What Books/DVDs/Games Did You Buy Today?

Rachel Getting Married
The Graduate
Alice In Wonderland

The Reader- Bernhard Schlink
Lock and Key- Sarah Dessen
Push- Sapphire
Postcards from a Dead Girl- Kirk Farber
The Bell Jar- Sylvia Plath
Franny and Zooey- J.D. Salinger
Nine Stories- J.D. Salinger

I plan to read all of these during summer.
I haven't read books in a while.
Book: The Road by Cormac McCarthy
Book: Of Mice & Men by John Steinbeck
dvds- the perfect getaway and 500 days of summer
games- left for dead 1&2 and RE5 :)

DVD's: Ugly Betty (season 2), Confessions of a shopaholic,, A touch of Frost (season 14)
a recently released collection of 20 musicals for only $7.50 which would exciting if Mill Creek Entertainment wasn't incredibly lazy about making sure the DVDs had clear decent quality footage. Seriously, it's unbelievably bad. Not sure whether or not I want to return it since I don't know if I can after opening it, but I might complain through the e-mail on the website. If anyone else sees this in the store, it says Classical Movie Musicals and it had a color picture of Fred Astaire lit from behind. The pictures on the cover are way clearer than how the movies look which is aggravating.
Cd Glee volume 2 & 3
Cd Glee: power of Madonna
Dvd volume 1 glee
Dvd Stargate Atlantis season 1
Dvd the september issue
Buying films is like a hobby, a (bi)monthly treat. :mrgreen:

Into The Wild, La Dolce Vita, The Roman Holiday, The Night Porter, Cinema Paradiso
^For me it's an addiction - but maybe I should start calling it a hobby, sounds better doesn't it?! :p

Bought the following dvds yesterday:
My Beautiful Laundrette
Lord of war/The Wicker Man (two movies in one dvd case)
The Wild Duck (1984)
DVD's :

- Confessions of a shopaholic (Loved the book!)
- The object of my affection (Aw, I just love Jennifer Aniston, and this movie is so sweet) :heart:

Books :

- The hunger games :woot: (Suzanne Collins)
- Rachel's holiday (Marian Keyes)
The Carrie Diaries (by Candace Bushnell)
Twenties Girl (by Sophie Kinsella)
The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner (by Stephenie Meyer)

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