Stephen Sprouse for Target


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Sep 9, 2005
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Since there is a huge resurgance of stephen sprouse these days i thought i'd create a thread on his collaboration with target. this was the first target collaboration that made me think "holy smokes!" (at that time, target had already collaborated with mossimo and marc ecko which i wasnt at all interested in)

the collection was called "americaland" and had a patriotic theme...

excerpt from a new coffee-table book by brothers Roger and Mauricio Padilha, “The Stephen Sprouse Book,” where friends and collaborators talk about sprouse....

Kim Hastreiter, editor: After that, he went to do a collection for Target. They loved him, but Stephen hated sunlight and at Target, everyone’s in the office at 8 a.m. So there’s Stephen in Minneapolis, getting up at 5 p.m. and getting to work at 6. Eventually what they did was that they had one woman who would go home, feed her family and then come back with her kids at 8 to meet with him. He did fabulous stuff. He did skateboards, boogie boards, blow-up furniture, flip-flops, bathing suits, T-shirts. But he kept trying to sneak in Day-Glo Speedos and they were just like, “No.”

excerpt and image from wwd

looking at this image especially floors me because i think this skateboard would be worth major $$$$ today...


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gwen stefani did a photoshoot for seventeen that her wearing sprouse for target...(


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Fashion: Sprouse's New Scribbles

He has designed clothes for rock gods of all generations, including Mick Jagger, David Bowie and Axl Rose. He has hung out with Andy Warhol and Debbie Harry. He even produced hand-scrawled bags for Louis Vuitton that sold out in two months last year despite a $1,000 price tag. Now the punk icon and fashion designer Stephen Sprouse is bringing his New York City subway-inspired graffiti art to a Target store near you.
Sprouse has designed what he calls a "pop, fun, MTV kind of red, white and blue" line of clothing, summer toys and sports gear in honor of Independence Day. Skateboards, air mattresses, inner tubes and Frisbees splashed with Sprouse's patriotic designs will be sold at rock-bottom prices. Boot-cut jeans, muscle T's and flip-flops screaming u.s.a. will all retail for less than $20. The line--which Sprouse has named Americaland in honor of the Minnesota heartland where he spent a month last summer at Target headquarters--hits stores this weekend and will be available only until early July.
Target planned the American theme before patriotism was hip; Sprouse submitted his designs late last August. While the couturier worries that some might think he is exploiting the tragedy of September 11, he is also excited to be bringing his art to the masses through Target, a store he used to visit often as a teen in Indiana. "The graffiti will be on a lake with some kid sitting in an inner tube with a Big Gulp in his hand, instead of just on fancy handbags," Sprouse says. What could be more American than that?
good god...
i completely forgot about this!...:o

good call lucy ..we needed this thread!...

the swimsuits are almost painfully cool!!!...B)

Oh yeah... I just remembered No Doubt's video and album cover were inspired by Stephen Sprouse's 'scribbles'.
i remember this very fondly indeed. it was actually out at the time i was about to depart for europe for the first time and i was preparing for my trip by acquiring some things from target. i can't say i was thrilled with the pieces they had for men,particularly(mostly board shorts in my local store),but the prints,as always,was outstanding.

do you guys remember the telly adverts as well? it was very much along the lines of how they do their go intl. ads. today.
good god...
i completely forgot about this!...:o

good call lucy ..we needed this thread!...

the swimsuits are almost painfully cool!!!...B)


i know me too!
i so wish i had that skateboard...
the skateboard would have been a great investment!!

because the $4.99 frisbees went for over 100$ on ebay recently...:blink:

i remember looking at the dress that gwen wears on the seventeen cover and thinking "no...i can't pull this off..." now i wish i had it...

and i think thats really cool that sprouse actually moved to minnesota for a month to work on it!
I too remember when this came out and wanting to get something, anything really because it was just so insanely cool...but like Scott I wasn't crazy about the men's stuff and had gotten over my delusions of being a skateboarder. I'm kicking myself now that I know more about how huge Sprouse was.
I don't remember this at all! I do remember seeing the USA t-shirt on some people. I wish I had been paying attention...this stuff is great.

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