Stranger Things (Netflix Series)


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Feb 13, 2008
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I can't believe we don't have a thread for this series, so I'm starting one! I first took an interest in it in 2016 because it was Winona Ryder's comeback, but it turned out to be great for so much more than that (also it was such a huge relief to see Winona back onscreen again in something that was good and gave her a central position in the narrative). Anyway, here are all four season trailers since we are years late:

Season 1

Season 2

Season 3 (for some reason is not on Netflix's own channel wtf)

Season 4

I love it so much, it's a really well-executed nostalgia watch and the Duffer brothers and their cast make it near-perfect (except for that one terrible episode in season 2). And now we are two weeks out from Vol 2 of season 4, is anyone else looking forward to it? Any characters you hope are/aren't going to die?

Also because this is the Fashion Spot - I really appreciate the costume design on the series, and how it moves from 1983 (late 70s influences still persisting in a small town) to 1986 (now everyone's gone bigger with their hair, except characters who wouldn't have the money to go regular salon visits). Fashion-wise, my favourite season so far was Season 3, Season 4 hasn't given us any real ones so far other than one great metalhead costume, the Hellfire Club tshirts and Mike's bright yellow shirt that he wears to get off the plane and go roller skating, turns out it is by Quiksilver and they're selling it as part of a Stranger Things tie-up, the cotton appears to be the nice thick kind too.
All I want to know is why does Will still have that ridiculous bowl-cut at 15yo, and in 1986….???

I get that bad wigs are part of this show’s 80s charm: Jonathan being the one consistently wearing bad wigs since Season 1, but a bowl-cut on a 15yo in 1986…??? Social suicide would be an understatement.
All I want to know is why does Will still have that ridiculous bowl-cut at 15yo, and in 1986….???

I get that bad wigs are part of this show’s 80s charm: Jonathan being the one consistently wearing bad wigs since Season 1, but a bowl-cut on a 15yo in 1986…??? Social suicide would be an understatement.

:lol: it's really horrible, isn't it? But I guess the look is "Joyce does DIY home haircuts for her kids since they don't have salon/barber money". This clearly includes Eleven now that she's being raised by Joyce - she has Joyce's exact same hairstyle and looks more like she could be Joyce's biological kid than either of the two boys now. Though I think that's maybe because Millie Bobby Brown looks like young Winona anyway.

I can also accept it as a sort of arrested development/him not wanting to grow up compared to his friends who have, and who got the nicer hairstyles now, since being kidnapped and possessed by an alternate-dimension monster stole his childhood, and he's a nerdy kid anyway so never going to be popular... but it's getting ridiculous.

Also some of the hairstyles are very period-accurately horrible.... like Mrs Wheeler having great waves and curls (getting blonder and more 80s moving from S1-3) and then getting an awful too-blonde perm in S4.
Bowl-cut hair, emotionally-damaged and arrested development… Poor Will is going to grow up and become Jim Carey’s character in Dumb And Dumber, isn't he…??? And poor El with her lesbian ceramics teacher hair and wardrobe this time; It’s so hysterically pathetic LOL I get that they’re not well off, but she’s dressed like a Serbian refugee fleeing from her isolated mountain village…

It’s such a rare joy for a series to be such a phenomenon— so commercially successful, and the showrunners still remain so dedicated and passionate for storytelling without devolving into laziness. (My one main gripe is Hopper being smashed in the ankle like Misery and he’s just fine and dandy, running up that hill with no problem…)

Hopefully Season 5 is already filmed and just waiting in post. Because at the rate that the cast is maturing, it’s going to take major CGI and autotune to render them as believable teens— yikes at Natalia’s grandma hands.
Hopefully Season 5 is already filmed and just waiting in post. Because at the rate that the cast is maturing, it’s going to take major CGI and autotune to render them as believable teens— yikes at Natalia’s grandma hands.

