Sussan Zeck

Adorable interview, she's the cutest :lol::heart:

Sugar Power, the art of little things, collage & photo illustration:


NEW Sussan Zeck, Supermodel "After Shot Proma"

Credit: Sugar Power, the art of little things, Collage & Photo Illustration,

Sugar Power also uploaded this image to her flickr gallery, 'This is an illustration I just finished for the supermodel, Sussan Zeck.'

She also added this picture to her blog, 'Sugar Power: the art of little things' B)
Agency Addition: 1st Option Model Mgmt. Copenhagen, Denmark :buzz: "1st Option Model Management was founded in 2003 after a merger between Flair Line and BC Models. The decision to join forces was made with the goal of becoming a stronger player in a rapidly developing and challenging market. Today, 1st Option represents approximately 60 Danish and 100 Direct Models and is still in strong development.
1st Option is a small but versatile management company with a strong commercial board and a high fashion profile. Their main focus is in development of the models and focusing on professional service. 1st Option has grown its national network and at the same time, allowed for a surge of new positive energy, growth and expansion.", Model Interview: Sussan Zeck

Model Interview: Sussan Zeck (

Woher kommst Du?
Auch wenn das aufgrund meines Aussehens niemand annimmt, aber ich bin deutsch. Bei Castings wird mir das oft nicht abgenommen, das ist lustig. Mein Buch ist daher auch auf internationale Maerkte zugeschnitten, in Deutschland arbeite ich aufgrund meines markanten Aussehens weniger.

Wie war Deine Kindheit?
Meine Kindheit? Ich war ein kleines glueckliches Spaghettimonster, das von vielen Freunden umgeben war und immer mit mindestens einer Katze unter dem Arm durch die Gegend lief. Es hat sich also im Wesentlichen nicht viel geaendert

Wie und wann hast Du mit dem Modeln begonnen?
Das Schicksal brachte mich zum Modeln. Im Alter von 17 Jahren entdeckte mich Sylvia Leifheit, die Inhaberin der Agentur Most Wanted Models in Muenchen. Dieser Moment war der Beginn eines neuen aufregenden Kapitels meines Lebens und ich bin sehr dankbar in die professionellen Haende von Most Wanted Models gekommen zu sein. Most Wanted Models wurde meine erste Agentur und bis heute ist unser Verhaeltnis sehr freundschaftlich.

Bei welchen anderen Agenturen stehst Du unter Vertrag?
Danke an Most Wanted Models fuer meinen Start ins Modelbusiness. Seitdem werde ich von Agenturen weltweit vertreten und bin non stop gereist, heute vertreten mich Agenturen in Usa, Europa, Asien, Suedafrika und Ozeanien. Der einzige Kontinent, der also noch fehlt, ist die Antarktis, was eventuell daran liegen mag, dass es dort mehr Pinguine anstelle von Agenturen und Bookern gibt haha…

Was hast Du lieber: den Catwalk oder Fotoshootings?
Laufsteg ist magisch. Du bist gluecklich fuer diesen Moment und dieser Moment ist dein Leben. In meiner Modellaufbahn bin ich sehr viele Shows gelaufen, fuer viele bekanne Namen wie zBsp. Roberto Cavalli, Blumarine, Alberta Ferretti, Guess und viele weitere Namhafte. Mein erster Job in Mailand war fuer das bekannte italienische Modehaus Etro. Dennoch ziehe ich print work vor, die kreative Teamarbeit fasziniert mich und mit jedem Bild schafft man etwas fuer die Ewigkeit.

Ist das Leben als Model, wie es Du Dir erwartet hast?
Nein, der Beruf des internationalen Models ist ganz anders als man sich das vorstellt. Es erfordert sehr viel mehr harte Arbeit, Flexibilitaet, Disziplin und Willensstaerke um sich zu behaupten. Man muss einiges einstecken koennen und dennoch motiviert und freundlich bleiben, Kritik wird nicht immer sachlich formuliert. Desweiteren ist all das sehr viel unglamouroeser als man sich das vorstellt, die stundenlangen Metrofahrten zu Castings, frueh morgens und spaet abends sich zu Jobs zu bewegen, das Zusammenleben in einfachen und eher beengten Zimmern. Man kann das sehr gut mit dem Beruf eines Leistungssportlers vergleichen. Modeln ist ein eigener Lifestyle, was natuerlich auch seine Vorteile hat- man kann viele interessante Kontakte knuepfen, kommt viel in der Welt herum und muss mitten im Leben stehen, lernt sehr frueh sich zu behaupten und wird schneller erwachsen. Wenn man seine Zeit richtig zu nutzen weiss, kann man viele Kontakte knuepfen und Querverbindungen in der Branche knuepfen, was ein Einstieg in viele Berufe der Mode oder gesamten Showbranche bieten kann. In all den Jahren bin ich haerter geworden und habe sehr viel dazugelernt, so schlief ich etwa einmal einige Wochen lang auf dem Fussboden und ging morgens zu Jobs & Castings.

