who is an erotic model and she is promoting herself at (which by the way the page is about models and it is incredible). My friend says that being in a magazine is not worth it, because everything is digital and modern, and social networks are already the influence. In 10 years the magazines are going to be lost if we continue like this.
Hello, I agree with what you said. Social networks are already changing the focus. I have a friend who is an erotic model and she is promoting herself at (which by the way the page is about models and it is incredible). My friend says that being in a magazine is not worth it, because everything is digital and modern, and social networks are already the influence. In 10 years the magazines are going to be lost if we continue like this.
It won't take 10 years. Its going to happen sooner.
^ haven't had instagram for a few months now, but i agree. although there are some accounts that are truly invested in their love of fashion (you can clearly tell these apart)..
the accounts mentioned above are not true fashion / style accounts imo.
very surface level,superficial stuff that is basically made up of unoriginal content with the point of stirring up drama ...

Those accounts don't even actually like fashion, the accounts just happen to be about fashion because that is what will get them clout. And it doesn't take long for them to get inflated egos, based on recent behaviour of certain self-appointed instagram "fashion researcher" types.

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