I believe I read somewhere that there'll be a substantial time jump between seasons 4 and 5. They haven't started filming yet.
And poor El with her lesbian ceramics teacher hair and wardrobe this time; It’s so hysterically pathetic LOL I get that they’re not well off, but she’s dressed like a Serbian refugee fleeing from her isolated mountain village…

I know, it's a bit jarring after how cute her season 3 wardrobe was (I even bought a vintage shirt with similar graphics, I'm so easily influenced lol) , but I think it's explained well narratively - she dressed in hand-me-downs before that and the trip to the mall was a fun outing under the influence of a new friend who also dresses really nicely...... but then, come this season they're both grieving/in depression and gone right back to dressing drab/not in the frame of mind to dress nicely any more. But both she and Max look like proto-grunge babies, with the proliferation of checked shirts this season.

On the positive side, Mike's wardrobe (love the bright colours and graphic styles) and hair are great and I like Lucas with the new flat-top.

It’s such a rare joy for a series to be such a phenomenon— so commercially successful, and the showrunners still remain so dedicated and passionate for storytelling without devolving into laziness. (My one main gripe is Hopper being smashed in the ankle like Misery and he’s just fine and dandy, running up that hill with no problem…)

Hopefully Season 5 is already filmed and just waiting in post. Because at the rate that the cast is maturing, it’s going to take major CGI and autotune to render them as believable teens— yikes at Natalia’s grandma hands.

I so agree - I've seen a certain type of people online complaining that Stranger Things gets so many seasons and Netflix spends so much money on it and Nostalgia Makes Us Bad People blah blah blah....but it's their most popular English-language series over the last 5 years, and has only become more popular with each season. If anything, I respect the showrunners even more because they've been open about wanting to end it at 4 or 5 seasons ever since season 2, they aren't going to do the usual American show thing of dragging a popular show out for 125728 seasons until it finally gets cancelled, they actually want to stick the landing, and I'm hoping they do.

That said, the show as it stands now has a problem with having way too many 'main' characters, including some non-necessary ones (Erica is fine as comic relief but does not need to be incorporated in the main gang permanently ffs, same with all the Murray Bauman stuff), it eats into the screen time of ones I think actually could do with the extra time. I suppose they'll solve it by killing off someone/s, only it's likely to be someone I actually care about this season and now I'm nervous for Vol 2 in July lol.

I also don't think we're getting Season 5 until at least 2024, the Duffers have written it but not filmed anything afaik. As for the cast's ages, the younger kids (Mike, Eleven & co.) are mostly still irl teens and they look the age of their characters - growth spurts and all - which really throws into sharp relief how much older the 20somethings/occasional 30somethings cast as "teens" on tv usually look, including some of the ones on this show itself.But I do see what you mean about Natalia, sadly it seems to be because of an illness (she didn't look terribly healthy in season 1, but seasons 2 and 3 had her looking much better....pandemic appears to have caused a relapse though, I just hope she gets better). Charlie Heaton also looks terrible this season, it's probably just as well they gave his character a messy stoner storyline and it makes me laugh a lot but that hairline.....
^^^ Yes, the bloated cast seems so unnecessary since the OG cast is strong enough already from the very start. It’s come to the point that Jonathan and Will are just relegated to supporting cast in their own show. I suspect studio insistence to cover as wide a demographic as possible: Erica given a bigger role being one of that insistence. And Murray overstayed his welcome; but who else would have accompanied Joyce to Russia…??? And now looks like Suzy is going to be included in the last episodes :sigh: …I like Eddie tho...
Erica needs to be in the show about as much as Mike's dad - great for funny asides, but that's it (I agree giving her a bigger role was probably an attempt to deflect certain criticisms about representation but she adds nothing to the group dynamic and the actress is now visibly too old to play a preteen - it would be a different story if the character was just a bit older but she's not worth doing a time jump for, the other kids at least look plausibly in their own age group). Murray is a plot device who can be killed off sometime without much loss, Suzie is a plot device too (good for comic relief and I think maybe it's time we actually see her and Dustin together in one frame?) . I love Eddie but his prospects of survival don't look great either - I strongly doubt the Duffers will kill off Erica or Robin, they would get too much social media stick for it/too many hot takes. Personally, I would like it if they wrap up the high school jocks on a satanic panic power trip storyline, that guy looks 30 and watching those scenes just takes away from the main gang once Lucas ditched the jocks.

