Simpson Fires Back at Christian Critics


wiser now
May 2, 2005
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Simpson Fires Back at Christian Critics
Jessica Simpson has fired back at Christian critics who have blasted her raunchy new video "These Boots Are Made For Walking" for being too sexy, insisting they should be more accepting. Members of Christian group The Resistance have publicly blasted pastors daughter Simpson for appearing like "a stripper" in the video wearing the skimpiest of bikinis and washing the Dukes Of Hazzard's famous General Lee car. But the singer-turned-actress has hit back, stating the narrow-minded comments are exactly the reason why she gave up a career as a Christian singer when she was making her big break. She says, "It didn't really surprise me because I grew up with a lot of that backlash. That's why I didn't end up going into the Christian music industry. I think that if they're really good Christians the judgment wouldn't be there."
well good for her, as long as she doesn't pose nude there's no beef.
I think if she was a relly good christian she wouldn't put on a skinpy swimsuit and act like a sl*t in her music video and constantly be a diva and then say that she is nothing like christina and britney.IMO
i absolutely loathe Jessica simpson
in that song where she does the breathless bit it makes me angry :angry:
she's so vile, i cant believe anyone likes her
She should NEVER be allowed to sing in public. The thought makes my ears bleed
Acid said:
i absolutely loathe Jessica simpson
in that song where she does the breathless bit it makes me angry :angry:
she's so vile, i cant believe anyone likes her

Yah, I don't like her neither. I get a rash whenever I hear her. :lol:
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I'm not a big fan either but she is right about good christians not judging people I hope she made a few of those people think about themselves before condemning other people I'm not sticking up for her but I hate hyprocrites She may be a hypocrite too if she did talk about the other girls using their sex appeal to sell records She obviously is now
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chicsassy7 said:
I'm not a big fan either but she is right about good christians not judging people I hope she made a few of those people think about themselves before condemning other people I'm not sticking up for her but I hate hyprocrites She may be a hypocrite too if she did talk about the other girls using their sex appeal to sell records She obviously is now

I guess she's a bad christian since SHE JUDGED Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera and women who work at hooters. :rolleyes::rolleyes:.

You can keep claiming to be a christian and keep doing things that are clearly against the religion that you're claiming. Like I have said before, I can't claim to be a vegetarian and deamen people who eat meat and keep eating meat in public at the same time. She can't do both.

Her singing is horrible, I guess that was the purpose of the video, to distract people from that whisering cat scrathing voice of hers.
It's true though, she has a point about Christians shouldn't judge others when we are all capable of sinning. However, being a christian myself, I wouldn't sell my body either to make a dollar. :innocent: Not saying she is a prostitute, but you can sing without showing your cleavage or stomach. She has a powerful voice and I used to like her alot, but her image is just so trashy now. Imo. I feel for her husband.
Acid said:
i absolutely loathe Jessica simpson
in that song where she does the breathless bit it makes me angry :angry:
she's so vile, i cant believe anyone likes her

she looks hot in that video,what are you talking about?
I'm sorry but I hate all this talk about "good Christian"/"bad Christian". There is no such thing. Since when are Christians supposed to be good all the time? That's not the point.
^ You're right, no christian is perfect, BUT when she judges other people saying that she is a christian and says she will never act and dress like christina and britney, that's where the problem falls in. She's not only a hypocrit, but a lying hypocrit. Shame,Shame
^ I hate to say this but you guys are right.. Jessica is really a hypocrite on this one.. I would have thought that she would show an example of how a good christian should act or do.. But I was kinda shocked when she had that video though.. That must be her raunchiest video ever..
^^Yes, I understand your point. I think she's starting to spice up her celebrity life so she can hang onto any fame that will run out eventually.
I guess I'm just tired of everytime a Christian person does something wrong (or a little controversial), a lotta pple say "Wait, isn't she supposed to be a Christian?" I dunno.
B/c there are a lot of Christians out there who do not put themselves on a pedestal as, apparently, Jessica does.
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This probably adds zilch to the discussion but I'm Catholic, I like strippers and I can't stand Jessica Simpson.
^^ Your completely right. I don't necessarily have a HUGE issue with the actual video, but I do have a problem with the rude and hurtful things that she has said about brit and christina and yet here she is even raunchier(I'm talking about the skimpy pink bathing suit while she's washing the car) than them.

It just shows that Jess doesn't know what her opinion is and will do anything to stay famous and at the top. So sad seeing a good girl travel to the dark side. LOL
ChinaLove said:
Isn't the point of Christianity judging others to make examples of them?

I can't tell if you're joking or not, but in case you're not, no, that isn't the point of christianity. A big part of christianity follows the lines of "let the person without sin cast the first stone" and "don't judge, lest ye be judged" etc.

if you were being sarcastic.... then ignore this.

How long ago was she making those comments about britney and christina, it feels like that was YEARS ago.

There's no where in the ten commandments that says "thou shalt not wash the car in a skimpy bathing suit while being filmed". :D Haha, I don't see why this is such a big issue, though I do give kudos to her for standing up for what she did. There wasn't anything ethically or morally wrong about it. Maybe it WAS a little raunchy, but it has nothing to do with her religion.
^ Except for the fact that she "cast the first stones' at christina and brit and then turned around and climber into a skimpy hot pink bathing suit and danced stupidly around a car while washing it. SHE'S A HYPOCRIT!!!!!!!!!

I think I speak for most of us when I say it's not the fact that she made the video but that she has judged and continues to judge people who did the same thing she is doing. It's not right and she either needs to except the fact that she was being hypocritical or not make skimpy videos.IMO,IMO,IMO,IMO,IMO

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