US GQ June/July 2022 : Bad Bunny by Roe Ethridge

I liked more his Vogue cover with Joan. This is kinda no. The blood worked good in Pattinson's picture. Here is out of place.
Whats up with all this blood in the recent eds?
He's so insufferable looking to me, I can't stand him and I'm not even sure why. Hard pass.
As is increasingly the case with GQ, it's just not for me. Styling is absolutely disgusting, I guess cosplaying as a slovenly frat bro or unhoused hippie is super chic these days. I know he's popular and highly lusted after, so I guess it makes sense to feature him.
I like the hair and the expression, but after months of seeing The Weeknd sporting fake blood and bruises I find it overdone. That Prada is hideous.
Here after the British GQ thread. There's an abismal gap btw this and the UK. So sad that the American GQ is the one that controls the others. GQ has GENTLEMAN in its name and this don't reflect the first word in terms of fashion.
Junk magazine.
The Mexican and Spain covers are exactly the same.


source: eBay users mexican_items and enigmaticniky
The styling in the magazine is incredibly cheap.
GQ korea and china are THE men fashion magazine
^I think they will change the cover for Latin America. I feel terrible when I waste my money for such a bad cover. I never skip my magazines, even if they put a clown on their covers (hello Justin Bieber). Not the case of this guy, but It looks like a grown *** men wearing children's clothes. Is that's Will Welch's vision for GQ? I was happy when Jim Nelson left because I was tired of the generic covers, the unknows athletes for the world and girls wearing bikinis. I always liked more British GQ because represents well the brand, they never change the base, it was like the men's magazine for dandies. Aside note is the styling. Imagine if Vogue get rid of dresses on their covers? I can't imagine GQ without suits. Again, this Prada look is for little boys. And why there's blood again?! A total miss for this month.
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This should have been the main cover and ed, not sure if GQ Hype is a supplement or something.










GQ has had some of the best writing the last few years but enough with this corny metallic Microsoft word art font on the last few covers
No thank you to that Austin Butler/Zoolander person. I’d rather have Bad Bunny. With the right styling and actually talented photography, he has potential. Not this meek, amateur-desperately-trying-to-do-Steven-Klein but looks more like he's about to cry nonsense. If You’re going to rip off the Greats— than make the effort and do it right:

^I dislike that too. Blood is never sexy for a cover. Even if they put David Gandy covered with blood.
David Gandy can never do raw, dirty, sexy LOL

Just a personal preference of course, but genuine pugilists, MMA fighters and sweaty men training in peak physical condition— and even bloodied, can’t be beat (pun intended…) when it comes to a pure imagery of testosterone. Combine that with a trailer trash sensibility, which was pure clever, wit and cheeky vulgarity to provoke conservative sensibility of the era, and it was concentrated high fashion bliss. Whether this aesthetic is for you or not, this covershot is just pathetically meek in execution— more so in that awful, toddler onesie-looking Prada nonsense. This Andrew W.K. cover made me so uncomfortable on first impression, but it’s so dedicated in its execution that it deserves to be remembered and referenced. He really hit his nose with a brick hard, then blew his nose to achieve the authenticity. Unsettling, dirty and balls of iron:

It's crazy! Because my own health, I have a particular sensibility with blood. A former Vogue editor (which I love with my heart and soul) told me a story about VI April 2014 issue, the one about domestical abuse. The original cover had blood, but then they realised it was too much and it was removed digitaly. Blood can be shocking. You can relate it with sensitive topics as health or social violence. It's hard to make it glamorous. Can be fun inside comic editorials by Ellen Von Unwerth or David Lachapelle, but as a cover or campaign is tasteless.

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