but if they're going to kill someone off for emotional impact/to thin out the cast, they'll have to go for a main cast member - I actually looked up Sadie Sink's upcoming projects to see if she'd signed on to anything that might conflict with Season 5 filming, and there doesn't seem to be any...still doesn't mean Max is safe though.
The cast is too big I’ve confused Robin with Erica LOL I meant to say that Robin is given a much larger role when she is unnecessary to the story. Erica isn’t necessarily either, but her role is minor this Season.

The jocks and cheerleader, and Satanic Panic are fun 80s trope to have worked into the story to push along the narratives for Lucas and Eddie. The Duffers know how to work their 80s references-- from blockbusters to cultural hysteria! But giving Jake (had to look up his name because there are so many characters now!) such a prominent presence was so unnecessarily— and even tedious, especially having him look, act and behaving like a State congressman.

Wouldn’t be surprised if 2-3 characters are killed off this Season: None of the heroes died Season 1 (Barb is a minor character and way overhyped by the stans); Bob died in Season 2; Dimitri and Billy Season 3; … I’d go with Eddie and one of the main characters for this Season— maybe Will, and/or even Hopper. Max escaped her fate with such loaded emotions, and to kill her off would have wasted that moment from her.
^ oh god, I'm absolutely dreading tomorrow, I'm still afraid Max will die, those letters she wrote are still out there and I'm very nervous about the Chekhov's gun principle coming into play (and I will be very upset if she dies before seeing Eleven again). I could take almost any of the cast dying but not the kids and not Joyce, I will be very sad if Eddie dies though and I think he's probably going to. Speculation right now says Steve is the one who will die.

On the hair front, I'm selfishly rather happy to see the return of the most iconic hair look to come out of this series - Eleven's buzzcut.
My god, what a finale that was. Took two days to process and I'm still not sure my head is fully wrapped around it. The tension throughout, the cinematography, the emotions, that climax... just brilliant. What a season! It's so rare for such long shows to actually progress over time, but Stranger Things does a great job at actually making each of their seasons absolutely amazing and I love them for it.

I can't believe they had me ugly crying at like four in the morning. That was sick of them. I know I said I want them to kill off characters but I take it back, that was a clown move on my part. Max dying was brilliant but very, very hurtful. Just seeing her snap like a twig, remain consciousness and say ''I'm not ready to go'' and then proceed to die in Lucas' arms had me emotionally scarred. Then Eddie.... no words. Dustin's performance in those scenes with Eddie and then his uncle really brought the ugly tears out of me, with Max I was more gagged and overwhelmed but Dustin kicked me right in the feels.
It was really good of them to give us those emotional and happy reunions in the end, I really needed that after all the emotional trauma that preceded those scenes. If Nancy doesn't dump Jonathan to go and have six little Harrington nuggets with Steve, I will. He progressed so much as a character and I love him so much, I can't. Will's little queer moments also had me in tears cause like... girl. It hit a little close to home and then to see Jonathan embrace him in that dialogue at the pizza place and show him that he's loved was really wonderful. They really did a great job with emotions this season, I felt them all. I need more happiness for the gays of Hawkins. And miss Millie Bobby Brown, wonderful performance, love that she's so powerful again - that helicopter scene in the desert was awesome. Honestly, Mike's a distraction and we should dump his *** cause she's always better off when he's not around, but that's another story.
I really loved this season and I'm very, very excited for the end. I just know it's gonna be good.
My god, what a finale that was. Took two days to process and I'm still not sure my head is fully wrapped around it. The tension throughout, the cinematography, the emotions, that climax... just brilliant. What a season! It's so rare for such long shows to actually progress over time, but Stranger Things does a great job at actually making each of their seasons absolutely amazing and I love them for it.

