Viktor & Rolf Haute Couture S/S 2014 Paris

i liked the presentation and i enjoyed the delicacy but i wish it were a bit more than just silk screening and a little bit of draping.

the presentation is lovely and makes you wonder why no one has done it before...
the clothes are just meh...
tim van steenbergen actually used ballerinas in his show some years ago but the work was much more interesting.

i'm certainly not of that school that has a very narrow perception of HC but you still would like to see a little more workmanship. i mean these are the same guys responsible for the iconic russian doll collection…come on V&R!
Actually the fabrics aren't silk but they are latex which is remarkably worked. All the surreal "tattoos" are hand painted and the way the fabric is draped and the shapes constructed is far more complicated than anything Chanel or Dior showed this season. Absolutely loved it.
silkscreening is a printing process….usually done on t'shirts. it still looks relatively bland and underwhelming for the presentation. i would have loved to have seen a bit more given the what they're capable of doing….
silkscreening is a printing process….usually done on t'shirts. it still looks relatively bland and underwhelming for the presentation. i would have loved to have seen a bit more given the what they're capable of doing….

"In a sweet little piece of cross-promotion, the designers cast members of the Dutch National Ballet as models, dressing them in leotard-tight dresses in nude shades of latex that looked remarkably like real skin, some of which were hand-painted with trompe l'oeil tattoos of ruffles, birds, or those bows."
Did designers met together and said they wouldnt do actual couture work for the HC season? This is delightful, hands down my favourite fashion show from the couture season but it lacks on design.
Beautiful but underwhelming. V&R are capable of so much more. I can't help thinking the collection took the backseat for the presentation of the new perfume.
Boring as boring can be. A stunning performance is nothing without stunning clothes.
Maybe it's technically impressive, but I just don't get the point of this. And I shudder at the thought of someone like Rihanna trying to be "edgy" by wearing it out and about.

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