The Dog Whisperer


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Dec 14, 2004
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i went back 12 pages and also did a search and couldn't find another thread on this show, apologies if there is one already and mods feel free to merge.

OK, who watches this show? It's addicting, and i adore Cesar :heart: He just has a way with these dogs, and it's amazing to see him turn around a bad behaviour in like, ten minutes. I also love that he stresses that most of the dog's problems are the owners fault. Sometimes the owners are so resistant to being told this-you can see the look on their face after Cesar says it - "me? I'M the problem? what?". His love of animals shines through, and he also seems very pro woman, and i love that as well.

It doesn't hurt that he's drop-dead handsome, either B)
Ehhh.... I dunno.I've heard that a number of dog trainers question his methods. I also used to be a member of a dog forum and many of the owners there had extreme dislike for this Dog Whisperer.

I haven't seen the show for myself, so I can only reference what I've read in reviews. But something to keep in mind is that his shows are edited and they obviously only would air shows where the dogs respond to the training.

I'm very iffy about this....on one hand, I'm grateful that someone is taking the time to train dogs who are in serious need of help...on the other hand, I wonder if his methods are fixing the problem or just pushing the animal into such a state of anxiety that it is perceived as being 'trained'.

Either way, I truly truly hope that his methods are working because I hate to see animals get put down for no good reason.
I AM OBSESSED with that show. AND he is absolutley GOEGEOUS!! sometimes they have marathon days and i can sit there and watch it all day. I read his book and it was so hard to put it down. I also use his techniques at the animal shelter i volunteer at and people always say HEY why does he listen to you and not me. I tell them to read his book : )
huda914 said:
I AM OBSESSED with that show. AND he is absolutley GOEGEOUS!! sometimes they have marathon days and i can sit there and watch it all day. I read his book and it was so hard to put it down. I also use his techniques at the animal shelter i volunteer at and people always say HEY why does he listen to you and not me. I tell them to read his book : )

:D i'm the same, i always watch the marathons. Illusion is one lucky girl B) i even had a dream about him :innocent:

i love when he imitates a dog being aggressive or a dog being happy wagging tail... and you gotta love the way he pronounces "re-LAH-tionship" :D i plan on getting his book soon, glad to hear you loved it. Cesar rocks :smile:

VainJain - if you watch the show, you'll see that the dogs arent pushed into any state of anxiety-on the contrary, they're relaxed and calm, because he knows how to put them into that mindset. i'm very concerned about the welfare of animals, and i would never support someone who trained animals with harsh methods. He's firm, not harsh-there's a huge difference. As for what you said about them only showing cases where it worked-actually you're wrong. They've showed cases where it didn't work, including one case where the owner opted to have the dog put to sleep. Cesar was really upset about it, and made the point that the owner hadn't contacted him before the decision to put the dog down, and that if the owner had, Cesar would have taken the dog before allowing it to be put down.

i'm also not surprised that some dog trainers question his methods-because Cesar is not a dog trainer. As he says himself-he rehabilitates dogs, he trains people. His is not "sit stay come" type of thing..Rather he teaches people how to be with dogs-how to be their pack leader, and understand why dogs do the things they do. You really should try to catch his show before you make up your mind on him - you can't really get any idea of how he is without watching him in action :smile:
Love this show...Mad for Cesar. I also love it when he brings his trusty balanced dog, Daddy. I saw one show where he explained that Daddy is not really his dog. His owner is a blues player who travels a lot. So he stays with Cesar's family when he's not on the road.
My mom calls Cesar her TV Husband. :lol:

The thing he does, the way he hisses at the dogs to get them to stop doing something, works.
As I have been doing research, I am reading some folks who do not like Cesar's methods. So vainjane, I hear you. Interesting. But I did find some good pics and a true story....Here's the story...

