Her Biography from Wikipedia.Org
Rhaisa Gomes Batista (Pond of the Itaenga, Pernambuco, Brazil, 8 of March of 1990) is a Brazilian model.
Daughter of a police and of a professor, Rhaisa was discovery to the 13 years by a scouter in Reef. His beauty and perfect measures for the world of the fashion (1 meter and 77 for 50 kg) soon it did to head for São Paulo for follow a successful career of model. At present, is hired of the Teen Models.
Parading in footbridges of the Argentinian, United States, Belgium, Chile and Brazil, between others places, represented designs as: Acqua Studio, Alexandre Herchcovitch, Cavalera, Fause Haten, Rabbit Boasts, Iódice, Jill Stuart, Lorenzo Merlino, Lucy In The Sky, Marcia Whine, Maria Pretty Extra, Maria Fernanda Lucena, Neil Barret, Compatriot Scallop, Lane of Goeye, Reinaldo Lourenço, Sommer, TNG, Triton, Virzi, Zapping.
It did editorial for the magazines: Paddle Spain, Paddle Germany, Elle America and Elle Brazil, between other.