Same here it's four days later and I'm not over it either, they really went all out and the feeling of watching all those separate storylines and moving parts lock into place to give us THAT finale....I know "epic" is an overused adjective on the internet but I can't think of any better description for it and I don't know how we're supposed to last the two years they'll take to film and release Season 5.

I can't believe they had me ugly crying at like four in the morning. That was sick of them. I know I said I want them to kill off characters but I take it back, that was a clown move on my part. Max dying was brilliant but very, very hurtful. Just seeing her snap like a twig, remain consciousness and say ''I'm not ready to go'' and then proceed to die in Lucas' arms had me emotionally scarred. Then Eddie.... no words. Dustin's performance in those scenes with Eddie and then his uncle really brought the ugly tears out of me, with Max I was more gagged and overwhelmed but Dustin kicked me right in the feels.

Oh god
they had me absolutely sobbing too and I haven't cried over a tv series since Battlestar Galactica. I knew Eddie was going to die, I knew that there was a high chance Max wasn't going to make it, but seeing it actually happen was still devastating. What really broke the dam though, was Dustin's scene with Eddie's uncle - idk, it just hurts worse because it felt so incredibly unfair, like not only did Eddie die, he was unfairly vilified and hunted through the last days of his life, and his uncle believes in his innocence but has to live with the fact that his name will never be cleared. And it feels so cruel, like this poor old man has lost his only family, has to live with Eddie's name being unfairly smeared, and can't even be told the full truth of his death? They really like to make it painful, the Duffers. In a way it made me feel like Chrissy's death in episode 1 - just cruel and unfair, and hurts worse because it's characters who really don't deserve it.

With Max, I genuinely wanted to throw up from how terrified I was for her, she's still breathing but technically died and we don't know what shape she'll be in if/when she wakes up...., I'm hoping that last bit of her consciousness returning to her body while she was dying, enough to speak to Lucas, means that even though Vecna took what he needed from her to open the last gate, he didn't get all of her and she is still in there somewhere because Eleven interrupted the process (Vecna's other victims never returned to their bodies after he lifted them into the air for the final kill, they were unresponsive even when there was somebody right there talking to them like Eddie was trying to do with Chrissy).

And miss Millie Bobby Brown, wonderful performance, love that she's so powerful again
- that helicopter scene in the desert was awesome. Honestly, Mike's a distraction and we should dump his *** cause she's always better off when he's not around, but that's another story.
I really loved this season and I'm very, very excited for the end. I just know it's gonna be good.

I'm just constantly mind-blown by how next level excellent this cast is, and how absolutely stacked - even more extraordinary considering they were cast as children (and the kind of chemistry they have with each other from the very first scene of the series, which makes it believable that these kids are best friends - and is something even grown actors with much more acclaim can't always manage, e.g. the mess that was 2019 Little Women), but MBB is just incredible. She and Sadie Sink really carried the emotional weight of this season for me, and possibly my favourite scene of the finale was the
"Are you real? Did I make you?" "I piggybacked from a pizza dough freezer."
bit, there's some next level insane calibration going on for them to pull off inserting that moment of almost-levity into that scene without breaking the insane tension of it.
I'd been waiting for them to reunite all season, but even I couldn't have predicted how perfect it would be.

(another really fantastic cast member - Natalia Dyer. idk how but she has the ability to enhance the appeal of any actor she's in a scene with, like the dude who played Jason just felt like a big pile of psychopathic blah until
his confrontation with Nancy at the gun store, like he suddenly seemed much more engaging and believably off the deep end, and I really think it's from playing off her.
. And if anyone's storyline would benefit from their being single, it's Nancy - her storyline this season is so much better than last, and frankly she does better when she's interacting with characters who aren't her love interests. I mean, I still love Jonathan and his and Will's scene had me crying too, but his best scenes have always centred on his family)

Also I normally have no patience with tween romance storylines but the ones in Stranger Things are really well written and age-appropriate. Before the finale, I'd have agreed with you about Mike but
his big anguished declaration of love has me rooting for those two awkward goobers to stay together
, I just think they're adorable together and I love that they're so direct with each other.
Glad you guys loved it.