Das letzte Geschenk das du fuer jemanden gekauft hast?
Ein selbstgeschriebenes Buch voller Zitate und Episoden welches ich gerade als Geschenk fuer eine gute Freundin fertigschreibe…

Hast Du ein Lieblingsbild von Dir?
Es sind mehrere Aufnahmen, die ich meist mit tollen Momenten und Erinnerungen verbinde, wie etwa die Magazinaufnahme in der Galleria Vittorio Emanuele Due in Mailand, wir shooteten nachts in der menschenleeren Galleria, die Atmosphaere war magisch und das ganze Team super zuvorkommend und nett. Diese tolle Stimmung hat dem Shooting all ihre Energie gegeben. Dann das Bild aus New York, auf dem ich auf einem Hochhaus im East Village stehe und schreie, die Fotografin und ich hatten uns so gut verstanden, dass wir waehrend des Shootings Witze machten, sie fing an mich anzuschreien und ich schrie zurueck: ‘Ich bin so froh, wenn ich dich nie wieder sehen muss’, was natuerlich absolut ironisch gemeint war und sie fing diesen Moment ein. Bei diesem Shooting entstanden auch viele lachende Bilder, alles Schnappschuesse gluecklicher Momente. Heute sind wir gut befreundet. Ein weiteres Lieblingsbild ist die Magazinaufnahme mit Ring im Mund und generell die ganze Serie, es verbluefft Fotografen oft bei Castings und ich kenne kein anderes Model mit aehnlichen Aufnahmen. Die Magazinaufnahme auf weissem Kies mag ich auch, sie hat etwas sehr surreales und es war super schwierig trotz Sonneneinstrahlung die Augen geoeffnet zu halten. Und natuerlich alle Grafiken und Illustrationen, die mir talentierte Menschen geschenkt haben- ich liebe Kunst! Besonders hat es mir die Illustration der Kuenstlerin Sugar Power angetan, wir besprachen das Bild lange und sie fuegte all die Symbole die mich charakterisiern ein- einen schwarzen Panther, meine Violine, die Skyline von New York…

Ich sehe nichts und niemanden als Konkurrenz

Deine Posen und Ausdrücke ändern sich rasch- kann man das von Natur aus oder ist das “nur” Übung?

Als ich anfing, war ich recht schuechtern, was auch Posen und Ausdruecke beeinflusst hat. Mein Ziel ist es jedem Bild Charakter zu verleihen. Als Model moechte ich es erreichen, Charakter zu beweisen, ueber Schoenheit laesst sich sowieso streiten. Oft verwickle ich auch den Fotografen oder jemanden aus dem Team in ein Gespraech, das hilft mir und die meisten Ausdruecke sind natuerlich. Oft bucht man mich fuer Editorials gerade aufgrund der Posen und Audruecke, die ich im Buch habe.

Was magst Du am meisten vom Leben als Model?

Das Unvorhersehbare, was dem Ganzen eine gewisse Spannung gibt. Aufgrund der Schnellebigkeit der Branche werden die Karten staendig neu gemischt, niemand weiss was, oder wer morgen Trend sein wird. Es dreht sich viel darum mit dem richtigen Management zur richtigen Zeit am richtigen Ort zu sein, was wiederrum aber auch heisst dass jede Chance einmalig ist, daher ergriffen werden muss und nicht wiederkommt. Wenn also morgen Karl Lagerfeld an der Tuer klopft, werde ich ihm besser die Tuer aufmachen und ihm eine Cola light anbieten haha…

…was am wenigsten?
Generell kann ich mit Arroganz, Abgehobenheit und Snobismus wenig anfangen. Jeder Mensch sollte anderen Respekt und Menschlichkeit entgegenbringen. Kritik ist in Ordnung, solange sie nicht beleidigend, respekt- oder wuerdelos ist. Generell sollten besonders junge Maedchen zukunftsorientiert gemanagt und nicht nur fuer kurze Zeit benutzt werden. Ob Modeln ein Beruf fuer Minderjaehrige ist, darueber laesst sich streiten. Bemuehungen, wie die neuen Richtlinien bezueglich der London FashionWeek die ein Mindestalter festlegen, befuerworte ich.

