Top of Eiffel Tower to be Temporarily Remodelled *update HOAX*

No way!:lol: Well they fooled me. I guess I trust lemeray too much.:wink: I'm glad it was a joke though, it seemed like a huge waste of time and money.
IT WAS A JOKE (a canular. how do you say that?)
Actually, those architects never won any prize for this project but they put their project on the internet (guess because they were proud or something).... and english newspaper thought it was true.... Never trust The Guardian is the only thing I trust in now.... they didn't even search if the sources were correct....

so.... put JOKE in the title maybe, non?

Thank the good Lord for that...

I read it too in another paper, and was none to happy- what hideousness.
Oh that's lovely because that addition, no matter how temporary, made it very unattractive and very dangerous in my eyes.
er .. so it's not real ? this is fake ?
can anyone bring in an article stating this.. ? :ermm:

i kind of like it the design nevertheless
like an alien plant or hell insect..
like something to see in the animated campaign for ss 08 prada
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from a real good source - le moniteur :

Un "vrai-faux" projet pour les 120 ans de la Tour Eiffel

Comment un cabinet d'architectes parisien ayant imaginé une extension de la tour Eiffel est accusé d'avoir lancé un canular.

Pour célébrer le 120e anniversaire de la Tour Eiffel, érigée en 1889 à l'occasion de l'exposition universelle de Paris, la Société d'exploitation de la Tour Eiffel a lancé un concours sur la restructuration de la réception du public et l'accès à la tour.
Sans participer directement à ce concours, l'agence Serero Architectes a décidé de plancher sur le projet en élargissant sa réflexion à l'ensemble de la tour. Ainsi est née l'idée d'une plate-forme en kevlar d'une tonne qui pourrait s'ajouter au monument. Le projet, qui étendrait la surface de la plateforme de 300 m² à 580 m², est alors publié sur le site de l'agence.
L'histoire aurait pu s'arrêter là si le très sérieux quotidien britannique "The Guardian" n'avait pas annoncé dans son édition de lundi que Serero Architectes avait "gagné le concours pour réaménager les espaces publics de la tour". Aussitôt, l'information fait le tour des rédactions et de la blogosphère.
La Société d'exploitation de la Tour Eiffel a bien évidemment démenti cette fausse information tandis que le cabinet d'architectes est accusé de s'être fait un bon coup de pub en lançant un canular sur le net. "Cette histoire est assez incroyable. Nous avons simplement réalisé un projet, en dehors du cadre du concours pour l'aménagement du rez-de-chaussée. Nous l'avons présenté le 11 mars dernier à la Société d'exploitation de la Tour Eiffel, puis mis des images sur notre site deux jours après. Pour nous, ça s'arrête là" explique-t-on à l'agence.
J-Ph. Defawe
babelfish translation :
A " truth-faux" project for the 120 years of the Eiffel Tower How a cabinet d' architects Parisian having imagined an extension of the Eiffel tower is marked d' to have launched a hoax. To celebrate the 120e birthday of the Eiffel Tower, set up in 1889 with l' occasion of l' World Fair of Paris, the Company d' exploitation of the Eiffel Tower launched a contest on the reorganization of the reception of the public and l' access to the tower. Without taking part directly in this contest, l' Serero Architectes arranges decided floor on the project by widening its reflexion with l' together of the tower. Thus was born l' idea d' a platform in kevlar d' a ton which could s' to add to the monument. The project, which would extend the surface of the platform of 300 m ² to 580 m ², is then published on the site of l' arranges. L' history could s' to stop there if the very serious British daily newspaper " The Guardian" n' had not announced in its edition of Monday that Serero Architectes had " gained the contest to refit public spaces of the tour". At once, l' information makes the turn of the draftings and the blogosphère. The Company d' exploitation of the Eiffel Tower obviously contradicted this false information while the cabinet d' architects is accused of s' to be made a skilled of pub while launching a hoax on the Net. " This history is rather incredible. We simply carried out a project, apart from the framework of the contest for l' installation of the ground floor. Us l' presented last on March 11 to the Company d' exploitation of the Eiffel Tower, then put images on our site two days afterwards. For us, that s' stop là" explain one with l' arranges.
EDIT: thank god its a joke ~~~~ i m grateful.LOL
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aw, too bad it's only a hoax

no matter how ugly it is, and it is rather weird...i was still excited to walk around on those "dna" things :lol:
it is so ugly it is actually kinda cool haha
Oh No. Please No
This Really Does Look Horrible.
Does Not Look Like It Anymore.
Please No,

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