Simpson Fires Back at Christian Critics

surferchica said:
^ Except for the fact that she "cast the first stones' at christina and brit and then turned around and climber into a skimpy hot pink bathing suit and danced stupidly around a car while washing it. SHE'S A HYPOCRIT!!!!!!!!!

I think I speak for most of us when I say it's not the fact that she made the video but that she has judged and continues to judge people who did the same thing she is doing. It's not right and she either needs to except the fact that she was being hypocritical or not make skimpy videos.IMO,IMO,IMO,IMO,IMO

I can see that it's in your opinion (though it's not like Brit wasn't a hypocrite and liar when she was in a similar situation with christina; professing that she was a good girl and wouldn't have sex till she was married, and then what's his name had to go and out her on an interview. And can't forget her rolling stones cover "Oh, I didn't know it would turn out like that!")

I haven't heard her mention either of them in years though. If she was still talking a lot about that, then sure she's a bigger hypocrite, but right now she's just a normal size one, probably the way any of us here are. Don't understand the huge indignation.

That's just my opinion. :flower:
surferchica said:
^ Except for the fact that she "cast the first stones' at christina and brit and then turned around and climber into a skimpy hot pink bathing suit and danced stupidly around a car while washing it. SHE'S A HYPOCRIT!!!!!!!!!

I think I speak for most of us when I say it's not the fact that she made the video but that she has judged and continues to judge people who did the same thing she is doing. It's not right and she either needs to except the fact that she was being hypocritical or not make skimpy videos.IMO,IMO,IMO,IMO,IMO

I wasn't making those comments about christianity to counter people's arguments here, but to challenge the christian groups who were challenging her. That's all.
^ And you have every right to that. I respect what your saying and completely agree about brit. I like christina because she was skanky and she knew she skanky and she said that she likes to show off her body and be edgy and I respect the fact that she doesn't try and hide who she is. She even said when her first album came out, it was all about her record company pushing that "good girl" image on her and she hated it. Then her second album was all about who she truly was. It's cool that she accepts herself and doesn't care about what other think.

Jessica needs to be herself and not care what people think.(aLTHOUGH i DO THINK IF THIS IS THE WAY SHE WANTS TO ACT SHE SHOULDN'T TALK BAD ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE.) She's got a talent in singing (not to sure aobut acting) and she should do what feels comfortable for her and not what is good for everyone else.
Assembler said:
I wasn't making those comments about christianity to counter people's arguments here, but to challenge the christian groups who were challenging her. That's all.

Oh no that's cool, I just wanted to respond. I wasn't trying to be rude, I just wanted to state my opinion on the subject. Sorry if I came across that way. :flower:
For some reason I can't stand to watch this video. I don't mind "sl*t" videos from Christina or Britney (Brit is at her best in Slave 4 U, Toxic etc) and nothing really surpirses me anymore when it comes to topics like this but Jessica's video is just wrong. I think it's all the *** movements and the fact she is doing this in front of Willy Nelson who is like 105 years old.

The car wash bit doesn't have to be in there, it's just a chance to show off her body to get more people to see her movie.

Anyone else notice that Jess ruined a great/classic song - These Boots...., Take My Breath Away and Angels (Robbie should sue her) :innocent:
I noticed... esp with Angels

Also in the car washing bit she is not even wearing boots :shock: it's stiletto heels :lol:
^ I agree, it was out of place IMO.

She wants people to accept that selling your body is okay for $$$$? if she expects other people to accept her as she is, she shouldn't have judged Brit and Christina in the first place.
Assembler said:
I can't tell if you're joking or not, but in case you're not, no, that isn't the point of christianity. A big part of christianity follows the lines of "let the person without sin cast the first stone" and "don't judge, lest ye be judged" etc.

if you were being sarcastic.... then ignore this.

How long ago was she making those comments about britney and christina, it feels like that was YEARS ago.