Was machst Du normalerweise wenn Du beim Make-up bist oder wenn Du auf den Start der Show wartest?
Manchmal stelle ich mich auch schlafend und erschrecke danach den Make-Up Artist, das ist immer ein riessen Spass haha

Gibt es jemanden bestimmten in der Branche mit dem Du gerne arbeiten würdest?
Es gibt noch so viele mit denen ich gerne zusammenarbeiten wuerde, etwa Vincent Peters, Costas Avgoulis, Carine Roitfeld, Sandra Weimar, Donatella Versace und Zena Holloway. Und natuerlich Karl Lagerfeld…

Hast Du ein paar Tipps für Newcomers? Was ist wichtig am Anfang der Modelkarriere?
Jedem Newcomer wuerde ich raten, auf den eigenen Verstand zu hoeren und sich nicht fremdbestimmen zu lassen. Zudem seine Meinung klar behaupten, ein Nein muss als solches akzeptiert werden, sich zu nichts ueberreden lassen. Desweiteren auf Limits und Signale des Koerpers hoeren und sich nicht unter Druck setzen lassen. Finger weg von Drogen und exzessiven Partys. Schulabschluss ist ein Muss.

Hast Du Geschichten aus dem Backstage Bereich oder irgend eine andere Sache die Du gerne mit uns teilst?
Da gibt es einige!
Einmal hatte ich ein Show Fitting fuer einen beruehmten franzoesischen Designer! Da das Fitting abends stattfand, kam ich direkt von einem Magazin Shooting, trug mein normales Outfit des Tages bestehend aus einem Shirt mit dem Gesicht Karl Lagerfelds und meine schwarze Lederjacke, kombiniert mit schwarzen Shorts. Die Klienten aus Paris sassen tres chic in der Font Row und wir Models standen in einer Reihe vor ihnen, probierten Haute Couture Kollektionen an und liefen. Waehrend wir von allen Seiten beobachtet wurden, lief alles gut, bis ich mein Lederjacket ausziehen musste um ein Kleid zu probieren. ‘C’est Karl Lagerfeld??’, hoerte ich sie schreien und auf Franzoesisch fluchen. Sie liessen mich den Laufsteg einige Male rauf und runter laufen waehrend sie aufgebracht mein Shirt diskutierten. Die Situation geriet voellig ausser Kontrolle und die restlichen Models standen geschockt in einer Ecke. Nach diesem peinlichen Moment wurde ich sofort gefeuert, zum Glueck lachte meine Agentur ueber diesen Vorfall, aber ich musste mir diesen Witz wochenlang anhoeren und werde nie wieder ein Karl Lagerfeld Shirt vor einem franzoesischen Klienten tragen ausser vor Karl Lagerfeld selbst.


1st Option Model Management / Copenhagen, Denmark (

Fashion Cult Models Management / Athens, Greece (
Heffner Management / USA (
Joy Model Management / Milan, Italy (
und weitere weltweit


Größe: 1.81
Kleidergröße: 36
Brust: 83
Taille: 57
Hüfte: 90
Haare: rot
Augen: grün
Schuhgröße: 41

Liebe Sussan, Vielen Dank für diesen ehrlichen und netten Einblick in Dein Leben als Model!




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Interview of Sussan in Paris

Portraits of Fashion Models, Interview of Sussan in Paris
Sussan is born on september 10th, in Germany

Inspired from Sussan's portfolio

Interview of Sussan in Paris

Phil Modillustr: To start our conversation, what do you want to order, Sussan?
Sussan Zeck: As we are in Paris, let us order cafe au lait and croissants.