…. The consistency of a solid, and immensely thoughtful (of which is such a rarity in these kinds of runaway blockbuster series) and still fun series endures to the final episode of this Season. Beyond that, very glad that the series will (hopefully) finally end with Season 5. It already feels like the show's gone on longer than it should have (... with Season 2 adding nothing new).

The final battle of the Season— from all fronts: The gang in Hawkins/The Upside Down, the gang in Nevada; and the gang in Russia, so tightly edited with that operatic, battlecry mix of “Running Up That Hill”, is mesmerizing, and the stuff of classic, titanic summer blockbusters. But the creepy charm of its Season 1 soul seems gone.

For all it’s blockbuster, epic showdowns, it’s not the best Season— although absolutely the most bombastic and expensive— both in scope and in production, of all the Seasons. Season 1 with its intimate, spooky, and enigmatic aura and even more intimate characters at the start of their journey, remains the best. More interestingly, the series has evolved from E.T/Firestarter/Nightmare On Elm Street to Aliens into... The Lord Of The Rings: with the gang out to save the world LOL Even in these last episodes, the gang has 9 of them going in to The Upside Down to confront Vecna: Steve, Erica, Nancy, Eddie, Lucas, Max, Robin, Dustin and El as their Istari. … Just like The Fellowship Of The Ring, setting out to destroy Sauron. And there’s even a scene with Vecna showing Nancy what will become of the world once he dominates and rules it in darkness forever, just like Sauron showing Pippin of his destruction and dominion of middle-Earth. Needles to say, Season 5 will find some inspiration in Return Of The King.

(BTW, fat Hopper was so so so much hotter.)
I liked the soundtrack this season.... The episodes were really long, but I still enjoyed it.

With all of the schmaltzy "I care about you" dialog, I assume they're setting up certain characters' deaths in season 5.
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I liked the soundtrack this season.... The episodes were really long, but I still enjoyed it.

With all of the schmaltzy "I care about you" dialog, I assume they're setting up certain characters' deaths in season 5.

Couldn't agree more! Loved the soundtrack and yes, I also think season 5 will be the last one for a couple of characters.
(BTW, fat Hopper was so so so much hotter.)

I rewatched the entire series, and I agree with this sentiment. Hopper as a character has total 'dad' energy, and is most attractive to me when he's got a child to look after/is looking out for a child, as he did with Eleven (it's very "would make a good dad to my kids too" reasoning on my part lol). The chub, the grumpiness, all works within that context. Make him leaner but take him away from the kid, and it's like, ok, nothing interesting to see here, until he remembers he does have a daughter and needs to fight this hopeless fight for her sake.

I hope they'll set the final season towards the end of the year again. I enjoyed warm-weather Stranger Things for two seasons, but it needs that autumn/winter energy to truly feel like the show we knew in the first two seasons.
Stranger Things costume designer Amy Parris on nailing authentic ’80s style
BAZAAR chats to the sartorial mastermind behind the wardrobe of the Hawkins gang.
By Elizabeth Whitehead


’80s FASHION IS is generally given a bad rap. The era’s biggest sartorial legacy is perhaps its popularity as a Halloween-costume staple, where it’s caricatured with a colourful array of leg-warmers and leotards each year. Indeed, the fashion of the decade has often been overlooked in favour of its chicer, sleeker cousin — the 90s. But that all began to change when sci-fi sensation Stranger Things hit our screens.

Set in the mid-80s in the fictional town of Hawkins, Stranger Things follows a group of loveable misfits as they battle monsters from an alternate reality called “the Upside Down”. As a homage to ’80s horror, much of the charm of Stranger Things lies in the show’s ability to authentically evoke the era. This is especially true of the fashion and the costumes.

In the wake of the final instalment of season 4 that just dropped (and left us all reeling), BAZAAR caught up with Stranger Things’ costume designer Amy Parris to chat about all things ’80s. We heard from Amy about the inspiration behind the incredible outfits on the show, and how to channel authentic ’80s style with your own wardrobe.


