Sebastien Jondeau

Has Sebastien still been modeling at all? Now that Baptiste is suddenly back, is he also back in the be-in-every-single-picture-with-Karl-and-Seb routine? It is weird to see Karl out without his whole crew recently...:unsure:
^ He did walk for the Pre-Fall show but I wish he was in the main shows too (SS & FW) along with the rest of the Chanel boys rather than just Baptiste
Yes, I was actually thinking there might be a real Chanel menswear collection coming at one point (2008,09) but I guess it was just a false hope...and of course I would have had to turn to a life of crime to get some of these things, but...:cry:

Chanel S/S 2009
^ That moment was so life changing to me :lol::blush:

Here he is behind Karl after the recent fall Chanel show.

THE BODYGUARD: Posing for an ad campaign surely goes beyond the job description for most personal assistants. But ruggedly handsome Sébastien Jondeau — who has worked for Karl Lagerfeld for 14 years, and also acts as his bodyguard — was happy to oblige and appear in the Lagerfeld fall campaign.

To be unveiled on July 1 at the Bread & Butter trade fair in Berlin, the ads showcase a men’s wear range produced under license since 1990 by Miltenberg, Germany-based F.D. Fashion Herrenmode GmbH. The campaign is to break in the September issue of GQ Style in France, with the media buy focused on that country and Germany, where the first new-look Lagerfeld store just opened in Berlin. (A Munich unit is to follow in August.)

Jondeau, a boxing enthusiast from the suburbs of Paris, also talked about his working life in a poignant, two-and-a-half-minute video clip made during the fashion shoot at Lagerfeld’s studio.

“I spend all my time with him,” says Jondeau, 38, the devotion plain in his eyes. “He’s my boss and I respect him.” Asked if he would go to any length protecting the designer in the event of danger, Jondeau looks right in the camera and says, “Of course, to the end. I have no limits, to protect him at least.”

A teaser of the clip is to go live today on and the fashion house’s YouTube and Facebook pages.
Lagerfeld F/W 13.14
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Vogue Spain December 2013
Karl Lagerfeld
Model: Joan Smalls
Styling: Belén Antolin
Hair: Tomohiro Ohashi
Make Up: Peter Philips
Nails: Anny Errandonea

Digital Edition Vogue España via Mat Cyruss
Karl Lagerfeld's erstwhile favourite, male model Baptiste, took a back seat this year in favour of, wait for it, his bodyguard, Sébastien Jondeau who starred in a campaign for his boss' self-titled menswear line and walked in the recent Chanel Paris/Dallas Métiers d'Art 2014 show.

Now, he's scored his own interview spot in Man of the World magazine. Bear with us we hadn't heard of it either but it comes out on 30 December and Fashionista has just published an exclusive excerpt.

Former soldier and avid boxer Jondeau, made Lagerfeld's acquaintance through his work for a security company: "We got along well," he explained, "Mr. Lagerfeld knew I was into various combat sports, and that I boxed. He was interested in what I did, and we were friendly, and so I took a chance one day and told him that if he ever needed a bodyguard, I was available. Soon after, I started working for him-not really as his bodyguard, but more as a kind of driver and right-hand man, although I'd take care of his safety, too, when we were travelling around."

So any scuffles, fashion fisticuffs and the like? Sadly not. "We try to avoid physical contact as much as humanly possible when we are protecting someone. It sells movie tickets, but the reality is completely different. Ninety-nine per cent of what we do is about being diplomatic. There is a craft to it. The more intelligent a bodyguard is, the better the outcome will be in every confrontation. Our brains are our primary weapons, before resorting to brawn."

Quite the philosopher then: "to be a good bodyguard you have to be sure of yourself. At the same time, you need to be at peace with yourself, because if you are at war with the world and you have something to prove, you might kill someone. And that is no good."
So basically, no catfighting even if Choupette gets lairy when someone borrows her iPad? No. According to Jondau it's all "a bit Buddhist."

Only Karl Lagerfeld could have a bodyguard who is hot and smart - it certainly puts comments about Abercrombie and Fitch's lookist policy on their sales assistants into perspective but that aside, someone please give the man a book deal as this is one autobiography we would gladly pull out of our Christmas stockings next year!
PARIS — Sébastien Jondeau’s first brush with Karl Lagerfeld involved a three-hour wait, a few minutes moving some 18th-century furniture, and a 500-franc tip — a handsome sum for a 15-year-old from the rough-and-tumble Paris suburbs.

It’s been a wild ride since to the front lines of international fashion for the 39-year-old Frenchman, who has recently added fashion model to his main duties as Lagerfeld’s longtime bodyguard and personal assistant.

Now the face of Lagerfeld men’s wear, Jondeau has also walked the Chanel catwalk at the German couturier’s invitation, and bared his bottom for a 2011 photo shoot for Pirelli.

An avid kickboxer who has fought professionally and trains intensively daily, the strapping Jondeau is sanguine about strutting his stuff.

When he made his runway debut in 2007 in a penguin sweater, everyone asked him if he was intimidated. “I said, ‘What the f--k? I just had five boxing matches and I’m going to be nervous just to walk in clothes?’” he recalled.

Indeed, little seems to rattle Jondeau, except a jangling cell phone — in case Lagerfeld is in need of him.

He takes the bodyguard job seriously, and is rarely more than a step away when the designer is in public. However comfortable Lagerfeld may be negotiating large crowds, the risk of harm requires extreme vigilance, Jondeau insisted.

“Maybe I’m too much around Karl, but I know he needs it. It’s very important,” he explained. “With him, people are not that aggressive. You just have to be careful with someone who could be crazy.”

Looking good is something Jondeau takes seriously, too, adjusting his attire to the occasion: Perhaps a “Karl Who?” parody T-shirt and shorts for a vacation stroll in Saint-Tropez, or a matching tailcoat for a royal wedding in Monaco.

He said the designer generously furnishes him with most of his wardrobe — from Dior Homme, Givenchy and Tom Ford, in addition to the Lagerfeld brand — but that he puts together outfits himself.

“The good thing with him is you have to have a style, you know? Not to look like everyone,” he said. “He’s very demanding, but cool at the same time.”

Like his boss, Jondeau is an off-the-rack guy: size 50 in suits, 31/32 for jeans.

He has a weakness for watches — “It’s jewelry for men,” he shrugs — and sneakers, having amassed a collection of more than 100 pairs of Air Jordans from Nike, including rare ones sourced on international trips.

With his close friend and training partner, French welterweight champion Brice Faradji, Jondeau plans to launch an app called Interval Training Song, which will allow people to customize playlists in the rhythm of boxer workouts: three minutes of activity; one minute rest.

Lagerfeld said Jondeau stands out against a landscape of wan, scrawny male models, and appeals to the core 35-to-40 demographic his dressy line targets.

Asked what it’s like to shoot campaigns with Jondeau, the designer’s affection was plain: “It’s like you’re photographing your son.”

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