Two revealed finalist so far.
Joseph Dolce

Joseph Dolce

Jacob BitzerNAME Joseph Dolce
AGE 22
HOMETOWN Oceanside, NY
WHAT DO YOU DO OUTSIDE OF MODELING? I’m in the dental field as a salesman for equipment.
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT FASHION? I like how fashion is always changing yet it repeats itself from time to time, so you get to see a style you might have seen growing up brought back. It helps you think of that time in your life. Fashion is powerful, it’s an art form, and I would love to be one of the lucky few who get to express themselves through that work.
WHY WOULD YOU LIKE TO WIN THE VMAN/FORD MODEL SEARCH? I would like the opportunity to be able to express myself through fashion. Being a model would allow me to show my artistic side.

Facebook/VMAN, vman.comNAME Jacob Bitzer
AGE 17
ASTROLOGICAL SIGN (Decline to answer.)
ARE YOU IN SCHOOL? I’m attending college in January. I spend a lot of time working on my music and gaining the courage to put it out there.
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT FASHION? The clothing itself, and the people involved. It seems no matter what you do with fashion, you’re always meeting someone with a very interesting personality.
WHY WOULD YOU LIKE TO WIN THE VMAN/FORD MODEL SEARCH? It would be great exposure and help to further my career as a model and an actor. Also, just knowing that I could possibly be on the cover alongside so many big names is just thrilling!