The Worst Songs - Ever!

Every single Bieber,Swift, Kesha, Selena Gomez, Drake, Nicki Minaj ....and their songs...all of them are terrible. How can this be popular ? How can people listen to this?
I love Drake :lol: (and Rihanna to bits!).. and admittedly get a good kick with some of Bieber's songs.. I love those moments of nothingness, and if you're going through hard times, it's so nice to be brought back to surface (real surface :lol:).

What I can't stand is music that somehow ends up in the middle, marketed as if it had any depth but dumb to the core (like that Mumford & Sons stuff), and how they promote some kind of distinction between that and say, Bieber's songs, like they were worlds apart. Same s*it. At least the other one's more honest about it.. which makes him far more tolerable in my book.
^ I love Rihanna too. And One Direction. Some Bieber

I cant stand anything else. I'm so tired of Adele and Taylor Swift. Their songs are all the same and really annoying. Not even catchy.

Agree with eugenius. :lol: that songs is terrible and I hear it everywhere. Thats the bad thing about this music, its always following you.
not worst song ever because I did love it but still hearing Gangnam Style 1 year after makes me wants to punch everything around
I never want to hear that song ever again or see idiots dancing it or asking me if I know/like it
things that play at work... they have an adult contemporary radio station on and they always play....
maroon 5 - moves like jagger
another maroon 5 song i can't bother to google
that lumineers song
imagine dragons - it's time
mumford and sons! are people really into that?!
bruno mars
pink and fun song :sick::sick:
definitely not worst song ever but if I hear one more person talking on how obsessed they are with Get Lucky or how good it is, I'm going to punch! :alien:
i think "get lucky" is pretty good. but its not as good as anything on the first two DP albums of course

Ho hey by the lumineers makes me want to blow out my brains too.
Some might consider this blasphemy but I hate Coldplay. I really cannot stand them and I find them pretentious beyond belief and their songs annoying on the ears. But everyone seems to love Coldplay and if I say I turn off their music when I hear it on the radio to people half of the time they look like they want to slap me. :innocent:
yoninha,i agree with you. and that nasal-y whiny voice too....ugh! i'm still annoyed that brian eno worked with them.

i have to say i hate that new DP song too but i don't really care for DP anyway. overrated. give me boards of canada or squarepusher any day over them.
Skrillex. It looks like I'm the only one - eveyone's raving about how ~magical~ and ~avant-garde~ it is... give me a freakin' break.
Some might consider this blasphemy but I hate Coldplay. I really cannot stand them and I find them pretentious beyond belief and their songs annoying on the ears. But everyone seems to love Coldplay and if I say I turn off their music when I hear it on the radio to people half of the time they look like they want to slap me. :innocent:

me too, i really never get their "appeal"..
I have to say, I've never gotten much support towards my dislike of Coldplay till now. I received a few karma's and comments about it. Its quite nice to know that I'm not alone in my distaste of the band though! There is something about them that feels so contrived. UGH... yeah... I have a lot of feelings about Coldplay apparently. :lol:
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my worst songs would have to be "What's Going On" by 4 Non Blonds and "Hotel California" by Eagles. I feel like shooting my head whenever I hear those two songs. Makes me nauseous.
Some idiot on Facebook was saying how the new Daft Punk album is so lame and how it's all a bunch of hype. I just kept rolling my eyes because she listens to tacky dubstep-edm-trap music like Dillon Francis and Skrillex. Ugh, gurl, gtfo.
Anything by Maroon 5 obviously...How did they even get a music contract?? He cannot sing at all.

Anything by Pink (she oversings).

Also, 'You will never know' by Imany (?), terrible.

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