My Battleship Potemkin look. Grey cotton Jil peacoat with silver steel buttons and red cotton shirt. black moleskin McQueen sailor pants. The last picture is when I wore this outfit during happier times.
Lace top: Lovelygirl
Silver foil skirt: My own design
Pumps: C.Louboutin
Bag: Vintage
Necklace: Vintage
Bracelet: My own design
Headband: My own design
To go to see Tom Ford´s "A single man" film today:
*Opaque tights
*Tafetta Urban Outfitters skirt (*New item bought in London last weekend!)
*Christian Dior belt
*Top Shop by Kate Moss top (*Also bought in London last weekend :-))
*Zara boots
*Red Sole, I posted a pic of me taken in London a couple of outfits back... We took very few pics... there are some more that I will try and post soon but nothing really worth, believe me:-)-
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