What designer dominates your wardrobe?


Brooklyn, baby!
Mar 25, 2006
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What designer dominates your wardrobe, and also, how many pieces do you have by that designer?

Marc Jacobs dominates my wardrobe. I have (all items are Marc by Marc Jacobs unless stated otherwise:(

- sunglasses
- 2 handbags
- a Marc Jacobs Collection clutch
- zip-up sweatshirt
- skirt
- sweater
- Marc Jacobs Paris store opening towel
- flats
- watch

And counting! I'm a little bit obsessed. :P
I don't have enough designer clothing to have any 'domination' going on, so...*cough*Abercrombie & Fitch:doh:. (Yes! Shut up! I got a little carried away a year ago when the store opened. But I go to a small town high school, so it's acceptable. And I'm trying to revamp my wardrobe and get rid of it all anyway.)

Off topic...:innocent:
TheKiwi said:
Marc Jacobs Paris store opening towel
You are so lucky to have that! I've been trolling eBay for one of those!
i dont have enough money to dominate my wardrobe with designer clothes but if i would have i would definitely buy many different designer's clothes that there wouldnt be any designer who could dominate my wardrobe but maybe there would be more Chanel^_^ :P
i have a lot of japanese and belgian designers...
but it's pretty evenly distributed between them...no one really dominates...
As I own just a few designer pieces, there is no brand that dominates.
mines pretty equal maybe 2 designers dominate probably dior homme vivienne westwood otherwise vintage
Too much of a mix to have a domination but mostly London Fashion Week designers.....
Maybe a personal question, but how do you make enough money to buy designer pieces, I understand if you have a full time job, but I have read on tFS that there are people around my age (19 years) that can afford designer stuff, how do you do that?
^Can't really speak for those people since I'm a full time worker but when I was at uni, eBay and sample sales were pretty much my way of buying designer things.... and forgoing quantity for quality - so saving up a lot.
kan-i-ta said:
Maybe a personal question, but how do you make enough money to buy designer pieces, I understand if you have a full time job, but I have read on tFS that there are people around my age (19 years) that can afford designer stuff, how do you do that?
having loaded parents helps :D..... just kidding

My parents have officially cut me off (I'm 16.) They said if I want something, I have to work for it. Starting September I'm getting a job to fund my shopping. ^_^
I also have some money invested in mutual funds and such, but I think I'll just keep that for university.

As for the topic.. I, like others, don't have that many designer clothes. I have a lot of clothes from H&M and American Apparel.
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I don't own anything designer, but I'd like to. I actually have alotta fun making the cheapest things look nice. But nice quality things are good to have in the long run. I don't make nearly that much money so I think I'll treat myself every few months and buy one or two things...after I get my apartment though..that's a tad more important at the moment lol.. but one day.
i relish the challenge of trying to forge my own style
from affordable basics & the odd key piece.
abt 2% of my wardrobe may be considered 'designer'
the rest is either handmade, high street or pinched frm my darling mum's wardrobe :heart:
i dont have to pay rent or food or travel right now every penny i get goes on clothes :lol: i'm very lucky right now
kan-i-ta said:
Maybe a personal question, but how do you make enough money to buy designer pieces, I understand if you have a full time job, but I have read on tFS that there are people around my age (19 years) that can afford designer stuff, how do you do that?

I'm 20, and I buy my own stuff. I've bought 2 of my Marc things on eBay, a few things on sale online, and the rest full price either only or in a store. I've made about $4000 this summer (and still going), so I had plenty of money to shop with, and still managed to save a lot. I worked at a summer camp for 4 weeks and got $3000 from that. The other $1000 came from working for $8 an hour at a pre-school. :innocent: I'm also saving for college spending money, but I was able to splurge a little bit since I made so much...
well..im not super rich..so my closet is pretty much (or use to) dominated by fobby clothes from asia
im selling them all though

so right now my closet is pretty empty with a few h&m and vintage stuff

making my own clothes so my closet is gonna be dominated by me :lol:
missoni in lots of areas, 2 dresses, 2 tops, 2 scarves, 2 hats, 1 pair of gloves, 1 pair of sunglasses.
I'm afraid it's Marc Jacobs for me too :innocent: though probably I'm the only one who knows it ... except for you guys ... sssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ....
I think we better change the topic to designer slash brand.... just my opinion and suggestion......

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