How and when were you discovered?
Fate got me into modelling. Sylvia Leifheit, the owner of Most Wanted Models Munich discovered me at the age of 17. They became my first agency and until today, I'm very grateful about this moment and thankful to Most Wanted Models ;)

After this successful season for you as a model, can you tell me your favourite styles and looks?
Many influences and pieces mixed together. Some of my clothes are designer clothes, others cheap ones, some are pieces from the '60s or '70s. You'll find me each weekend at fleamarkets. For buying luxury secondhand pieces online, my favourite choice is Secondglam ( and for jewellery, MyFlashTrash ( (I collect vintage jewellery.) I always find some pieces on my travels which remind me of that place afterwards. My favourite market in Paris is the one at Port de Clignancourt. Color- wise, many of my clothes are black, white. Those two are combine perfectly and you can never go wrong.

What is necessary for a new model to have?
Girls should have developed their own personality before they start. It's very important for each young person to have found your way in life, to know who you are and what's important for you, no matter what anyone tells you. Then a reliable and caring management, that supports the girl on her way without pushing her past her limits. A good school education. A background she can rely on, that might be friends, family or anyone else. The knowledge that modeling is hard work, especially for new models. Building the book is hard work, and only few models make it to a strong book and are able to stay in business.

Do people act different since you've become a model?
That's a good question and yes, they do. I'm quite communicative and love exchanging opinions with people I meet during my travels, I prefer those talks that are about different topics than modeling though. Often people are so curious, they keep asking you tons of questions about modeling. The people who talk with me about topics other than my job, those interest me. You wouldn't ask an employee at McDonalds how many burgers he sold that day in his freetime, would you? I’ve also realized some friends try to dress up whenever we meet. When I meet someone, what interests me is our conversation and never what someone wears or looks like. Then there are the cliche-ridden people who think they know what being a model is like, just by what they hear in the media - which is kind of hilarious. So yes, people act differently.

What's your favourite part about modeling?
In terms of this interview, my little art collection - inspiring any creative person is what fulfills me the most."

You just finished filming FashionTv's "Fresh Face : Sussan Zeck" in Milan. How was getting this opportunity and being followed, like?
Excitement from the first minute I heard about this project, through the filming process, and it was definitely one of the best experiences in my entire life. As model, you're used being in front of a camera. Suddenly this photo camera becomes a film camera, and that was very exciting and new for me. I did TV spots before so I had a little TV experience before but still, that was a Wow-moment for me. The FashionTv team was extremely kind and fun to work with as well. They even got me Italian icecream, can you imagine that? :)

Sussan's editorial in milano

What do you like about Milan and Paris, any particular place?
I love Milan for its elegant atmosphere and charm, and certainly for its food. Getting to castings is quite easy compared to other cities. Paris is full of art, which is very inspiring. I'm especially in love with the little boroughs like Marais and Quartier Latin. There are so many little bookstores: my favourite is 'Shakespeare and Company', 37 Rue de la Bucherie.(and from this bookshop you have a nice view on Notre -Dame:)...) I always find great books there. How do you deal with competition on those markets? Comparing yourself to others is always a bad idea.


One traveling advice?
Stay informed. Buy yourself a newspaper each day and watch the news to know what's going on in the world.Let's go to buy a good newspaper now and have a walk along the Seine...
I already follow your advice for long;)...
Merci Sussan! We will keep on following your career on your homepage:
A Model Life:Sussan Zeck

Some of Sussan's favorites quotes and sentences:
Develop interest in life as you see it; the people, things, literature, music- the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures- beautiful souls and interesting people. Forget yourself.
Henry Miller

"Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life. "

"Never take No for an answer."

"For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it. For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it. For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it. "
Ivan Panin

"Never look down on anybody unless you're helping him up. "
Jesse Jackson

"If you can dream it, you can do it. "
Walt Disney

Source: Portraits of Fashion Models, Illustrations by Modillustr,
Zeckykins as Fresh Face :bounce::bounce::bounce: She's amazingly beautiful and so lovely
Exclusive: Julien Ferre & Sussan Zeck Interview

Exclusive: Julien Ferre & Sussan Zeck Interview
November 22nd, 2010


Model: Julien Ferre
Interview by Sussan Zeck
Sussan Zeck shares with us exclusively her interview with a fellow model Julien Ferre, with a successful runway and editorial career, back in 2008 Julien was also the face of Gucci. To find out what is Julien up to now read the delightful interview after the jump.

