R.I.P-Irving Penn passes away

he was a true master of photography indeed . I've just recently viewed his brilliant works at the Getty Museum, how bittersweet! R.I.P
I loved his work in Vogue, and his portraiture and non-fashion photography was amazing. He was probably my favourite living photographer.
I just became aware of a lot of his work he was amazing. It is good however that he had a very long life.
This is so sad! One of the last truly great ones. I remember hanging some of his clinique photographs on my wall as a kid - i didn't know anything about who had taken them, but i thought they were so cute and i just loved them :blush: I hope he had a wonderful life and i hope he rests in peace :heart:
R.I.P. to a fantastic lensman.:(
His legacy will live on in his fine body of work.
I'm shocked that there are not more people paying their respects in this thread:(
Do people not realize how important he was and IS!...
Sorry this might not be the place to post this, but I'm so shocked, feel free to delete this post Moderators if you find it out of place or disrespectful:(
This is very sad news.
I hope magazines, especially Vogue, do something special to celebrate his life and work :heart:
Rest in Peace, Mr. Penn! :cry: :flower: You are a true photography icon. No one can replace you.
^^American Vogue most definitely will.I can't wait to see it.
I hope Vogue publishes any unpublished work by him in upcoming issues,
looking forward to see a proper tribute to him in Vogue too :flower:
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I imagine French Photo might dedicate an issue to him, not to mention all the other photography magazines that will at least run some sort of feature.

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