Vogue Arabia September 2024 : Claudia Schiffer by Kayt Jones

They are okay. Just a bit weird with the positioning. I prefer the first one.
Love the second one, the first one does not say ''cover'' to me.
^ hehe thanks for posting.
I actually prefer it over the others, the styling and posing work best imo. But none are great.
The hair annoys me a bit though, gives me i-D vibes and not in a good way...
These covers... amateur hour, poor Claudia (who looks beautiful as usual).
Third one is my favorite too I guess?
she looks like a doll... but not in a good way
I find all covers underwhelming. considering Vogue Arabia’s glamorous take on most of their cover subjects this kinda falls a wee flat.

the editorial is ok, some good shots.

(the last one should’ve been the only coloured cover since it’s b&w however would’ve been to similar to another of hers (stunning btw), by Miles Aldridge for Deutsch Vogue - August 2011).

here’s the full editorial:


Photography: Kayt Jones
Style: Barbara Baumel
Hair: Stephen Beaver
Makeup: Lisa Eldridge
Creative producer: Beya Bou-Harb
Executive producer: Kerry Danson
Producer: Morgan Eve Russell
Nail tech: Robbie Tomkins
Light tech: Freddie Stisted

OG Supermodel Claudia Schiffer Reflects on Her Career of Over Three Decades
At twenty years old, Claudia could be sophisticated . Now, with more that fifty youth
Airbrushed to death, and screaming Arabia.
Wasted potential The fonts are enormously awful & distracting
She looks good because she's Claudia but the photography and posing didn't really work. All the pictures have her head pulled back i wonder why. The concept was good but it needed a more candid photographer or one that's specialized in using light. I saw a second cover with an Egyptian actress and it was richer and more interesting.
the fact that Claudia looks so stunning in this btw video only increases how gutted I am for such lukewarm result.
I only hope she’ll get more covers, editorials and ad campaigns!
It's all just very stiff, which is such a shame because I love me some Claudia Schiffer and enjoy Vogue Arabia on the regular. I'm putting the blame on Kayt Jones, whose photography is just feels very flat and amateur. For me, the second cover with the Nina Ricci is the strongest.

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