Sussan Zeck: Mr. Ferre…
Julien Ferre: Ms. Zeck…
Sussan Zeck: What a charming city! Now we're sitting in this lovely cafe in Rue St. Honore on a sunny Friday morning; in situations like this I think life is really good to us.
Julien Ferre: Absolutely…
Sussan Zeck: I remember the first time we met, when we female models had a cosy dinner in our model apartment and you had just arrived. And you behaved like a true gentleman – very polite.
Julien Ferre: Oh yes, like a gentleman?
Sussan Zeck: Yes, you did. You are a very well-educated person; I like that!
Julien Ferre: Merci beaucoup, Sussan.
Sussan Zeck: Do you think there are more gentlemen among the male models?
Julien Ferre: Definitely, and some gentlegirls.
Sussan Zeck: As far as I remember, you were discovered here. How did your story start?
Julien Ferre: Yes that's true, I was discovered in the streets of Paris by a model agent – during riots.
Sussan Zeck:What a story, during riots? You're very creative Julien, I like that.
Julien Ferre: You know I had to tell you an impressive story, non? I'm good in this. How did your story start?
Sussan Zeck: Definitely less legendary than yours. (Laughs) Sylvia Leifheit, the owner of Most Wanted Models, discovered me in Munich. No riots that day, not even a national holiday. I feel blessed about that day though.
Julien Ferre: We are lucky, aren't we?
Sussan Zeck: Oh yes! I feel grateful about the way things developed; it is an interesting life journey and I'm grateful staying in this business for longer than one or two seasons, working stable. I'm a hard-working person though. I'm not waiting for things to happen; I'm very impatient, you know. When I'm having a day off, I'm calling everyone and usually the next day I've crossed ten plans but I'm busy again, that's funny.
Julien, talking about goals as a model, you had this huge Gucci campaign, congrats once more, so I guess you're fulfilled with your modeling career and my asking you what your goal is as a model is needless, right? What changed since then and do people recognize you on the street?
Julien Ferre: Some people recognize me which is always nice, definitely, but you know I'm not doing this for fame or money. I focus on living now. I want to travel, meet new interesting people, live each moment. It helps me a lot in networking and getting new contacts. Modeling is a fantastic opportunity, but it's a tough job. Not a lot changed since then, people on castings in Milan are always very positive though. They say, 'Hey, Julien" and remember me from the campaign. They're happy for me, I like that.
Sussan Zeck: In other cities it's not like that on castings?
Julien Ferre: No, mainly in Milan.
Sussan Zeck: That's very down to earth, Julien. I have to say it's it’s one of my favourite Gucci campaigns, by the way. I love the concept, photography and colours.
Julien Ferre: Oh merci, don't say that, Sussan. I'm really happy about it and I like it a lot as well.
Sussan Zeck: Just in case they'll need replacement for one of their next campaigns, here I am. (Laughs)
Julien Ferre: (Laughs)
Sussan Zeck: We have some things in common…
Julien Ferre: For example, writing?
Sussan Zeck: Yes, that's one similarity. I heard you studied Journalism, right?
Julien Ferre: That's right, and that might be one of my future jobs. I've already worked together with some magazine editors. I like both a lot — modeling and writing.
Sussan Zeck: That's an interesting mix. I'm the same. Writing relaxes me immensely; I spend hours writing. Nothing better than sitting at home on a rainy day with a cup of coffee and lounge music, writing…
Julien Ferre: Talking about music…What's your favourite music?
Sussan Zeck: I love music, what are your favourites? Rock? Red Hot Chili Peppers?
Julien Ferre: Yes, all kinds of rock, but also different kinds. I like Red Hot Chili Peppers too. Do you know what's the best song ever?
Sussan Zeck: Slam: Bright Lights Fading?
Julien Ferre: No. Guess!
Sussan Zeck: The Presets: If I Know You?
Julien Ferre: Continue, Sussan. That's really funny, that way I get to know some of your favourite songs as well.
Sussan Zeck: Maxence Cyrin: Sueno Latino? Spread the secret, Julien.
Julien Ferre: The best song is "Daniel" by Bat for Lashes.
Sussan Zeck: Oh yes, that's a great song indeed, Julien! I listen to Bat for Lashes often! Another similarity, I heard you're playing an instrument. Are you?
Julien Ferre: Yes, bass, and you?
Sussan Zeck: Violin. We shall do a band together one day.
Julien Ferre: (Laughs)
Sussan Zeck: Let's go for a walk in Jardin du Luxembourg, maybe some music producer will discover us…during riots.

