What? To me, the issue sexist
and misogynist....
Hatred of women:
- dictionary.com
What so many feminists want to work toward is the day when women are not treasured firstly for our looks (in the way that men are treasured firstly for their brains). What so many of these Hollywood starlets are perpetuating is the playing-dumb "faux innocent" story of "Hey, we're just sexy and young and using our beautiful bodies as art.... Nothing wrong with being sexy or selling sex."
there's nothing wrong with being SEXY but there is something extremely wrong when you ask 90% of women in a magazine to pose nude or laid across a car with a dead look in your eye and 10% of men in the SAME MAGAZINE to pose without clothing (because you're the "sexy black man" or the "hot stud" of the moment or whatever).
To see women as useful PURELY because of their youth and beauty is exactly what so many of us feminists are working against....it's exactly what makes my skin crawl.. exactly what makes me so angry... and this magazine basically takes that theme and vomits it all over us.
it is HATRED of women (not malicious, maybe, but underlying, subconscious HATRED nonetheless) to believe that women should only be SEEN and not heard. Or at least SEEN FIRST and heard later.. to use their BODIES as pieces of art in a way that gives them no autonomy or strength or choice.....
A man posed fully clothed with two naked women gives the impression that this man doesn't HAVE to get naked; he simply wears what he wants and the women are his artful playthings that hang off of him..... get naked for him.... while he watches.
To show George Clooney fully clothed directing a bunch of half naked women gives the impression that the MAN is in control, the women are simply his OBJECTS to manipulate.
Why are 90% of the men in this magazine fully clothed? Because they are being treasured for their acting technique, their "intelligence", their broodiness, their PERSONALITY !
For christ's sake, even Patricia Clarkson's nipples are on full display!!!!!!!!!