Is the discussion about the relevance of couture or about the relevance of fashionshows in general?
Relevance of Couture: Showcasing Brand
Relevance of Runwayshows: FASHION, baby!!!!! B)
BTW, to call the king of Fashionable American Sportswear unwearable for me, is truly a narrowminded statement and seems a bit misinformed.

The relevance of couture has been discussed multiple times on tfs.
And about the relevance of runwayshows: to show a dress walking......
And the term "unwearable" seems very, very old... Especially if u do get to see the 95% in the shops (Marc Jacobs and Cdg)
Still I'm so extremely surprised that you think Marc Jacobs' show-pieces are unwearable. Omg just look at the fabulous stuff Martin Margiela and CDG have been selling for ages. Or Balenciaga for that matter....
But it seems like you've got some fabulous fashionable adventures ahead of you. Go to Paris, and see what fashion is!!!