Wayne Rooney cheated on pregnant wife Coleen

Well I hope they split up so we won't ever have to see her again (or it could go the opposite way actually...Cheryl Cole, anyone?). :ninja:
Gerrard was in the paper's somewhat recently over a very young girl who was possibly pregnant. From what I understand, him and Alex aren't really fully together.

anyway, I don't think it's understandable that she forgave him in the past given that she was a lot younger, but either way, it's just terrible to experience this kind of thing publicly, especially given she could still be hormonal after the birth of their child. And the girl does look a lot like coleen - it's so bizarre. I really can't wrap my head around all these players who just pay for escorts when they could get what they wanted for free - but that's what happens I guess when they are introduced into this world at such a young age and there is no one guiding them and they are paid so much. Anyway, I do feel bad for Coleen.
all the famous husbands are cheating their wifes, what's going on? and from what I've noticed the women whith which they cheat their wifes are often ugly...remember this guy who plays golf, then Sandra Bullock's husband and now this strange guy - all their "girls" are not really attractive.:rolleyes:

I think the wifes of hollywood (and other famous) should do something about this "cheating-wave". they should cheat them as well:woot:
These couples should just have open relationships--it seems like that's the only way to make it with the immense fame that surrounds them, and the ones who stay together for long periods seem to observe that. Not saying it's for everyone, but when you're under 30 and married with a baby + money + fame + fans + groupies...it can be a problem.
Or a pyramid scheme of women, where everyone knows their place and price, with the opportunity to progress upwards if you can recruit new flesh for that all-important sense of novelty that no man can be without. The wife is entitled to as many new dresses (and houses) as she wants - and she can also wear a badge at all times with the wording 'number one wh*re' on it, so that everyone can see who's the most important, but most don't bother, on account of it stating the obvious.

At some point, the man will find time to play football - as well as chain-smoking, with a side order of common assault, speeding or drink-driving. See, it's very difficult to be an athlete of this sort, most ordinary people won't be able to comprehend the pressure of being paid an obscene amount of money to not bother to do your best on a daily basis.
She was probably in South Africa and why Rooney played like sh*t...
What a total scumbag... men like him disgust me. Coleen should boot his skanky, cheating *** out the door.
Great example he's setting for his own son.
Well, I'm extremely surprised he actually found someone to cheat, with all that "natural beauty". No wonder the girl is a hooker. :rolleyes:

Anyway, poor Colleen. :(
Peter Crouch, John Terry, Franck Lampard, Jermain Defoe also cheated! :lol:
BTW i'm sure that's it with Coleen & Rooney! Because it isn't the first time he had gone too far!
You would have thought that Wayne would have learnt his leason. What a loser. I didn't realise Colleen was pregnant. That's horrible I do feel bad for her.

Why all these footballers get married so young when their careers are just starting is beyond me. Most of them like Wayne are young and should play the field (haha). There are so many chicks throwing themselves at them. Temptation is everywhere for these guys. Play the game, make heaps of money and bang chicks. Then when you retire or matured in their 30s get married and start a family.

I wouldn't touch a footballer with a ten foot poll. Most of them are walking STDs and major douches.
I asked my boyfriend why so many marry so young - and not just within the premiere league either (I mean, it happens in the Bundeslige as well). He said that coaches and management put a lot of pressure on them to settle down because they think it will help them with image and that by being married they will be more responsible or in the very least, less wild. Obviously, it doesn't work so I'm not sure why they still do it....
^yes, that's the reason. And also they have some emotional attachment to their 'high-school sweetheart' who liked them before they were big. It's like that in the States too, with the NBA and NFL players who are all father of 3 at 22.
Of course, they're all massive whores on the side.

BTW: I am pleased to see Rooney's taste in slappers have vastly improved. The last one was a granny.
When you think about it we barely hear stories of Italian or Spanish players cheating on their spouses , they tend to marry at a much older age.(Not that would exclude them from cheating)
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They're all idiots. Not just the footballers but most of the WAGs too. He did it once and she stayed, I don't even remember them temporarily seperating before. He knew he would get away with this just like all the other ones have.
Peter Crouch, John Terry, Franck Lampard, Jermain Defoe also cheated! :lol:

And the ex captain Rio Ferdinand too!

And the list could go on forever as the hooker reportedly made out with 13 other premier league footballers. :rolleyes:
she wont leave him. and according to the dailymail, he doesnt care if she wants to divorce him. they both suck to me.
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