Setting the Scene: Set Design, Event Design and Window Displays

i love the diaramas of the theatre sets. there are some cool ones at the theatre museum in london. :heart:
travolta: that noguchi photo is divine...he's one of my favorite artists :heart:

this is a beautiful thread. the only set designers i can think of are the ones anna k. just mentioned...and matisse, too. these people did a lot of sets for diaghilev etc. i'll post pics later if i find any :flower:
thanks so much for the link anna k! :kiss: i was trying to find images for picasso's stage design of the play 'parade.'

awesome luxmode :flower:
i love how picasso incorporated the set into the actual costumes.

Cocteau's and Satie's "Parade" anticipated Surrealism proper only by a few years. The term "surrealism" was coined by Apollinaire in the Preface to his earlier play, "The Breasts of Tiresias." "I have invented," wrote Apollinaire, "the adjective surrealist ... which defines fairly well a tendency in art" to free the arts and life from the strangulating logic of cause and effect. The photograph on the left indicates the First Manager, dressed in a ten-foot high cubist costume; the one on the right represents the American Manager, dressed as a skyscraper. Satie's music utilized "musical" instruments such as typewriters, sirens, and airplane propellers.

Isamu Noguchi for Martha Graham:heart:


Herodiade, stage set designed by Isamu Noguchi for Martha Graham, 1944.​


Frontier, stage set designed by Isamu Noguchi for Martha Graham, 1935

Martha Graham in Medea's dress from Cave of the Heart, stage set designed​
by Isamu Noguchi in 1946.


Study model of stage set for Martha Graham's Errand into the Maze, 1947


Scene from Embattled Garden, 1958, set designed by Isamu Noguchi for Martha Graham


Seraphic Dialogue, stage set designed by Isamu Noguchi for Martha Graham,1955


Detail of Judith, stage set designed by Isamu Noguchi for Martha Graham
you guys have good taste..

thanks for a great thread...:heart:
welcome, soft :flower: . thanks for all the additional pics, guys! :P Noguchi has a very Miro vibe...

and i like that giant fan set piece, anna k. wouldn't that be cool if it was a dress??

(^ - ^)
I love Eiko Ishioka... She's quite known for her costume designs and graphic works, but she also directed Bjork's music video, Cocoon, and designed the costumes (and sets too, I think) for the film with Jennifer Lopez, The Cell.

sounds interesting gius, i didn't know her. can you provide a link, maybe?

drowned, those are amazing ... so monumental!
Just saw an article in Los Angeles Magazine about Chadmichael Morrisette, who is a window designer here. He's gotten a lot of press about his more controversial public (more or less ... they are put up on roofs of private homes) installations .... somewhat political in nature ... so I won't go into that here, on tFS.

But his windows are edgy and interesting ... here's is a sampling of a few that he's done for Kaviar and Kind ... that is him sitting by the window:

Cheers - Nov05

The birth of Venus - March06

One limb impacted - April07

Cosmic Witch - Oct06
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Visual Merchandising: Inspiring Windows Dressings / Displays

I noticed there's a Visual Merchandising thread but lacks images to show best practices, innovation or inspiration and I was wondering if there's a place where you can comment on models, how come there's no thread to comment on visual merchandising, windows dressing, displays?

Here are two examples I would like take to your attention.

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Make Yourself F***ing Lovely, Itaewon, South Korea. Theme Photo by Misha McMurtray.

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Printemps, Paris, France. Theme: Alice in Wonderland. Photo by Parisien Salon.

Comments? Any other inspiring / innovative retail VM / Window Dressing / Display?
F0F0... there actually is a thread for this, but it is in the Art & Design forum called Setting the Scene, for window displays, stage sets and events. Art & Design is where we explore and show all other types of design, beyond fashion design. I've merged your thread into that.

However, in order for these pictures to remain, please post your credits for these images ... per the specific Crediting Rules which can be found Announcements forum. Posting the name of the store and photographer is very helpful ... but you still need to post your source .... where you got the images. You may just post your credits for each picture in a subsequent post. Thanks!
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