Sabato De Sarno - Designer

A preview of the collection:

strange how everything to do with Gucci now feels strangely lifeless and unsure of itself, when Gucci was always the exact opposite of unsure and timid. They've manoeuvred themselves into a corner and I have no idea what they could do to get out of it. This next collections needs to be breathtakingly beautiful, full of energy and highly emotional to stop the negativity and bad word-of-mouth.
I still think that SdS is not the only one to blame in this debacle though, although I assume it's his head that will roll eventually. I sincerely hope he can turn it around.
i hate these craftmanship previews.. girl... you're not selling couture and you cant fool us that the end product will be made the same way. it has been made clear that gucci wants to be very commercial, nearing fast fashion. So show us glamour and a vibe, not how many silk worms had to die for that embroidered skorts.
i hate these craftmanship previews.. girl... you're not selling couture and you cant fool us that the end product will be made the same way. it has been made clear that gucci wants to be very commercial, nearing fast fashion. So show us glamour and a vibe, not how many silk worms had to die for that embroidered skorts.
This is so true! They keep talking about elevation and highlighting craft and iconic pieces with elevated prices and limited stock… but the merchandising is still rooted in old stock meant for a commercial push. It’s a jarring disconnect. There is barely any Ancora product in stores, make it make sense!
A lot of decoration. Not very quiet luxury of them eh. :innocent:

Hopefully Sabato will stop trying to do "timeless" pieces and focuses on making a good fashion product for 2024. I'm not very optimistic tho.
I don’t really get and have never really understood the necessity of having this ancora subbranding. I don’t know what it’s adding to this very thin story.

I also find it generous to call it a rebranding. Non-ironically, if you asked me to define ANCORA (apart from the obvious "it's sh-t"), all I would be able to say is: the damn show soundtrack, the red that makes them look like a makeup brand and those ugly heeled loafers. That's a bit short to refer to that as new brand codes...
do i kiss like a boy? should i spit like a boy? may i f*ck all the b-

So today someone that worked under Michele said that Davide Renne was the true talent behind Gucci’s success (idk tbh) and that he was the right hand of AM (this we knew). Apparently Sabato fired him when he arrived to Gucci. I didn’t know he was fired
The campaigns must be responsinble to him. Except the campaign with Daria, all the campaigns after that were created by Riccardo Zanola who worked together with Sabota from Valentino. It must have been what Sabota wanted.
So today someone that worked under Michele said that Davide Renne was the true talent behind Gucci’s success (idk tbh) and that he was the right hand of AM (this we knew). Apparently Sabato fired him when he arrived to Gucci. I didn’t know he was fired
Wow... is Gucci being cursed from the beyond???
Maybe it’s a clue to his professional future. He might create an interior design studio after being fired.

I still can’t get over his bow yesterday night. It’s a total meme. He had the nerve of walking the full catwalk and bowing to the people like if he was a star and had just created a masterpiece. Lmao, it was so ridiculous I can’t even.

On another note, and I know some people mentioned it in the precollection thread as well, but the show was a little bit A. Michele (very toned down). How on Earth did he think it was a good idea?

What a trainwreck Gucci is. Every new chapter is worse than the previous one. And I hope it keeps getting worse because it’s honestly so funny.
I still can’t get over his bow yesterday night. It’s a total meme. He had the nerve of walking the full catwalk and bowing to the people like if he was a star and had just created a masterpiece. Lmao, it was so ridiculous I can’t even.
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