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I asked my boyfriend why so many marry so young - and not just within the premiere league either (I mean, it happens in the Bundeslige as well). He said that coaches and management put a lot of pressure on them to settle down because they think it will help them with image and that by being married they will be more responsible or in the very least, less wild. Obviously, it doesn't work so I'm not sure why they still do it....
I asked my boyfriend why so many marry so young - and not just within the premiere league either (I mean, it happens in the Bundeslige as well). He said that coaches and management put a lot of pressure on them to settle down because they think it will help them with image and that by being married they will be more responsible or in the very least, less wild. Obviously, it doesn't work so I'm not sure why they still do it....
If the Daily Mail story is true and Wayne really doesn't care whether Coleen leaves him or not then it will be interesting to see if she just sucks it up and moves on. Like I said, she needs him and I'll bet her family depends on him as well. I'm not sure how long she will ride his fame as an ex-wife, I'm sure there's a limit. Being Mrs. Rooney is probably in her best interest for the long-term, whether it sucks or not.
Well I think it's wrong to simply say she will stay because of the money. There are lots of women in relationships where the men cheat and have no money and women still stay. Of course money is a factor, but I think the dynamics of the relationship are much more important. Honestly, while Coleen's income is small compared to Wayne's, I'm sure she easily banks over a million pounds a year on her own through book deals, endorsements, her show, etc. And they have a child together, so if they were to divorce, she would still get a large amount of money through child support.
She's been with him since she was what? 14 or 16? It's hard to leave someone who basically has been the only romantic relationship you know. Lots of people cheat and they stay together after the first incident. I don't think it's a foregone conclusion that they will stay together now that this second one has come out. We'll see.
I am not even shocked. They all cheat. It's just the big wait for it all to come out.
'Everyone wants a footballer' at Manchester's top celebrity haunt
In the club where Wayne Rooney's recent troubles began, young women tell of the allure of Premier League stars.
In her killer heels and a wraparound dress that left little to the imagination, she was dressed to turn heads. The music sped up and, right on cue, the teenager began gyrating wildly. A group of men nodded approvingly. In the adjoining booth, the scene was more or less replicated. It was almost 2am in Panacea, Manchester's most famous celebrity haunt. Here, in its narrow rectangular bar, Wayne Rooney drank until 5.30am one night last month before being spotted urinating down a wall. Now, of course, the high-profile footballer is being pilloried for a far more serious indiscretion, after alleged encounters with escort girls Jenny Thompson, 21, and Helen Wood, 23. Thompson lists Panacea as her favourite bar.
The mood had steadily grown more frantic as the night wore on. The booths lining its walls gradually became full, the orders for bottles of Cristal – a snip at £290 – mounted as the huddles of young women grew in number. Panacea is where the footballers of Manchester let their hair down.
Players from the city's two clubs are described by bar staff as "really lovely people, salt-of-the-earth types". Alex, the DJ, recently played soul and rare groove to the order of Manchester United's Ryan Giggs, who was out celebrating his wedding anniversary. Two young women reminisce about their meeting with Manchester City forward Carlos Tevez in the bar a few weeks earlier.
"We save up all week to come down here," said Rachel, 20, from Farnworth, north of Manchester. "It's the only place you can really dress to impress. Everyone wants to bag a footballer. If you get a footballer you've made it."
Panacea bears frequent witness to the mating ritual of the wannabe Wag. They arrive mostly in threes – if one pulls, then the other two can comfort each other. A favourite drink is the Gold Digger, a cocktail named in honour of those who flock to the bar hoping to snare a rich footballer. Midnight signals the onset of dancing, the trigger for much gyrating in front of the booths where the footballers often sit. Wannabe Wags have to compete in a tough environment to secure the players' attention.
"Footballers don't understand subtlety,' says part-time media student Claire, 22. She drums her acrylic-tipped fingers on the bar and then demonstrates by hitching up her skirt, exposing several more inches of deeply tanned thigh. She pouts outrageously, then starts moving suggestively to the beat. Her hair is big and blond, and her make-up – even in the dim orange glow of the bar – is bold.
In the sartorial stakes, she explains, less is very much more for a wannabe Wag. "That's how you get talking to them and looking like you've got more money than you have. I know girls who spend their entire wages every week to come here on the off-chance.
"Yeah, I've met footballers," she adds, "but you're not getting names."
