UK Vogue August 2021 : Margot Robbie by Lachlan Bailey

Reminds me a lot of Taylor Swift for some reason, when she got that haircut for M&M shoot.

The photo is stunning and she looks great, also the background colours work well with the styling. This is a win for me. Plus, very glamorous.
Very much a fan of this, loving the Sharon Tate vibes I'm getting and first time in months in which I feel compelled to race to British Vogue's website to see more. I adore Margot Robbie at the best of times but Margot photographed by Lachlan Bailey is just... dreamy!
It's a good cover, but something is bothering me! Maybe if at shoulder height the background was lighter it would have been better...
Absolutely gorgeous. That first cover of her is glamorous, mysterious, a bit sexy...I like it!
I just finished seeing Jacques Deray’s La Piscine today and for some reason, the sun-kissed-bourgeoisie-on-a-vacation premise this cover exudes reminds me of that film. It’s almost as if she replaces Romy Schneider’s role and ready for her scenes with Alain Delon here. Love it!
Really weird cropping on a beautiful photo. They basically "cut" both her hands. :doh:
the close-up could've been so good but of course they had to add the stupid fake freckles like she's an insta influencer and then keep her mouth open for a full minute so it went from 'just here looking surprised and Jean Shrimpton-ish while at it' to.. mouth is getting dry.
What a pleasant surprise! Absolutely thrilled to see Margot and to finally see Lachlan Bailey score the cover. Both covers are absolutely beautiful.
My mind instantly went to Taylor Swift and her McDean cover shoot a couple years back (which significantly grew on me over time). I guess it's the hair.
The previews look interesting, I'm absolutely loving the summer vibe. The shot in the pool is magnificent!


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