Us Weekly Names 2004's Fashion Winners And Sinners


May 8, 2003
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The Winners:
1. Jessica Simpson
2. Jennifer Aniston
3. Jennifer Lopez
4. Beyonce
5. Sarah Jessica Parker
6. Kate Hudson
7. Lindsay Lohan
8. Scarlett Johansson
9. Angelina Jolie
10. Cameron Diaz

The Sinners
1. Britney Spears
2. Tara Reid
3. Paula Abdul
4. Janet Jackson
5. Christina Aguliera
6. Eve
7. Brandy
8. Pamela Anderson
9. Anna Nicole Smith
10. Gwen Stefani


GWEN STEFANI???? Are you kidding me? She's the most original one of the buunch. She and Cameron Diaz seem to dress themselves and add their own flair to things. The rest of them use a stylist and come off looking like everyone else. Thoughts? Comments? Agree or disagree?
I can't see J-lo as a winner :P

Anna Nicole is a wasted space in the sinners list, Paris could join the group instead.

about Gwen Stefani.. I wouldn't place it in the sinners list.. nor in the winners list, I don't know, there's something about her style that looks 'forced' to me :unsure:
I agree with you about Gwen, why on earth is she on The Sinners list. :shock:

And the only people I'd say were "winners" on the other list would be the last two (Angelina and Cameron).
Wrong, all wrong. Sadly wrong! Lindsay Lohan, well-dressed? I haven't seen her in a single decent outfit. And am I the only one who's NOT obsessed with Cameron Diaz's style? :huh:

I agree somewhat with Angelina Jolie because she usually looks elegant, but it must be said that her stylists pick out nearly everything she wears.

EDIT: I really think Natalie Portman should have been on the best-dressed list. And I agree with Scarlett Johansson. :D
I don't agree with either the winners or the sinners :innocent:

I HATE US Weekly. What a crappy magazine :yuk:
us weekly is tasteless and low brow!

when has lindsay lohan every impressed anyone and what about gwen? she is amazing! beyonce is such a hit or miss and lately she's been missing.

The Winners:
1. Jessica Simpson -> She does NOT belong in the winners category, but adding her to the Sinners would have been cruel... 2. Jennifer Aniston
3. Jennifer Lopez -> Does being tacky makes one a winner!!?!?!??! :sick:
4. Beyonce -> What on earth is she doing here?
5. Sarah Jessica Parker :heart:
6. Kate Hudson
7. Lindsay Lohan -> Teen queen of tackiness! :sick:
8. Scarlett Johansson
9. Angelina Jolie
10. Cameron Diaz

The Sinners
1. Britney Spears -> Awesome choice! :lol:
2. Tara Reid
3. Paula Abdul
4. Janet Jackson
5. Christina Aguliera
6. Eve
7. Brandy
8. Pamela Anderson
9. Anna Nicole Smith
10. Gwen Stefani -> She belongs to the WINNERS list. :angry:

These lists are seriously lame, most sinners are bad, but not bad enough to be on the sinners list (I'd love to see people like Avril Lavigne, Lil' Kim, Paris Hilton... on that list).

And for the winners list, Cameron, Kate, Angelina and Scarlett all dress very well, but they're not "great enough" to make it into the WINNERS list. I'd prefer seeing Nicole Kidman, Chloe Sevigny, Maggie Guylehenall (sorry, I just butchered her name).
I can't really say I agree with this, nor can I say I didn't expect it.

I mean, US Weekly isn't exactly TFS.
ech to Jessica Simpson ending up in the winner's list. her constant habits of wearing the juicy shirred top dress/shirt things with real swimming suit tops is so bad to me. Plus the tacky heels she wears EVERYWHERE...even shopping for groceries. I'd never consider her a style icon. I'd put her in sinners.

Gwen Stefani shouldn't be a sinner - she has a quirky style and shouldn't be on either list - she doesn't really fit the profile, to me.
I totally diagree with Jen A, Lindsay Lohan, and SJP being on the "Winner's" List! Lindsay Lohan has no spectacular style (she dresses like any other teen girl in LA)...Jen A is soo boring, shes always in the same black dress (she never does anything different), and SJP just becasue I am not a fan of her!

Everyone on the "Sinner's" list is 100% true!
How can you place Lohan, Beyonce and Simpson on the winners list?
And Gwen on the sinners?! Please! :doh:
Jessica Simpson, No 1? That makes me laugh. Still, what an ego-boost for her.
Beyonce? Nope, Sorry.
Gwen should've been on the winners list in my opinion.
Jessica is hit or miss with fashion.

I do agree with Angelina, Cameron and Kate being on the Winners...
I'm sure people should be really proud they made us weekly's winner list :ninja: :shock:

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