The Hobbit


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Oct 7, 2007
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Is it possible that there isn´t a LotR thread? :unsure:
I searched for it with no luck... please merge if appropiate :flower:

The Hobbit is my favorite book of the saga and finally Peter Jackson is filming it!! It´s a two part movie, the first one will be released on 2012 (hope the world doesn´t end before it premieres :P ). Actors from the original saga are back with the addition of Martin Freeman as Bilbo Baggins.

Making of The Hobbit

Whoa, Peter Jackson looks... healthy. :shock:

Anyways, I'll see it.
I've actually never read any of the LOTR books or The Hobbit, but I LOVE the LOTR trilogy!
I'm so excited to see all those characters again and then some! So excited!!!

I haven't watched my LOTR dvds in such a long time, because I've worn them out.
Those movies are amazing! I really hope The Hobbit lives up to those standards.

We had to read The Hobbit when I was in the 10th grade, but I couldn't finish it (wasn't my cup of tea).
However, I do remember a very creepy scene involving Gollum and Bilbo in a cave, so that will be great to see on-screen. :D
I can't wait either. It's been 10 years since LOTR, I'm full with longing... It's torture.
It's funny because I was never really fussed about the LOTR trilogy. I saw them and they are a masterpiece of film making, but not really my thing. But I have developed much more of an interest in The Hobbit. Probably because it's such a strong British cast, sort of can't let work go on that account, and I love that they really haven't cast big names (Mckellen/Blanchett/Serkis and other LOTR alum not withstanding) this time. I know LOTR was what made a lot of the actors last time but Viggo, Elijah, Ian we known for their film work and I know that Martin Freeman is sort of known but not a star..yet! I think particularly Aidan, Richard and probably Rob most of all have a big shock coming to them! If that made any sense to you then well done because I'm barely making sense to myself today lol!
I'm really excited for this movie!! I was a huuuuuuge LotR fan when the movies came out and they're still among my favourites! :heart: I loved the Hobbit book, so I cannot wait for its adaptation :D
Words cannot describe how excited I am for this. I was too young to remember anything on how huge LotR was when it first came out but oh, my crush on Legolas was everlasting. :lol: Best movies ever, best music ever, best battle scenes ever, best scenery ever, best actors ever. I am back reading the books after a long time so my love for LotR is back full force.

If only they did a sequel and I could play Lothiriel and be wife to Eomer. :cry: :D

Who also still gets anxious when the Nazgul first try to get the Hobbits? Heart attack.
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@Empress Merel: The crush I developed on Legolas (aka Orlando Bloom) when I first saw The Fellowship of the Ring back in 2001 was hardcore!
I'm just now getting over it, but oh goodness...there was no one else. Just him.
My wall was covered in Orlando Bloom posters. :crush:
Glorious those days were. The days when fanfiction was still good :blush: I still have a poster of Orly on my door because well, it's so dull without it and what to put up to replace it?

But as years developed, so did taste and Eomer is one fine piece of sexy :brows: Not Karl Urban himself, but him as Eomer is just too good to be true. :blush:
I´m an Aragorn fan, first in the books and then with Viggo :smile:
I didn´t really like him in any of his previous films until I saw Lord, he was so ruggedy sexy lol
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^the major characters are the same, with the addition of a few new ones :smile:
Cate, Orlando, Ian, Christopher, Elijah, Andy´s characters are back.
I read that Being Human´s Aidan Turner is playing Kili. I like the guy, hope this brings him major international recognition!
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great! i like all the characters,except Frodo he was lame! :lol: kidding! good really hoping to be as great as all of the LOTR movies ^_^
Oh awesome! I didn't know all of those characters returning!
I had heard about Cate and assumed Ian McKellen would return, but I didn't know Orlando and Elijah would return! Yay! :buzz:
^I read that Elijah will be back as Frodo but I don´t know how is possible... I don´t think he appears in the book...? maybe the movie starts with an old Bilbo telling Frodo the story of how he got the ring?
I think I´ll re-read the book, it´s been a long time :smile:
Mckellen has been on set for a few weeks, Elijah will be playing Frodo for framing sequences, I know Andy Serkis is already in the middle of doing a lot of his Gollum stuff but he's also 2nd Unit director on the films. As far as I know neither Orlando nor Cate are confirmed but are likely to appear in the film. There are still some roles unannounced though, I know Saoirse Ronan has been connected to the films for a long time and has hinted she's doing it but there's been nothing official yet. They're also dealing with filming round Martin Freeman who's due to come back to the UK to film the next series of Sherlock very soon.
Orlando is getting like 2 million for his small appearance. It has been confirmed, I believe. And Cate as Galadriel is almost a given.

I wonder if Saoirse is going to be in it. She hasn't denied it either.

This is the IMDB list of the cast:
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