Sophie Ward

Monday, March 5:

We start at 1.30pm today. Sonya has an early start and comes back to the room when I am still in bed. I love sleeping today.

We go to the museum for a runway one rehearsal, the show Harper's Bazaar is putting on. There are a lot of logistical parts to coordinate: lighting, timing, music, clothes.

We do a run through a couple of times without heels, with heel, with clothes, with everything. The show is Beatles inspired and we all walk behind twiggy masks for the finale.

The great thing about the runway shows this year is that there is a barista back stage to make us coffee and hot chocolates. His name is John. He is my new best friend.

After the show, I jump in the car with the hair crew to watch the Myer show. Model Steph Carter comes too and we stand up in the stalls at the side, able to see everything. We can see Kirstie Clements form Vogue and Toni Maticevski. The show goes for a long time. It's good, but a little lacklustre — except for the boys. They are the only reason I came anyway.

Jennifer Hawkins does a dance to open to the show and tells me afterwards: "Good show," tapping me affectionately on the shoulder. I don't think she realised I wasn't in the show …

It's quite a different experience watching the production — that final polished scene — instead of being amongst the jumble backstage. It makes me want to put on a good show, now that I know what it's like for the audience.

Michael Klim doesn't want the canapés because he had cereal for dinner. I immediately think of my godfather eating cereal with water. His breakfast of champions. Michael agrees. Toni Maticevski and I talk about the pros and cons of Cheerios.

Afterwards I go back stage with some glasses of champagne for the models and we hang out in the party lobby where all the activity is. The boys want to go to a place called Cookie, so we walk, and I'm freezing. The weather has turned.

They've all drunk a few too many beers by the time we get there. We have a good time on the rooftop with the rest of the Myer crew. Tom, a model from London, laughs because I introduce myself to Kim Jones, a huge London designer, asking if he’s in the fashion industry. I’ve never heard of him before, but sometimes I think people appreciate me taking them simply at face value. He says he has worked with my sister before.

I take home the crystal diamonds from the canapé tray and wear them around my neck all night.

Home late. I talk to Sonya until the early hours.
If you read Gemma's journal in Vogue December 2005 (Aus), you'll notice that both her and Sophie are really good writers... :)
^Very true... they are both very intelligent and articulate young women. I think thats a large part the reason for all of their success.
ok I must say this:cool:

the party that her brothers friends were there:brows:


I cannot believe I am proud of that:rofl:

I am so addicted to her diary thing!
^Hahahaha!!!! I would be proud too!
Except instead Im green with envy! haha

I love reading her model blog aswell. Because apart from just being very interested in her life, its just impeccably well written and enthralling.

(Wow Im astounded at my own ability to sound like a geek!)
Tuesday, March 6:

So … Tuesday. What time did we start again? 9am. It seems so long ago. Mel Moyle came over met us this morning before leaving for the museum for a runway rehearsal. We have an area especially for us backstage, with beanbags (and barista). Rehearsals take a while. Again, there's lots to get perfect. It's so tiresome having to walk up and down, up and down this long runway. It's 11.30am by the time we finish rehearsals and we are let out for an hour-and-a-half break.

I go with Sonya and Melissa to the museum cafeteria for lunch. Some models get salads, some get vegetarian wraps and others have fish and chips. I love that fact.

I also love that when the barista asks for our orders, some girls say skinny, weak cappuccinos and others say cappuccinos, regular and I say good for you. There will be none of this skinny and weak. In life, in coffee.

We're called back for another rehearsal at 3pm. It's for the second runway show we're walking tonight. We are all so ridiculously tired. A bit later we go into hair and makeup. A late lunch arrives for us and people pick at it. Mark, the hair director, introduces me to AJ who will be doing my hair. I'm moved and mesmerized. AJ is huge, gothic and pierced, and doing my hair … He looks like he would be more at home at a metal concert than curling the hair of a young lady and making it pretty for a catwalk show. I think he is the coolest person here.

We have two hair and make-up changes tonight. The first show goes well. It's the one Vogue is putting on. Grant Pearce, Vogue publisher and Kirstie (the editor) come backstage and give us a pep talk. I think they are a pretty fantastic pair; all suited up and groomed to perfection. Their personalities are refreshing too. Grant wants the show to revolve round us and our energy and Kirstie says: "Pretend like you've just seen a really hot man and you have to get off stage as quickly as possible."

They are both real kids at heart, I realise. But isn't everyone?

^Goregeous pic!
Has anyone scanned her Hapers Bazaar Editorial that they shot on the Sydney Harbour Bridge yet?
I would except I have got my copy yet. Harpers have been really slack with my subscription lately:angry:
But Ive seen the issue on the shelves. And the editorial was advertised in the paper on the weekend. Apparently its quite spectacular!
miss_pepa said:
^Goregeous pic!
Has anyone scanned her Hapers Bazaar Editorial that they shot on the Sydney Harbour Bridge yet?
I would except I have got my copy yet. Harpers have been really slack with my subscription lately:angry:
But Ive seen the issue on the shelves. And the editorial was advertised in the paper on the weekend. Apparently its quite spectacular!

I haven't seen the editorial yet, but here's a teaser image from the HB website



looks amazing!
Yay Thank Bianca... that should keep me happy until my Hapers arrives!!!:flower:
According to IMG she's 6"0.
#554 This is a beautiful picture of her, she does look like Gemma - in fact I prefer her to Gemma. I think it might be because of the amount of exposure Gemma has at the moment.
^ Just what I was thinking.
Sophie is making all those models look like shorties!^_^
Sophie must be SO tall!

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