Snow White Film Thread

I have no problem with the fairytale overload, it's a nice way to counteract all the maledominated superhero films that populate our screens.

This influx is thanks to the success of Alice in Wonderland right?
^Probably, but I dont think that the huntsman is going to be very kid friendly. It's supposed to be pretty dark which is why K-Stew is in it...:innocent:
I'm loving the fairly tale adaptation trend that's happening. I'm a huge fairy tale buff and I love the retellings for adults that tap into the underlying darkness in the stories as well. Provided they're done well (always a big "if"!) I think there's plenty of room for more than one adaptation of a particular story.

Initial thoughts:

-I don't see Kristen Stewart as a Snow White type. Maybe she'll surprise me but as of now I can think of several actresses who I think are more appropriate.

-I also think the visual world that the film creates is very important to it being sucessful. While I wasn't a fan of the recent Red Riding Hood, I did like the "look":

(ace showbiz)

-I'd love for something to take inspirtation from a classic fairy tale and go really dark a la Hard Candy , or The Company of Wolves!
^I would like that as well. A lot of fairy tales are quite dark in origin, it's Disney that's made them all light and happy.

I'm really interested in the Snow White that Tarsem is directing, because his previous films include The Cell and The Fall, both of which were visually stunning and also quite dark.

So it will be interesting to see if he keeps in some dark undertones or if it will be all comedy.
I think next year is going to be the year of the fairy tale film, because not only are there three Snow White films in development, but there's also going to be a live action Little Mermaid (which Joe Wright is working on), a live action Sleeping Beauty (which Hailee Steinfeld is attached to star in), a live action 3D Hansel & Gretel (with Michael Bay producing), a Jack and the Beanstalk inspired film (starring Nicholas Hoult), a new Peter Pan (starring Channing Tatum), Disney's Oz: The Great and Powerful (directed by Sam Raimi and starring James Franco, Michelle Williams, and Mila Kunis), and another Sleeping Beauty film called Maleficent (starring Angelina Jolie and directed by David O'Russell). :shock:

Maybe I should have just named this thread the Fairy Tale Film Thread. I don't get this new trend.

My goodness... that's a lot of fairytales! Some of them sound like they have potential but it also makes me question Hollywood. Do they not know how to create something completely and utterly original? Something which hasn't been done before. I do love fairytales but I'd prefer if they wowed me with something that hasn't been done. Like create their own fairytale like film but one that isn't already existing in some form. Sorry if this sounds like a bit of a rant but... creativity is a bit lacking these days.
My goodness... that's a lot of fairytales! Some of them sound like they have potential but it also makes me question Hollywood. Do they not know how to create something completely and utterly original? Something which hasn't been done before. I do love fairytales but I'd prefer if they wowed me with something that hasn't been done. Like create their own fairytale like film but one that isn't already existing in some form. Sorry if this sounds like a bit of a rant but... creativity is a bit lacking these days.
There have been some original fairy tale like films lately. I think that Hanna and Sucker Punch both had strong fairy tale elements without being strongly based on any one story. Visually they both use different techniques to convey an other worldly atmosphere.

But you can argue that there are no "new stories" just new ways of telling old stories. Is Black Swan unoriginal because it retells Swan Lake (a Hans Christian Anderson story)? It does it in a way that other versions haven't. Hard Candy retells Red Riding Hood but twists the story setting it on it's ear. Who's to say that finding something new to say about a classic story is any less creative than writing a completely new story?
^Good point. I hadn't thought of that exactly. I think what bothers me really is that when they are retelling these old stories they aren't doing in an innovative way. So it just ends up being the same retelling of the story just with slightly different changes. Black Swan I'll agree is a good example of taking a fairytale and making it original but the recent Red Riding Hood isn't very original.
Snow White & the Huntsman has a read the first draught of the script but I can't bear Kristen Stewart, like literally can't stand to watch her in anything.
Stewart is a huge turn off for me too. Along the fact that I really don't know how Stewart/Theron are going to mix, those 2 are like days and nights, I really doubt her ability of showing any "positive" emotion.
My goodness... that's a lot of fairytales! Some of them sound like they have potential but it also makes me question Hollywood. Do they not know how to create something completely and utterly original? Something which hasn't been done before. I do love fairytales but I'd prefer if they wowed me with something that hasn't been done. Like create their own fairytale like film but one that isn't already existing in some form. Sorry if this sounds like a bit of a rant but... creativity is a bit lacking these days.

I completely agree. One of my favorite films is Pan's Labyrinth, which was a dark fairy tale that Guillermo Del Toro wrote.

