The X-Men Film Series


Feb 26, 2004
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Anyone else eagerly looking forward to this movie? I won't be able to see it until Memorial Day, but am so excited already! Going in with not very high expectations, so I won't be disappointed (didn't love Singer's take, but don't know if Ratner will be any better, and some of the clips I've seen are awesome, but others are frighteningly bad).

My favorite characters in the movieverse are Phoenix, Magneto, and Wolverine (I love Cyclops in the comics, pre-1985, but they butchered him in the movies, and most comics after that), so I hope there are some very good moments for them - I know Logan will get them, the movieverse worships him; but am more worried for the other two, they can go so wrong. One early review I read said Magneto "hams it up", but they also criticized the Phoenix story for not being true to the comic origins, when it looks like it is. I'm an old school reader who knows that the Phoenix as a cosmic entity who impersonated/cloned/possessed Jean Grey is a dirty filthy lie and rewrite of almost two decades of perfectly good, established history :P So who knows. I just hope it isn't embarrassingly bad :D

Official site:
I don't want to sound rude but I just cant believe who's interested in this film. Perphaps is that I never liked this sort of fictional movies based on comic, perphaps is too commercial thing.
Not rude, just different tastes :smile: I don't particularly like any other comic movies, have a large and varied taste in films in general and tend towards more indie and foreign ones, and the first two X-Men ones were quite boring in a lot of spots, in my opinion.

But...11 years ago I was going through an extremely rough time in my life. Severe health problems. I had such cognitive complications that I went from straight A's in my AP classes to not being able to follow the plot of a sitcom. I couldn't read, I could barely think. I'd picked up exactly 1 comic in my entire life up to that point (at the age of 8), when a dear friend gave me his old X-Men collection, with the stories from the 70's and early 80's, and we used them to teach me how to read and comprehend again, with the pictures as aids. And I fell in love with the character of Jean Grey/Phoenix. I was bedridden, suddenly stripped of my former, vibrant life, and here was this tremendously alive and exciting girl that I could live through (the issues I started with, Neal Adams' last, were the optimum time for Jean - she was firey and independent and strong, absolutely nothing like the cartoons and the 90's).

I've recovered about 90% of what I lost...I'll never be able to read as fast, or think quite as sharply, my memory is a little shaky, and I have to study more than I ever thought I would to retain knowledge; but the characters of the X-Men will always have a very special place in my heart, no matter how simple and commercial and juvenile others may view them, because when I needed solace and hope the most, they were there for me. There was a time so dark that the only reason I didn't commit suicide was because there were still issues I wanted to read. I'm really glad I didn't get to the X-Factor/Sinister/Clone/Entity garbage until after I'd recovered a good bit :D

I haven't read the recent comics in quite awhile now, but I'm involved in the fanfiction community, and I'm not ashamed to admit I'm terribly excited for the new movie, because of the apparent focus on Magneto/Phoenix/Wolverine....if it was all Storm and Gambit or something I'd be bitching and moaning and staying far far away :P
Nope .. I don't think I'm going to watch it. My big brother is so excited about it, but I'm not (dunno why?)
My fiance is a huge fan of the movies, game, comics etc. So we are going opening night.
Hugh Jackman is so hot, *insert sexual innuendo*

Im gonna see it, don't know when, I really like XMen, it's the only of the Superhero movies that I like, the rest are just...Meh. It totally parallels the gay struggle, that's probably why I like it so much.

The only reason why I have been living for the past 3 years was in anticipation of this movie. I have been counting down seconds ever since x-Men 2 came out and this is my most eagerly anticipated movie of all time.

I'm dying to see Phoenix. Absolutely d-y-i-n-g.
I am going to see it. I have seen the other two right when it came out the first day. I also cannot wait for Superman.
Diorling said:
Hugh Jackman is so hot, *insert sexual innuendo*

Im gonna see it, don't know when, I really like XMen, it's the only of the Superhero movies that I like, the rest are just...Meh. It totally parallels the gay struggle, that's probably why I like it so much.

Halle Berry was saying that the characters are so much more evolved in this one, and you really get a sense of the struggle of them being outsiders and being discriminated against.

She said at the heart of the movie and story is something that exists in the real world...............discrimination, hatred etc. for those that are different.
Isn't the movie called The Last Stand?

Anyway, yes i am going to see it. It came out yesterday here so might go this weekend. I enjoyed the other two so looking forward to this one.
I have heard that the story is not as good as the other two, you don't get the 'emotional' side of the characters this time around, its all about the special effects. But as always i like to see things for myself so i can make an informed decsion rather that listen to the critics!!
pink_lipgloss said:
Isn't the movie called The Last Stand?

