Vogue Nippon October 2007 : Jessica Stam by Craig McDean

Gold Star

eat yourself
Mar 1, 2006
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I was shocked when I saw this in the bookstore, this is Stam's 3rd time on the cover of Vogue Nippon in this year! TGA will probably be very happy about this... :P

cover + some behind the scene pics

Stam in Louis Vuitton dress
Photographer: Craig McDean
Fashion Editor: Karl Templer
* scanned by Gold Star


The French Revolution
Photographer: Alexi Lubomirski
Fashion Editor: Julia von Boehm
Model: Shannan Click

Love in the Afternoon
Photographer: Camilla Akrans
Fashion Editor: George Cortina
Model: Lily Donaldson

Charm of the Bourgeoisie
Photographer: Tom MunroFashion Editor: Patti Wilson
Model: Kim Noorda

In Living Color
Photographer: Nathaniel Goldberg
Fashion Editor: George Cortina
Model: Coco Rocha

Vogue Beauty:
Girls of the Cabaret
Photographer: Ellen von Unwerth
Makeup: Cathyanne MacAllister
Stylist: Beth Fenton
Models: ???

Portfolio of David Sims

Some articles on French style

Some Vogue Promotions, don't know who are the models in most of them except Solange

Supplements Vogue Sports and Vogue Promotion Special: Dior Addict
:shock:stam again??but she's great on the cover!!!:heart::heart::wub::wub:
can't wait to see Lily D's ED........Please:buzz:
:woot: Go, Stammy for the 3rd Nippon cover this year! I gotta hand it to her! :smile:

The cover is really cute actually. I love the colors and Stam's eyes look especially amazing. :crush:

The editorial work sounds amazing. I can't wait to see Lily's ed! :woot: And Coco's as well!
Haha it's the third cover of her. Vogue Nippon seems to love her soooo much in this year. :innocent::P
She looks really great on the cover. I'm also glad there is Coco in this issue.
Thanks for the scans, Gold Star. :flower:
Love in the Afternoon
Photographer: Camilla Akrans
Fashion Editor: George Cortina
Model: Lily Donaldson

* scanned by Gold Star

love this ed... very dreamy and soft :wub:
stam & donaldson are asian vogue's fav:innocent:
but three covers in a year is just too much:sick:we need fresh new cover girl......
anyway,thx for scan Gold Star:flower::flower::flower::flower::flower:
i love the cover, so cute

lily d has very good eds recently, she looks beautiful in this i have admit even i f i am not a fan of her

oh no, not Coco again, could be any thread in this section Coco free? pretty plz
WOW. Stam makes Louis Vuitton looks COOL. :heart:

And Lily's ed - BREATHTAKING! :wub:
Tom Munro :D:heart:

He is getting so much work lately.

Oh yeah & what the hell @ Vogue Nippon using the same three models on every cover, Lily, Stam & Sasha.
can you scan the Unwerth ed ? Thanks (and karma) in advance :heart::flower:
I was shocked when I saw this in the bookstore, this is Stam's 3rd time on the cover of Vogue Nippon in this year! TGA will probably be very happy about this... :P

Very happy indeed :shifty:

Actually, Lily's ed thrills me a bit more (it's gorgeous :wub: ) and the fact that Kim has an ed in this as well is just so :woot:
Lily D does nothing for me most of the time, but 'Love in the afternoon' is beyond incredible.

thanks for beautiful scans, Goldstar :flower:

would love to see Kim's ed :blush:
Oh god this issue is amazing. I don't even like Stam, but she looks GREAT on the cover. The Lily ed = love

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