Tara Subkoff raises the bar/declare war

can t believe she said those things. what an idiot. her clothes never were that good anyway for her to have such a big head and to be a b*tch. u can be a b*tch if u re a great designer and even then nobody would want to work with u and people will secretly hate u but when u re as bad as her and on top of it an ignorant then the only way to live is to not live as all. she could kill herself or move to a lost place where there s nobody since she seems to be having a lot of hatred for people anyway. and ps: no modern muslim would ever be caught dead wearing her clothes.
I guess all that tara bashing at least proved true.
I just met a vintage store owner In L.A. who told me some great stories of Tara switching labels/ so often in her store that she had to ban her. She would take a thousand dollar suit and put an $80 dollar tag on it. Other Melrose shops have said she is banned for trying to steal stuff or switching tags in the dressing room. So I guess her ragpicking days may be over if every store eventually bans her. Then where will she find her ideas?

Oh my god. Wow. I don't doubt it.

And someone here mentioned they know someone who worked for her? What'd they say? She seems like she'd be a jerk to work with

I have to say,I agree with her on certain issues particuarly Vogue being dominate and that it's all become political. And all the advertising dollars etc.
Personally,though,I think she's just trying to search for some excuse for all the criticsm she's recieved.
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I just saw her in the movie Freeway. She has HUGE cameltoe in that movie.
Scott said:
I have to say,I agree with her on certain issues particuarly Vogue being dominate and that it's all become political. And all the advertising dollars etc.
Personally,though,I think she's just trying to search for some excuse for all the criticsm she's recieved.
i was speaking to a friend of mine this evening about this issue and she said that she did'nt like her work but that she had a newfound respect for her,because she wasnt afraid to speak the truth which is not something very prevbalent in fashion today.
I too agree with her to an extent though i didnt believe that the forum she chose was correct to voice such issues (and i still dont like her work).
seriously though, i cant speak much about the other fashion capitals but amrican fashion needs to get its act together. and address the issues of politics, race, sexuality and fairness in the business so that ppl can suceed on thier talents tenacity and desire to be successful.
tone said:
I just saw her in the movie Freeway. She has HUGE cameltoe in that movie.

:lol: :rofl:

Anyway, she makes lemons look sweet compared to the amount of bitterness she's got going on.
^much agreed,Zamb. Seriously.

Having said that,I don't feel it's genuine,this. Because wasn't she just featured in Vogue last year? Quite hypocritical or that she had a nasty exchange after the shoot with Anna?? But we have so many that have expressed their disgust over the fashion system...very poignantly and less insulting to peers. I mean,if these words come from somebody like Miguel Adrover,I would appreciate this so much more.
Scott said:
^much agreed,Zamb. Seriously.

Having said that,I don't feel it's genuine,this. Because wasn't she just featured in Vogue last year? Quite hypocritical or that she had a nasty exchange after the shoot with Anna?? But we have so many that have expressed their disgust over the fashion system...very poignantly and less insulting to peers. I mean,if these words come from somebody like Miguel Adrover,I would appreciate this so much more.

that is the only problem with the statements---the speaker, other than that 80% of it is probably correct. even though she is getting a lot of press thier may also be other reasons for her to have these sentiments (even though she should not have dissed roi, and sarafpour in her tirade)the reality is----"Not all that glitters is gold".

i too have my own struggles in this business, (expain to me how a designer as talented and skilled as i am gets no love in new york.
is it because i am straight?
is it because i am black?
is it because i am a christian?
is it because i dont party with the in crowd?
is it because i dont do drugs, or smoke even,
maybe my life is too normal

i dont know, but i believe my work should stand on its own, but i dont go around disrespecting other designers, or being rude to the ppl i am hoping will support me, their is a way to speak ones mind and to call into perspective a problem or bias without being rude. ...... she just failed miserably at doing that........................
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I saw her in a movie called teenage caveman, it was pretty much softcore p*rn.
"After an audience member asked if the designers would advise their own children to go into the fashion industry, Subkoff said: "I'm not having children. Ever."

Interesting point raised elsewhere... Why exactly is this statement being used against her?
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divabel said:
"After an audience member asked if the designers would advise their own children to go into the fashion industry, Subkoff said: "I'm not having children. Ever."

Why exactly is this statement being used against her?

I'm not sure it's being used against her ... it's a news story, and what she said is being reported. It's a valid choice, and no doubt exactly the right one for her.

That said, she certainly said it very emphatically (as apparently she says everything). Many people who don't have kids are close to nieces/nephews, or at any rate can imagine what they would advise a member of the next generation to do. It's not a huge stretch ;)
can i just say that i'm a muslim, and i just about fell off my chair laughing when i read the "modern muslim" comment - i just can't help it, i love snarky ppl - i mean sure, she's a bi*ch, but doesn't it make life all that more fun?:p
I think she was an actress before she started designing...and wasn't Chloe Sevigny the Creative Director at one point?
divabel said:
"After an audience member asked if the designers would advise their own children to go into the fashion industry, Subkoff said: "I'm not having children. Ever."

Interesting point raised elsewhere... Why exactly is this statement being used against her?
I think they just meant that she was being very negative and a wet blanket the whole time.
The only thing I can say makes sense is the comment on how advertisers get more play than struggling talented designers. It is known in the fashion industry favors the people who advertise and get their garments into fashion spreads first.
I have worked for some pretty large companies, who weren't really "vogue" but they got into the spreads because they paid the 30 grande to be circulated in vogue. I know some editors who have loved to pieces the designs of my friends and can't make room for them because of the advertisers. I saw a panel with Jeremy Scott and Ines Van Lamsveerde last year and they discussed it. Along with a well known stylist, that they would have to shoot Prada before anyone else.
zamb said:
  • Subkoff also said she wouldn't have chosen to show that look because it was too racy for the size 16-plus average American woman. The zaftig Roi, who sells plus-size clothes on the home shopping channel QVC, then quipped, "I think this could work in a 22."

For some reason I busted out laughing after reading this part.

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