Last month’s release of season 4 secured Stranger Things’ spot as the most-watched English language show in Netflix’s history. The new instalment sees the introduction of several characters, including metalhead and instant fan-favourite Eddie Munson, popular mean-girl Angela, and California stoner Argyle. The series portrays different high-school archetypes with distinctive styles, executing each of them with extraordinary realism. On finding the inspiration to bring Hawkins High and Lenora Hills High School to life, Amy says.

I spent LOTS of TIME on … gathering IMAGES of REAL STUDENTS in different parts of the country

“We looked at real kids from the time period. I spent lots of time on, which has assorted yearbooks, gathering images of real students in different parts of the country. I also found lots of D&D club group photos which lent lots of inspiration for the Hellfire Club. Eddie’s outfit was inspired by dudes who listened to wizard metal like Dio and King Diamond.”


Amy also cites ’80s movie icons such as brat pack alum Molly Ringwald and Ally Sheedy as major inspirations for some of the costumes this season. Stranger Things champions the charm of 80s fashion by embracing some of the fun and kitsch elements of the era (i.e. El’s iconic romper in season 3!), while also staying true to the decade.


El in season 3 | COURTESY OF NETFLIX
“The show is all about being authentic.” Says Amy. “We even used Winona [Ryder’s] own personal ’80s jeans from her parent’s closet! They were already the perfect amount of distressed and worn-in. We avoid using anything new or contemporary unless it’s absolutely necessary to have multiples and if we don’t have time to make it ourselves…about 90 per cent of the show is vintage or built from scratch.”

The show is all about being AUTHENTIC. We even used WINONA’S own PERSONAL ’80s jeans from her PARENT’S closet

The costume team even took extra steps to give Hawkins a genuine small-town-feel. Hawkins would have been almost a decade behind in fashion, seeing as there was limited connection to current fashion pre-internet, so we edged closer to the earlier ’80s,” says Amy. It’s these subtle differences and attention-to-detail in the designs that transform the show into a time-capsule.

The aftermath of Stranger Things season 4 has sent teens everywhere rummaging through their parents’ closets for vintage pieces and inspired masses of people to connect with all things ’80s. TikTok is buzzing with creators styling ’80s and Stranger Things-inspired outfits with a modern twist. For Amy, there are a few sartorial highlights from the original era.

“Denim was so much more interesting looking. There were more pockets and extra decorative seams or fashionable yokes. I also appreciate the comfort of higher-waisted denim and the fun details that ’80s clothing brands provided. I also think the sets of the ’80s were so fun — coordinating tops with matching pants made getting dressed so much easier and less to think about.”

There’s certainly a lot to appreciate about the decade — especially classic ’80s high-waisted jeans and the funky geometric prints that were ubiquitous at the time. If like us, you’ve been inspired by the retro outfits of the show, Amy has a few recommendations for channelling authentic ’80s fashion into a modern wardrobe.

“I think it’s all about the silhouette. At times, the outfits of the 80s were very voluminous and full. To bring an ’80s outfit into today’s styles, wear a more fitted top with a baggier pant, or wear a longer baggier shirt over a legging and don’t be scared to add a big belt, they loved those in the ’80s!”


Some Denim looks from season 4 | COURTESY OF NETFLIX
Shopping vintage and second-hand is an unbeatable way to find great pieces and encapsulate authentic retro style.

“It’s more sustainable for the environment and way more unique for your closet,” says Amy. As you start to find vendors that have clothing you like, save their online stores and check back often to see what treasures they have found and put on sale.

As we all collectively recover from the season finale, we can take some comfort in knowing that Stranger Things has been renewed for a fifth and final season. The Duffer brothers have teased that season 5 will involve a time jump, due to the actors portraying kids and teenagers now entering their 20s and 30s. We look forward to seeing how the gang, and their wardrobes, will progress into the late ’80s/early ’90s when we finally catch up with them next season.
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