I"m also confused by your post since mine had nothing to do with her identity or her status themselves but more about how she tries to use them or promote them, it's the image she's trying to give of herself and the purpose of it all that disturb me not the fact that she's stunning or a U.N ambassador.I do agree with tigerrouge's opinion about her trying to rebel in different ways as she gets older by having a lot of children, etc.However, I think that, while Angie has some personal issues to deal with, they have a lot to do with her desire to appear in a certain way in the public eye.No one is going to make me believe that by wh*ring herself the way she does 'Oh there's nothing that I like more than being in a bathtub with Brad....Oh I feel so sexy when I'm pregnant' there's no desire on her side to outbalance the 'saint' image that she's developed over the years, it's more the self-consciousness of it all that disturbs me as if she was saying 'Oh but don't worry, no come back, I'm not just a dull great ambassador, I swear, there's a lot of juicy details to spread about me...Wait, wait, did I tell you about that time when Brad and I were stuck in a hottub ?'.Angie doesn't want to just be a rebel, she also makes sure she appears that way as well in the public eye.I may be naive but I never got the whole hollywood star thing of taking their interviewer for their psychiatrist and sharing their intimacy with them but what I can't stand at all and seems really contradictory to me is being a supposed good will ambassador while promoting your private life.It's a bit like parading in Versace and barfing caviar while attending to a charity event.That may just be my personal point of view on this but sincere care and good deeds always come hand in hand with discretion and self awareness not being their prime concern.Somehow, the way Angie handles her private life makes me doubt about the sincerity of her acts as a public personality.