^^ Agreed on Karlie's do. It looks like that forehead could go on for
I like Angela's cover, and it's a minor surprise I do, but it's not particularly special. I remember how people where criticizing Rihanna for going for the peeved-look in her recent
W cover shoot as opposed to actual fierce. I think the same criticism applies here. Lovely colors, though.
The eds are nice as well, particularly Angela's. None of them really have the "wow-effect" I'd expect of something this colorful and purposely lighted, but I like Angela's collage of close-ups and the picture in which she stands against the clearer red background. Anja's ed looks good, too, and will probably look even better in print. Where are the t*t shots, though?
Not really feeling Karlie's ed, however. Somehow this isn't what I expected, and although the last shot has an interesting, puppeteer-y quality to it, the rest do absolutely nothing for me.
That Louis Vuitton pattern makes me cringe every time I see it.
Thanks for the previews,
Bert Berlin!