Share with us... Your Best & Worst Collections of F/W 2025.26
a hard day's night
Odelia, on Day Two.
We were both leaving Somerset House at the same time, and it was hotter than it's been all summer, that day. I felt like I was melting, and she clearly did, too. She was eating a bit of chocolate croissant and was happy to pose for me, but said in the faintest voice 'Please don't shoot me eating.' She was so sweet, like a young fawn, or a baby bird that needs every morsel and crumb to keep from falling out of the sky.
I know what it's like to work hard, and be professional, and to be a bit of a perfectionist in my work, but when she looked at my shots and showed me how tired her eyes looked, it hit me that it must be a very strange thing, indeed, when your job is how you look. It wasn't her fault her eyes look tired: she was exhausted, poor thing! And to me she looks absolutely beautiful.
Odelia is with IMG management, and I believe she was coming from the Kinder Aggugini show. And now, inspired by Odelia and everyone down to the guys constantly sweeping up to keep the area so spotless, and the staff at the Lavazza truck working tirelessly at 12 hour shifts and remembering EXACTLY how I like my double shot lattes, I'm getting back on the Picadilly Line and shooting one more day. Although, between us girls, what I'd rather be doing right now, frankly, is curling up with the cat for a little nap. So I leave you with a wonderful song by the fab four.