Sophie Blackbrough

okay shes everything i love ina model, and its hard for me,, but with so few pics i even love her more than abbey lee...o god i said it hahaha
i think it's the cool clothes that are making her look so 'special'....she's pretty but i'm not sure if she's amazing or anything different...she looks less like a model and more like a lot of those pretty trendy 'it' girls that are floating around nowadays.....will wait to see more, she's definitely cute though :flower:
:ermm: one set of polas is not enough for me to form an impression. outside of the obvious adriana & irina s. features (oddly enough i like the latter, and not the former :rolleyes: ) i'd really like to see some printwork.
This is her, I think:

The new photos are a definite no. I retract my love at first sight. o_o
My first though was she looks like a more mainstream version of a model like Cate Chant. Wasn't in a good or bad way, was just a feeling. Only her future tests and editorials will tell. After looking at her again, I think there's something almost captivating in her look, don't know what, though. But again, the future might tell me. :heart:
Apparently her name is Sophia, not Sophie! So says her Facebook (I was curious :lol:)
the second picture isn't all that bad, from what i can see at least. but the first? her body is so odd looking... i don't know why they would ever use her to model underwear with that body. :unsure:
Yeh I just saw that on facebook too...did anyone happen to notice that she has changed her profile pic on facebook from the terrible pic, to one of the first ones posted....haha
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LONDÝN - Príbeh ako z rozprávky zažíva 16- ročná Britka Sophie Blackbrough. Mladá krásavica z Kensingtonu sa zamestnala v módnom obchode Abercrombie & Fitch, ktorý je známy najímaním dobre vyzerajúcich zamestnancov.

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