Razor Bumps / Burn / Rash on Legs


I swear by gillette mach 3 blades & razors. they are more expensive but so sharp & worth it.
I also love skintimate shaving cream, so many good flavours like tangerine, peach, raspberry. :heart:
I find it helpful to exfoliate with a loofah before shaving and that has helped a lot with things like bumps and nicks since you end up scraping off a lot of the tougher skin beforehand . . .it also makes the shave a lot closer

there are also creams/gels you can get at local pharmacies for sensitive areas like bikini line . . . i haven't had to use any of those in a while though because i got laser done on my bikini area . . .:innocent:
Razor Bumps / Burn

well..ever since i've started shaving my legs i've had these horrible razor bumps and ingrown hairs...i even think i have some whiteheads on my legs?? there is tons of it on my inner thigh and some around my knees and all of a sudden i've been getting it right below my knee on my calf and i feel so insecure wearing a skirt and i will almost never wear short skirts or shorts because i hate it! does anybody know how to get rid of it? i would like to be more confident in swimsuites/shorts/skirts this spring and summer.... i am desperate!
I would see a dermatologist. In the mean time, you should shave in the direction of the hair growth and use a cortisone cream :flower:
I use a tweezer to taken them out - it hurts like crazy but it needs to be done. Then slap on a lot of E45.
i know, i get them all the time
u can remove them by tweezer, sugar or wax
the one and only thing to prevent them from coming back to never use a razor again :\
i know this may sound impossible but stay away from it as long as u can, u know if u don't have any emergency cases or so..
use wax (Veet wax stripes are the best) or sugar paste (u can find it in The Body Shop)
razor burn?

i've never had an issue with this before, i think my skin is changing as i age. i've done everything i can think of, i have special shaving cream, i've tried depilatories, i hate waxing, i have after-care cream, nothing seems to be working anymore. not shaving or whatever isn't really an option either. so, any tips for how to avoid/deal with razor burn?
Ways to prevent razor burn include:
-using a moisturising shaving gel
-shaving in the direction of the hair growth
-resisting the urge to shave too closely
-applying minimal pressure
-avoiding scratching or irritation after shaving
-avoiding irritating products on the shaved area (colognes, perfumes, etc.)
-using an after-shave cream with aloe vera or other emollients
-use a disposable razor cleaning tool to lower bacteria present on the razor head
-use a product called Razor Gator to clean the razor prior to shaving.

credit: Wikipedia.
Organic said:
i've never had an issue with this before, i think my skin is changing as i age. i've done everything i can think of, i have special shaving cream, i've tried depilatories, i hate waxing, i have after-care cream, nothing seems to be working anymore. not shaving or whatever isn't really an option either. so, any tips for how to avoid/deal with razor burn?

Merged with existing Razor Burn thread. Organic please use the search function prior to posting.
1. use a clean, sahrp razor
2. always shave in the direction of hair growth
3. shave after you shower
4. avoid passing the razor on the same area numerous times
5. use Ingrown Hair Treatment to prevent or treat ingrown hair
I usually wax or use the epilator. I usually prefer that over shaving, but sometimes I'm in a rush and I need to shave. Try the Aveeno shaving cream. I've tried a ton of shaving creams in the past, and this one is my favorite. It's a lot thicker than the other ones I've tried.
i exfoliate with st. ives apricot scrub daily on my legs and bikini area and no more razor burn!!
razor bumps--tend skin and competitors

There are a lot of products out there for razor bumps and ingrown hairs. Tend skin is clearly the most widely known. What are your experiences with other products like solution 2? How do they compare?
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Skin Irritant/Rash?

Hello All

I just recently had a rash (similar looking to razor burn or ingrown hair) appear on my lower left leg/shin area. It consists of small red bumps and covering an area spanning of just a few inches wide/long. I have not changed my lotion, soap, etc.... can you recommend a treatment over the counter?
Ciao Bella
Carolina Florenz
I heard that putting on lotion after shaving irritates pores because they're open and that can cause razor burn. :huh: True?
probably true... i'm sure it also depends on what kind of lotion you're using...

i would recommend rinsing with cold water after shaving to help close the pores and reduce the amount of bacteria, other irritants etc that are getting in there

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