Photo: CraigMcDean

Log on to Sussan's site over at

She is the new Muse of Tamara McGregor. Her website says:

"We're more than excited and proudly invite you visiting:

Exhibition "Silent Pearls"
Tamara McGregor, MUSEd by Sussan Zeck
till 3rd of March 2011

Georgia Berlin
Galerie Hillmer + Partner
Bleibtreustr. 17
10623 Berlin
opening hours:
Monday to Friday 11.00 to 19.00 h
Saturday 11.00 to 19.00 h"

FMD adds the following agencies: Edge Model Management (Canada) and Higher Model Management (Mexico)
Editorial: Red Secret

Editorial 'Red Secret' for SusieB Magazine (




International Model Sussan Zeck showed us this gorgeous jewelry editorial that she recently shot. Needless to say, we were impressed, and not just because she and our lovely magazine share a name! We are lovin’ her not as acidic and overpowering Rihanna-red hair and deep-set saucer eyes. She also has pretty interesting stories about her time as a working model. Take a look at this editorial, appropriately named “Red Secret,” photographed by Julia Blank (, with hair and makeup by Rahel Taubert (
How old are you?: Pretty young but old enough to answer this interview for gorgeous Susie B. Magazine and to recognize that you editors have chosen a brilliant name for your magazine!

Where are you from/ where did you grow up? I’m from southern Germany and that’s also where I grew up.

What agency are you with? I’m placed worldwide, with agencies on each continent, for example with 1st Option Model Management/ Denmark, Clyne Models/ New Zealand, Edge Models/ Canada and FashionCult/ Athens…

How much a part of your life was fashion when you were younger? When I was younger, I got inspired by reading fashion magazines (such as Vogue which I always got as present from my grandmother), and was curious about this world which I only knew from the media. I saw/ see fashion as a way of expressing myself, fashion is a fun way to explore new possibilities.

What made you decide to start modeling and when did you start? Curiosity inspired me to give modeling a try. This journey was possible because people believed in me. I did not plan to become a model until I got discovered as a teenager by my first agency owner (big thanks to Sylvia Leifheit). That moment was the beginning of a new and exciting chapter of my life. Shortly after this I got awarded by german magazine “Max” as “Most promising new face of the year.” Once I graduated, I started traveling for modeling. Since then, I’ve travelled non-stop, to cities such as New York, Paris, Milan, Rome, London, Madrid, Barcelona, Vienna, Athens, Prague, Berlin and many many others.

What have you been featured in? In my modeling time, I’ve done numerous editorials for print and online magazines, campaigns, TV spots, shows and showrooms worldwide. My first campaign was for Italian label Racinestyle, which I booked at the beginning of my career in Milan. I have done more shows and runways than I can remember. In one season, I did so many that each night I traveled to another city! To give you some names, I have presented collections of Roberto Cavalli, Blumarine, Alberta Ferretti, Guess…

What was your favorite project to date? Recently, filming FashionTv’s “Fresh Face” in Milan. The team was fantastic and it was one of the best times of my life.

Most memorable moment while you’ve been working as a model? I had a hilarious time shooing a TV commercial for a maternity fashion line. There were five of us models and we were all provided with fake bellies. During the whole film shooting we were laughing more than we were working. We couldn’t even look at each other because every time we did we couldn’t stop cracking up! Even the cameramen couldn’t concentrate and started laughing behind the camera! We must have looked incredibly comical. When we watched the final spot, we had a blast.

Who are your favorite designers and who would you like to work for? There are several designers I’d love to work with, for example Iris von Arnim. But I love playing different roles, both in front of the camera and in my private life. I like many different designers and collections, but it usually depends on my mood and the day. Let’s see which exciting collaborations the future will bring!

Any advice for ladies looking to get into modeling? Try to contact only established and well- known agencies and trust the response you get from them. Always aim high, but cast a wide net!

Source: SusieB Magazine
New Magazine Shots







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