Anyway, yes i am going to see it. It came out yesterday here so might go this weekend. I enjoyed the other two so looking forward to this one.
I have heard that the story is not as good as the other two, you don't get the 'emotional' side of the characters this time around, its all about the special effects. But as always i like to see things for myself so i can make an informed decsion rather that listen to the critics!!

The official title is The Last Stand, but they're sticking the tagline "Take a Stand" on all the posters/billboards - I think we're supposed to choose between Magneto and Xavier, though I'm tempted just to kidnap Wolverine and run far, far away :wink:

Glad to see there's a few other fans here :smile: I might be able to sneak away from our yardsale this afternoon, since it's so short, and won't have to wait until Monday (when I promised to go with some other people, so I hope it's good :D

My expectations are really low, and I've read that it's rushed/full of cheesy dialogue/no emotional attachment to the characters...but you know, I didn't really feel much of an emotional attachment to the characters in the first two. I like Bryan Singer - the man's given us :heart: House :heart: - but truthfully, with the exception of a scene here and there that rose above the rest, the just seemed like very long, very staid, pieces of Marvel approved fanfiction by a respected author everyone else gushes over, and you recognize their talent, but it's not really your cup of tea, enjoyability wise. Any attachment to the characters I felt were carrying over from my comic-based feelings, I thought the pacing was not fast enough, it flirted with the pretentious while not really saying anything of true importance, there was not enough passion/emotional impact, and Cyclops was criminally underused. Though I've come to terms with that - he just isn't an important part of this alternate universe.

I don't know if Ratner will be better, worse, or flawed in equal but different ways, but I'm interested in seeing what he has to offer and trying to enjoy it for what it is - Brett Ratner's sanctioned foray into fanfiction. I'll post a full review once I've seen and digested it :smile:
Im sooo looking forward to this film but i got noone to go with cos noone else is into this kinda film... i might end up having to blackmail one of my friends (sad i know)
If the film is called The Last Stand, that gives the impression that its the last film?!?!?!? Im going to be gutted if it is i :heart: X-men
it is the last "x men" movie, but they are probably doing a wolvarine spin off.

I cant wait to see this movie. Granted Ratner is a hack, ive always loved the X-men. I love how it is an allegory for racism and prejudice. it adds that extra dimension that makes it more than just a regular superhero movie
Please could Vinnie Jones piss off? Does anyone even know who he is in America...

The sequel is clearly set up by the scene where Xavier teaches the class about a man with no brain function, and that he could transfer another mind into that man's body.
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I saw it last night expecting to be disappointed, and I found that it was utterly, dreadfully disappointing nonetheless :( I was so surprised and saddened that I disliked it and that the film was of such poor quality (IMO).

I wrote a long review about it here:

Beware, spoilers galore ^^
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I enjoyed your review, Faith, though we saw most everything differently. I'm really sorry you didn't enjoy it - I had resigned myself to hating it and was very pleasantly surprised, for many reasons, though I did find it very flawed in places.

I do have to address your comment on there not being any cheesy, cringey oneliners in the first two movies, when there were such gems as:

"What do they call you, Wheels?"
"The same thing that happens to everything else".
"I've got my eyes on you."

And probably many more I'm forgetting...I rolled my eyes at several lines in X3, but it seems like par for the course with these stories, unfortunately. I actually felt there were less this time around - maybe the more you're disliking the film the more they grate on your nerves :smile:
^I think with those lines, the style of delivery factor comes in. I remember all three (And much, much more), but like I said, I never cringed at any of them despite their existence (Whereas I cringed at almost every single one in X3). The last one in particular -- I remember actually being creeped out by the little boy/girl when he/she stated it in X2, instead of rolling my own eyes :lol:

Additionally, I definitely did at least believe that those lines were proper portions of the dialogue when they were spoken, instead of being obviously tacked on. I'm not sure if you know what I mean! :lol:
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Faith Akiyama said:
Additionally, I definitely did at least believe that those lines were proper portions of the dialogue when they were spoken, instead of being obviously tacked on. I'm not sure if you know what I mean! :lol:

I think I do ^_^ If it makes you feel any better there were two moments in the film where I felt like my eyes were going to roll so far back into my head they'd come out the other side :D

X3 did desperately need a better editor. And someone with a better grasp of what needs to be shown to make character motivations seem more organic. I don't think it needed an extra hour, like many people do, just another well spent 15 minutes or so. There was one thing so starkly missing - don't want to spoil, but with Magneto & Phoenix, after the scene with Charles - that it's still making me upset 24 hours later. I haven't written a fanfic in like 4 years, but I'm almost tempted to start again and fill this hole in the script, for the sake of my sanity :D

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