What is most ESSENTIAL for designer's look


Dec 18, 2004
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What do you think is most important if we have to establish a look
and we can buy just one thing-shuz,eyewear,shirt,tie,scarf,hat sako,coat,jacket,belt,socks,bag;hand,neck leg accessoiries,underwear

and also is hair,make-up,walking,way of speaking,tic,paroxismist movement

it depends which look we had to establish ..here I am asking if it is aquestion of no total look,,but only season influented look...

for me it is
1.hairsculpts..so many styling gel,mousse,hairdryer,brush,wax...
I wear my hear as
-fr.gommer at gucci 03/04
-masaki 's04/05 stephan walker
-mickeal thyring for miumiu 2004/05
-waxed back hair as helmut lang two back seasons
-proto dior homme hair on eyes with long wool knited scarf
-not fully waxed hair ,mix from ysl 2003/04 and woo 05 s/s
-ysl 1999 same as dior homme 2003/04
-gucci 2003/04 gommer wears same

-(in my case it is boots -cK)
-white sneakers crissand cross with 3 velkro junctions
-debut shuz I had to redesign till obtain junya 2004/05 colour..but still I had no idea



7.shirts,sako(jacket from suit) and coat

as you understand this is look established by person who spend last 17 months petrifying in it's east europeane place.that's why the most expensive parts of look as a coats,jackets remains on last positions in his list

I can't picture any look any behave,decorum if the hair is not touched.

I don't know which part of representiveness of collection plays the hairstylist...
just imagine dior homme without hairs and slim bodies..it will be just a soviet union mid 70's komsomoletz
I hope here only faust knows the meaning of komsomoletz and why i decide to use this highly elaborated metaphore....
KOMSOMOL it is Communistic Youth of Lenin, a little bit like hitlerjungen during war world II
the USSSR komsomoletz at mid 70's , beatles influenced ,Brejnev decadent,smart look-shirt white or blue and long hair...usually wear glaces(black frames)
it will be nice if some magazine do photo fashion session dedicated to this romantic period" Brejnev's- decadence- dig -for -sonic youth -noise"
very nice that you are havng a conversation with yourself whim...because i am not understanding a word...
maybe if you found some pictures that showed your ideas...then we wouldn't need words to explain...
I'm also familiar with the komsomoletz that you are speaking of. I think this is a really interesting question. And what you say about the coat/jacket is very true. I will have to think more about this.
the contunuing posts one after one till four are result of bad connection ..if I loose connection or if the electricy fails I will lose the wrote...so i post permanently...if i write offline this never hap...

I will be happy to demonstrate illustrate with photografies...

but there is a problem
first I had shoot them...the photocamera i had is a Minolta from 1969
SMYANA -8 ,and astonishing LYUBITEL from 1940-50 ..roll format..
all pictures have to be scan...

but most important -did you find elegant if i post 20 pictures with myself
it will be overselfcentric...(even now i am threated as a mega-solipsist)
a fortiori,if I like to put my self in cadre This should be exhaustive act-not just my small money,but also this could be styling task...
if I spend a hour with my hair
20 minutes listening Virgin Prunes to elaborate my tic and paroxismialistic walk
how do you imagine the time I need for shooting myself....

I am sorry you had miss the point..
If I can I will try to re-saying more corectly what was my intention

may be I miss to say that
if the designer look is highly eccentric it becames more easy to be substituated with ordinary items...
junya ,and some of dior homme collections was pertinent for such efforts...because there we got so much hairforms,so much silhuets..
and it depends of the world

my world is where we appreciate the spirits,souls(silhuets,spectaculary impacts)
your -it's or adequat act-speech forms,life style and social abilities and status quo(fabrics,materials)
so we are condamned to imitate the forms silhuettes,yours to imitate texures,structures,containance

you see -this is the reason eastern art to be more formalistic,conceptual,containence-ingly minimal,form is significant and containg one -malevitch,OBERIU -literature mouvement)
and western to be capouti,wilde,

there is another difficult moment
i am not sure if I
had to load my picture from a surver(if tFS already enable option to browse directly from my documents,my PC)
not understanding a word...

"it is not money that makes you well dressed, it is understanding
soft,I don't understand ,what realy whant to understand...

may be you ask me if I understand what I wrote..
or you find something interesting but somewhere in the midle of the way to the meaning understing failed,because you don't understand a word(of mine)
i miss
and cigarettes(cigars) that might orchestrate our presence ,too
petit Lucile ...it is nice when people are confused...stay happy by this!

fashion is confusion of Now ,tradition,act &actual,and intempestetive (nietzschean INTEMPESTETIVITY)

Confusion is fashion(able)

Confusion is SEX (sonic youth 1983) and vice versa

by the way ,if understand what i am saying,there is not garantee that youdn't be more confused..
that is what the phylosophy is ..you just understand something ,and you imediatelly realize that you had understood nothing(socrates epistemeologic formula)
but you always can rely hegel when he said " Nothing is (Everything)being"

am I understood!!!!or UNDERSTOOD..

under-fashion-Stance and InStance
I understand everything Whimsicalist is saying perfectly. Seriously, I do.

I guess it takes one to know one, eh? :lol:
Fade to Black said:
I understand everything Whimsicalist is saying perfectly. Seriously, I do.

I guess it takes one to know one, eh? :lol:

so then maybe you could translate for the rest of us...i am trying to understand...but i can't...and also...whim...the pictures you post can be from the internet...they do not need to be pictures of yourself...? :flower:
I think what whimsicalest is saying is what makes a designer look? What pieces do you need to have to look 'designer'? Hairstyles, clothing, etc. that make you look 'designer'. Than she was saying that she finds that more avante garde stuff can be substituted with more ordinary pieces. It's odd because I didn't under your other post whimsicalist but I understand this one.
you see meg...i don't even understand what it means to have a 'designer' look...
i think colours and the cut of the clothes are very important in establishing a "designer's look". For example, dior homme plays a lot on dark colours and slim cuts. Although those themselves do not solely define the "dior homme" look, a regular person on the street seen in dark colours and slim cut clothing will automatically suggest a dior homme feel.

ok, that's the best I can do in the midst of studying for my midterm. :blush:
a designer look I suppose would be looking like you are well dressed by a high end designer? I mean there is a difference in appearance between someone dressed in Cavalli/Versace/etc. and someone who dresses in WetSeal/Hollister/Le Chateau. Though their eveningwear both goes for the same feel you can immediately tell a difference.
whatever...doesn't make sense to me...or maybe i just don't agree...i will exclude myself fr0m the conversation...

carry on... :innocent:

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