I also agree with lostgirl, I don't mind it when films are inspired by fairy tales (most of them are), but it's nice to see a new, refreshing take on it instead of the same thing over and over again.
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Hollywood rarely takes risks with anyone or anything these days. You can sort of understand it, I mean it's hundreds of millions of dollars, but it's hugely frustrating. I think the only time recently they've done anything like that was with the first Pirates film. Theatre is much better for risk takers.

They're now saying Snow White and the Huntsman will be a trilogy which just fills me with dread too. Everything has to be a franchise these days, it's so boring
i think that most of the movies today have a franchize clause in their contracts with crew, and only the most successful actually go with it for real, plus i think it's a pr move against the other SW movie, to get the pressure even more.

i have no issues with Kristen taking up the part, she is pretty enough and i think she will finally show her talent (well, i expect her to do so in OTR even more), but we'll see...i'm def more up for Charlize/Kristen version and i looove the dwarfs cast! too bad there were so much issues with Viggo that he let go of the project. :(
Yeah studios are pretty quick to option anything they think might have legs, not particularly something I'm for. If Viggo read the same draught of the script i read I'm not surprised he got out. It certainly never read like him.
he actually wanted the role, but asked for a huge sum of money plus the money from the boxoffice, than he left the negotiations as a strategy and apparently went for negotiations for another blockbuster (i think it was superman) so that the pressure's put on the company behind SW , but in the meantime was denied from both projects. apparently a very bad strategy from his camp.
I lost touch with the project after two of the guys I look after read for the Prince & didn't get it. lol So I don;t know anything about what happened with Viggo.
I would love love love to see Alexis Bledel as Snow White. Personally I think she would be fantastic. She's really the only actress that springs to mind when I think of it.
^Ooohh... now that's a role I could see her playing! Alexis would be perfect playing Snow White and it would be great to see her get more attention for her acting.
Alexis Bledel would be a great Snow White.
Maybe she'll be considered for the Disney version is Natalie doesn't do it?
There was a lot of talk about Viggo not playing the huntsman opposite Kristen Stewart, a lot of people said it was because of money. I was reading a new interview today in my local newsspaper (he´s filming in Buenos Aires) and he said that his mother was ill, that his father had problems so he had to drop stuff in order to be with them. He only did A Dangerous Method and On the Road because of that. So I´m thinking maybe that factored in his decision...? or maybe he backed down cause he prefered to film this new movie?

(google translation, with some corrections by me)

Q-What does your agent say when you show up with projects like these?
A-They want to kill themselves (laughs). But it´s what I like. Suddenly I received many offers for a lot of money and no, I'm doing this. I don´t refuse to do big movies. I do what I like. But when I say I'll do something, I´ll do it. There are actors who say "****, I get paid a million dollars, I'm going." I do not. If I had accepted a movie studio and I got this script, I´d have said no.

Q-But it should not be the first Argentine script they give you ...
A-Whenever I come I get several. I was interested in Ana´s and I could do it. I´ve been not working so much lately. My mom got sick and my father had problems and had to leave things to be with them. These were two difficult years. Until six months ago I have been a lot with my parents. Luckily I could, but I said no to several things. In Cronenberg's film I replaced another. He said: "I know you're with your parents, but they can shoot it all together and if you have to go back, you go back." I did that and a small part inOn The Road, by Walter Salles.
There was a lot of talk about Viggo not playing the huntsman opposite Kristen Stewart, a lot of people said it was because of money. I was reading a new interview today in my local newsspaper (he´s filming in Buenos Aires) and he said that his mother was ill, that his father had problems so he had to drop stuff in order to be with them. He only did A Dangerous Method and On the Road because of that. So I´m thinking maybe that factored in his decision...? or maybe he backed down cause he prefered to film this new movie?

(google translation, with some corrections by me)

Q-What does your agent say when you show up with projects like these?
A-They want to kill themselves (laughs). But it´s what I like. Suddenly I received many offers for a lot of money and no, I'm doing this. I don´t refuse to do big movies. I do what I like. But when I say I'll do something, I´ll do it. There are actors who say "****, I get paid a million dollars, I'm going." I do not. If I had accepted a movie studio and I got this script, I´d have said no.

Q-But it should not be the first Argentine script they give you ...
A-Whenever I come I get several. I was interested in Ana´s and I could do it. I´ve been not working so much lately. My mom got sick and my father had problems and had to leave things to be with them. These were two difficult years. Until six months ago I have been a lot with my parents. Luckily I could, but I said no to several things. In Cronenberg's film I replaced another. He said: "I know you're with your parents, but they can shoot it all together and if you have to go back, you go back." I did that and a small part inOn The Road, by Walter Salles.

i don't think he's referring to SW stuff cus they did negotiations maybe 3 months ago, i think he's referring to last year and his parents being ill being a factor in his taking up projects in this interview. it was confirmed how much he asked for even by The Hollywood Reporter. eventually both studios turned him down. :flower:

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