this is my first post from uni halls. twas a lazy day, so i chose to wear something comfortable. nothing special really.
jeans: skinny flares. american eagle or something. they were my best friend's jeans and she gave em to me and i love them so much. so comfy and retro.
top: kate moss topshop
hoodie: camden market.
hat: vans
shoes: babycham
(oh, and i am juggling a massage ball, if anyone was wondering about the yellow blur )
Visconti, kutschi, edie... oh the trip to London is just for fun purposes (no business related or whatsoever). INTER´s bday is coming soon on the 14th so this will be the best way ever for us to celebrate. Yay!!!
Nothing special, the only remarkable thing is this self-assembly limited edition bag i got for free at 080 Barcelona Fashion. It has been made by recycling the fairground fitted carpet fallen into disuse, so it is environmentally friendly.
-pics by ediewho-
*********************************** visconti, can't karma again but love your last look, and i really appreciate the detail pics, crappy or not : ) they still help!
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