For many of the young women, a night at Panacea is equivalent to a job interview, an opening audition for their career choice. Claire says that becoming a Wag is an ambition taken as seriously as an economics degree.
Emily Nemen, 20, from Bolton, said: "You've got a whole generation of schoolgirls whose ambition is getting off with a footballer. That's it – their only aspiration. They have a job only to save up enough money to come here."
Another group knew escort Thompson from her schooldays. "It was a bit of a surprise to see her in the paper, but no surprise she got into that lifestyle. She wanted to be a Wag when she was 16," said Melanie Best, 20.
Thompson was, by varying accounts, good at her job. In Panacea she met plenty of footballers, earning her the monicker "Premiership Jen" for her talent in hooking top-flight players.
Critics deride what they see as an unsavoury extension of Britain's lascivious, materialistic, celebrity-obsessed culture. Many liken it to a form of anti-feminism, where young women brag about relying on a bloke for their income and identity. "It's the death of female ambition," said one 20-year-old woman, an economics undergraduate at Oxford University, at the club to celebrate a friend's birthday.
Others at the club said Rooney's alleged relationship with Thompson was just the latest footnote in the narrative detailing rich, high-profile footballers and good-time girls.
Many of the young women at Panacea had, like Thompson, come from Manchester's satellite towns: Rochdale, Bury and Bolton. The recession has hit such towns hard – they have some of the highest unemployment rates in the UK. Opportunities are few. Many of their young men aspire to become a Premier League footballer; these days, their sisters dream of bagging one.
Several days before the allegations of Rooney's adultery became public, a small internet business began trading, largely unnoticed. Yet the launch of in August offers proof that targeting footballers is a career option for a growing number of young women.
The website invites women to send in personal details, including pictures, which are then forwarded to footballers who say yes or no to a date. Just 10 days after it started operations, the site already has 15 footballers, including nine from the Premier League, on its books and has seen scores of women express an interest in signing up (for a fee of £19.99).
Founder Daniel Hall said: "Once women wanted to be princesses, then film stars, now they want to be a Wag. An awful lot of women want the lifestyle – and the money."
Rooney earns £20,000 a day, more than the annual income of many of those drinking in Panacea. "Kiss-off" fees – paid by footballers to keep the lips of their conquests sealed – are reportedly as high as £30,000. None of the women who spoke to the Observer in Panacea would spill the beans about whether they had "landed" a player. Neither did any expect footballers to be faithful.
Sympathy for Coleen Rooney, the ordinary-girl-done-good, was in short supply. "She's done so well out of it. She's on television, has a clothing range, she's set for life. She'll make money out of this. He'll come back," said Rachel, teetering dangerously in her 6in heels.
Claire said many of her peers dismissed the idea of faithful footballers; they expect to get cheated on and so they cheat themselves. "The whole scene is inspired by infidelity, it's part of the deal," she said. You accept it.
"It's a question of supply and demand. There would be no demand for valuable footballers if there wasn't a never-ending supply of girls who'd do anything to cop off."
The women seem largely normal, down-to-earth and aware of their behaviour. A surprising ratio were privately educated like Thompson, who attended Bolton's £1,555-a-term Lord's Independent school. None appeared to be working for one of Manchester's many escort agencies such as Briefly Yours, Angels4You, Dreams Manchester and the Bond Girls, the self-styled "agency with a licence to thrill".
Last night Manchester's footballers will have been out on the town again. The circus continues. United's players were just down the road in Liverpool while rivals City played at home. No names yet – but hours later some of their stars might already have been playing away.
i agree. the whole mcclaughin family is riding off rooneys money anyway. like i said before, i really dont see her leaving this man. what does she have without him? (in terms of money and a career)
I read that article in the Guardian. I agree it's sad - because these women obviously fear that they aren't capable of having an actual job and career on their own and that it's simply easier to bag a footballer. It's such a sad career ambition.
As for the Coleen thing, again, if they were to divorce, she would get a lot of money from him for child support and I have no doubt that she would be able to position herself for a full career post-Wayne. I mean, she really was one of the first wives to do a book, promotional deals, etc. and at least in the UK, she has large name recognition and brands hire her because of that. However, I did read somewhere that she had decided to give it another go. And I really think that is because she is scared to leave and wants to believe he will change - that is a universal reaction.
Look at Cheryl and Ashley Cole - he cheated on her a lot, and it took her ages to divorce him. And I still think she probably wouldn't have left him if there wasn't so much public pressure on her to do so.