There's no where in the ten commandments that says "thou shalt not wash the car in a skimpy bathing suit while being filmed". :D Haha, I don't see why this is such a big issue, though I do give kudos to her for standing up for what she did. There wasn't anything ethically or morally wrong about it. Maybe it WAS a little raunchy, but it has nothing to do with her religion.
:rofl: Exactly Assembler. :flower: Hate the video personally, not a fan of hers, but please she was still a virgin when she said whatever she said, now she's married and older, is more comfortable with her body and sexuality, why should it bother you if she prances around looking ridiculous? More fodder I say. If you remember Britney and Christina were still in their teens when they dressed like they did, Jessica is a woman now. People need to let this go. It's soooo insignificant compared to what's happening in the world. I'm a Christian myself but all these overzealous self-righteous Christian groups bitching against sex in movies, homosexuals and whatnot need to read the bible again especially the part where it says Judge not lest ye be judged. :ninja:
No... I was being serious. I respect people and their religious beliefs and what it means to them, but I believe most organized religions judge 'heretics' and sinners to further their cause. And just because a certain principle is attached to a given religion, like the whole hypocrisy thing you guys are debating about above, doesn't mean it holds any real value amongst those who practice the religion.
I think the only real God that exist, on a philosophical level, is money or the pursuit of profit. Money has become the new God for a lot of people, and I think that's why Jessica Simpson and her former minister father are wh*ring themselves out, and hence are accused of being 'bad Christians'. Besides, when in the history of civilization has there ever been anything as absolute as a 'good' Christian? It just doesn't exist. Most people think they're good Christians, even though they may do things that others may deem un-Christian like. As long as people think they're good Christians, that's all that really matters to them anyways. Maybe that's why you always having Christians accussing others of being bad Christians. They interpret the doctrines in different ways. Take fundamentalists who are severly dogmatic... their views will be in sharp contract to Jessica's, who although a Christian, has different priorities. Their commonalities are their religious beliefs. But they interpret it in their own ways, probably because it's very convenient for them. In the end, all you have are people constantly pointing fingers at other people, accusing them of things, when they may be just as guilty as the next person.
This applies to most religions by the way.
ChinaLove said:
No... I was being serious. I respect people and their religious beliefs and what it means to them, but I believe most organized religions judge 'heretics' and sinners to further their cause. And just because a certain principle is attached to a given religion, like the whole hypocrisy thing you guys are debating about above, doesn't mean it holds any real value amongst those who practice the religion.
I think the only real God that exist, on a philosophical level, is money or the pursuit of profit. Money has become the new God for a lot of people, and I think that's why Jessica Simpson and her former minister father are wh*ring themselves out, and hence are accused of being 'bad Christians'. Besides, when in the history of civilization has there ever been anything as absolute as a 'good' Christian? It just doesn't exist. Most people think they're good Christians, even though they may do things that others may deem un-Christian like. As long as people think they're good Christians, that's all that really matters to them anyways. Maybe that's why you always having Christians accussing others of being bad Christians. They interpret the doctrines in different ways. Take fundamentalists who are severly dogmatic... their views will be in sharp contract to Jessica's, who although a Christian, has different priorities. Their commonalities are their religious beliefs. But they interpret it in their own ways, probably because it's very convenient for them. In the end, all you have are people constantly pointing fingers at other people, accusing them of things, when they may be just as guilty as the next person.
This applies to most religions by the way.

I totally agree with you, but would suggest that it is a problem with the human species than religion. Humans will distort anything for personal gain, or to avoid feeling guilty. They may not even know that they're doing it, they rationalize it somehow by saying this is what their religion wants them to do (even if the text of their religion counters it).

So the problem is basically with people. Same thing with money, money isn't inherently bad, but put it in people's hands and it starts doing crazy things to them. So maybe like that saying "guns don't kill people, people kill people", "religions don't judge people, people judge people". :D

surferchica said:
^ And you have every right to that. I respect what your saying and completely agree about brit. I like christina because she was skanky and she knew she skanky and she said that she likes to show off her body and be edgy and I respect the fact that she doesn't try and hide who she is. She even said when her first album came out, it was all about her record company pushing that "good girl" image on her and she hated it. Then her second album was all about who she truly was. It's cool that she accepts herself and doesn't care about what other think.

Jessica needs to be herself and not care what people think.(aLTHOUGH i DO THINK IF THIS IS THE WAY SHE WANTS TO ACT SHE SHOULDN'T TALK BAD ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE.) She's got a talent in singing (not to sure aobut acting) and she should do what feels comfortable for her and not what is good for everyone else.

That's true, I hope she lays off talking about other people.

And I have tons of respect for Christina in how she behaved.... maybe didn't really LIKE how she behaved, but she was honest.
there are 2 roads the wide road and the narrow road to go down, but you can't keep your feet in both, you have to make that choice everyday, every minute of the day which way you'll go. as far as jessica singing christian music, who wants to hear her breathing and panting on a christian tune?
I didnt think it was *that bad*, its not like she was humping the car or anything... I mean, afer Madonna and Brit kiss, this is seriously not that bad... IMO anyways...
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This "hypocrisy" bit is misaligned. Those things she said ages ago was said AGES ago.
I still say she has a right to change her mind. :D
IMO Jessica is a gorgeous woman, she really is, but she has no talent whatsoever. She can't act, much less sing to save her life, all she does is whisper whine and breathe heavily, she totally killed that song ("these boots were made for walkin"), I think Nancy sinatra should sue her, and the only reason people are so shocked at her looking so skanky is because she spent so much time saying how pure, virginal and christian she was and now she turns around and skanks it up while washing a car and saying something about boots. The bottom line is it's all just a publicity stunt, since she can't act or sing, she parades around exposing her only talents, her boobs.
Softgrey's quote comes to mind...."judge not, lest ye not be judged"

I am glad that Jessica counter-commented! People (no matter what religion) need to be less judgemental and open their minds. The funny thing is that these "people" who are making a big deal of Jessica's video and the way she is dressed are probably doing some things they have no business doing! That's why some church folk are funny to me. :rolleyes:
Did they, the Christian group. make a statement about this? It makes me laugh that they think people need/want to hear what they have to say. I think it is slightly unfair to single out Jessica for this video when most female singers use their bodies to some degree to sell their 'music'. That's the problem with the industry and society at large. But each individual has the choice whether or not to take part in this.

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