Natasha Chickolini, Moscow: If a museum of avant-garde fashion were opened,
which fashion artefact would you include in its permanent exhibition? If all
your creations were to disappear, which one would you prefer to keep?
Rei Kawakubo: I would try to pick my strongest pieces, but in general I like my
clothes to be worn, not put in a museum! As for keeping one of my creations,
after thirty years of collections this is very difficult to decide!
Alina Land: How do you start to work on new textile designs for a new
collection? Do you 'borrow' traditional techniques or you invent your own type
of materials? Do you use craftsmen to execute them?
Rei Kawakubo: I always like to start from zero with each collection, so with
nearly all our fabrics I start with the thread and the technique and make my own
fabrics. Sometimes they might be special because of some new finishing process.
I experiment a lot trying to find something new.