"King Solomon might have given the tail to one family, the ears to another. Lawyer Stephen Dye waged a 2 and a half year battle to retrieve his New Orleans client's dog. Dog and man became separated duing Hurricane Katrina, then the dog was rescued, adopted in Southern California and featured on "The Dog Whisperer" and that's where the old owner spotted him. When his new family refused to give him back, Dye, working with partners in San Francisco, took on the case pro bono. "Mine: Taken By Katrina", a documentary about this, was shown last week at the Roxie. Dan Frost, who was at the screening, said the movie ended with man and dog separated. But after shooting , Dye won the case, and in early June, they were reunited. This will be added to the DVD." And now...some pics....06CesarAndIlusion with newborn andre cesarmillaninc com.jpg

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tbt_CesarMillan0418_19665d- tampabay com.jpg

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94798d8242_Milan_03132009- bostonherald com.jpg Pics 1 & 3 - Pic 2 - Pic 4- Pic 5- Pic 6-
I love this show, and I love Cesar :heart: I watched a marathon recently & I am always amused when the owners have a "lightbulb moment" & realise why their dog is doing what it's doing. I think Cesar has a genuine love of dogs & really understands where they're coming from. Great show!
Totally addicted to this show. Loved the episode with Baby Girl & cried when I learned of her death. Some tvguide com.jpg

dog-whisperer12- tvguide com.jpg

dog-whisperer15- tvguide com.jpg Source:
Ehhh.... I dunno.I've heard that a number of dog trainers question his methods. I also used to be a member of a dog forum and many of the owners there had extreme dislike for this Dog Whisperer.

I haven't seen the show for myself, so I can only reference what I've read in reviews. But something to keep in mind is that his shows are edited and they obviously only would air shows where the dogs respond to the training.

I'm very iffy about this....on one hand, I'm grateful that someone is taking the time to train dogs who are in serious need of help...on the other hand, I wonder if his methods are fixing the problem or just pushing the animal into such a state of anxiety that it is perceived as being 'trained'.

Either way, I truly truly hope that his methods are working because I hate to see animals get put down for no good reason.

A lot of dog trainers have extreme dislike for anything that could get in the way of their "expertise," aka the way they make money. That said, Cesar's method of working with dogs is just one option. What works depends on the breed, history, personality, etc. of the dog. In my opinion, his methods are much more effective than punishment methods/negative reinforcement methods used by many dog trainers (clickers, bark collars, prong collars, etc.) The dogs that he works with are not being "trained," per se, because trainers are much different that behaviorists. Many people do not understand this. The thing is, I have encountered many dogs who are "obedient," but have problems with socialization, aggression, etc. However, there are many dogs who are properly socialized, but lack obedience. I think the main thing that Cesar has done has been to bring awareness to many organizations that help dogs, and I think that is great! The thing is, Cesar is usually the last resort, and they have worked for many people. He is a dog psychologist/behaviorist, not a trainer, and it is sort of like in the general field of psychology. If one method of treatment does not work, we open up our box and try something else. I love Cesar, and also Victoria from "It's Me or the Dog!"
I like this show too, but I'm not that in to Cesar..but I think he is a good dog person. The name of the show is a bit cheesy IMO :smile:
I love Cesar!!!!!! He is amazing. Must tell my story.

I have an almost-4 year old pekingese-toy poodle. He was the most unruly, dominant, crazy, uncontrollable dog ever. He would even bite me or my BF sometimes because he was so dominant over his food, etc. He was always pulling at the leash and jumping around at people. This was when he was about a year old. My BF and I started watching The Dog Whisperer back then religiously, and we looked up all his techniques. We even copy the way he corrects dogs with his "SHHHHT" noise he makes. It really works! You are also supposed to correct the dog by poking their neck lightly while making that sound. After about 6 months of training constantly, our dog has become the most obedient and submissive dog on earth... and he still is!!! :smile: He follows everything we say, he NEVER bites, he doesn't try to dominate other dogs or his food or treats (we can take them away), he doesn't bark!!, he doesn't jump at people, he stays still and he can stay in timeout, he doesn't pull on his leash when we're walking.. he doesn't even need a leash anymore he follows!.. he also doesn't growl at us or at any other dogs..

If you do not train your dog I highly recommend watching The Dog Whisperer and reading some of his books!
the other day i saw south park episode thats a parody of this one. so much funny.

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