What Makes A Good Fashion Blog? What Do You Want To See On A Blog?

I've seen many blogs that are visually stunning yet emotionally void. Often they have what I'd call superficial followers- people who have added them and only occasionally pass by to take a quick glance at the new eye candy and say "Oh, nice!" or "Gorgeous!" but have no real emotional connection or attachment to the blog.

So like many of you, I've come to notice that the most successful blogs are the ones that make you feel as though you can live vicariously through them. Whether it be the kind of information they share or their style of writing- it's the voyeurism that grows readership.

So a successful fashion blog is: Visually appealing, personal to an extent, well written, and informative on some level.
I am in the process of developing my blog. I am currently struggling to decide on the exact direction my blog should take. I don't want a personal style blog. I want to write about fashion, including both the trends/collections, as well as the business. I want to pose questions to the readers (not that I expect people to respond, as I will only be a small blog). I guess it will be a combination of text and visual.

Would any of you go to this kind of blog, when you can just go to fashion websites? I would be running this blog for my enjoyment, but I don't want to be talking to no one, or for people to click-off straight away...
^I definitely would. I prefer to read about how other people see fashion and the fashion industry than look through outfit posts, most of which are pretty identical, and some of which are slightly interesting on a superficial level. I think text not only brings the reader and writer closer together, but also adds intelligence and depth to a blog. Blogs with text, to me, are more interesting than blogs with just images.

But it might be different for other people. I know that a lot of people only visit other blogs for reasons of marketing their own blog, or to briefly leave a comment like "so pretty!" to make their mark their own mark. I guess they would prefer to quickly glance at some images and put something in the comment box. I think a lot of style bloggers also don't really care for or know much about fashion, and blog to express their own style or to connect with other people.
Photos photos photos. I only read personal style blogs (and a limited selection at that) and I'm not interested in runway review at all, or blogs that post editorials or even pluck a bunch of photos from stores for the most part. High quality images and actual photography from different angles and different comp not just a girl smiling at the camera. And none of these blogs by uber narcissists who post bikini pics or close ups of their faces, ew. I don't read the text especially if its longer than a few sentences -- not interested. And I prefer blogs with girls who are closer to average height, who aren't blonde and preferably are woc. Oh and Aren't full of high end stuff. It's nice if you throw in a lifestyle or beauty post once in a while.
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Oh I should also add that I don't mind collars and sponsorships, although I get why ppl do because it can ruin the authenticity of the bloggers style. Although it really depends in the blogger -- for some it's really obvious but others are still good at taking sponsored pieces and making them their own. I think it's smart marketing on behalf of the designers and shops plus I gift myself so I can't hate. I do like blogs where the incorporate emerging designers regularly instead of constant pieces from romwe and zara
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I like blogs with original content, be it images they've taken or images taken of them.
My goal is to have my blog 100% made up of my own images of fashion (events, stores, people etc.), it's hard though.
I used to love Bryanboy because he was funny and crazy. Now not so much. So because of that Ive switched to this boy. The name is in Thai so I cant really write it down.

^ I find that bryanboy used to be clever, but now I find that some of his content is a bit...patronising (for lack of a better word). I like blogs that poke fun at fashion, not at people who are in/follow fashion. I find some of his comments a bit snarky, but maybe that is me just reading it in the wrong tone in my head??

I have just done a few test posts on my blog to test formatting etc. I am hoping to cover some local FW shows in March and some of the events surrounding that, as I really want my blog to include original content.
I like blogs that aren't minimalistic. Sorry let me rephrase, that- people who aren't minimalistic. People who will show me inside of their homes, the clutter of clothes and art. It may be clutter for them but it is sure as hell entertaining for me. And most importantly I like the people to be beautiful- they don't have to be skinny or traditionally beautiful either. They are sometimes beautiful freaks.

As for celebrity bloggers they are funny/quirky purely because they DIY'd themselves to fame and you can see it first hand through their archives- maybe not people like Bryan Boy who has a lot of fake crap on random blogs about his past written about him, but others like Susie and Tavi you can definitely see their progression. It's like a weird/awesome nostalgic feeling looking back to 2009 etc.
The solely own content is the must (it's why my blog is 100%... mine.)

The balance in quality between written content and images are important. Common argument "everybody can take pictures, not everybody can write so it's why my blog is better than yours" works both ways and convincing article with poor photography is as "bad."

A propos minimalism - it's the most overused and in general misunderstood term on the blogosphere right now. It's really hard to find a true minimal persona. In my understanding, the minimalist doesn't need i/e to draw a headboard over the bed; small things like that.
good writing skills, sense of fashion, style, styling, most of all insider connections to promote your blog in press because if you have this advantage you have free ads and one step further than others (this is really of some of the most famous blogs' success key that I observed).
good writing skills, sense of fashion, style, styling, most of all insider connections to promote your blog in press because if you have this advantage you have free ads and one step further than others (this is really of some of the most famous blogs' success key that I observed).

This is what I look the most, when I am reading blogs. And I think it is very important if they can give us informations about the newest styles, and the fabrics. I like blogs which gives you hinds how to wear a tie or color blocking clothey, especially about the tecnichs.

And I am not a big fan of Bryanboy. I have the feeling he is more showing off than real blogging about fashion.
I am not a big fan of BB too.I like inspiring blogs and I dont read alot of blogs.I think street style blogs are great inspiration.I love them.choose London and check out London street style.wanna be fed by Italian iconic style? go to Milan or Firenze street style.these are so inspiring.also I try to share what I bought and love to read on blogs what they buy, how they wear it.^_^

This is what I look the most, when I am reading blogs. And I think it is very important if they can give us informations about the newest styles, and the fabrics. I like blogs which gives you hinds how to wear a tie or color blocking clothey, especially about the tecnichs.

And I am not a big fan of Bryanboy. I have the feeling he is more showing off than real blogging about fashion.
Fashion blogs should be informative.. we like blogs like that… but also we enjoy looking at other type of styles.. especially from other countries… it's wonderful to see. At times when there is a blog that has a lot of brands, it could become monotonous, but it's part of the community & we support it.
I really like to be able to actually read something- the inspiration behind an outfit, the story of how they found a piece, why they love the outfit/ piece etc. I don't have to love everything the blogger wears, it just has to be interesting.
I would love to see blogs that showcase more personality into dressing. Fashion is supposed to be fun! Take risks. Wearing flannel with denim cutoffs isn't revolutionary. It's either lackluster or everything just seems so uptight and by the book. There should also be an ease I believe and a lot of what I've seen seems so forced (the clothes are wearing the bloggers). The Beckerman sisters are probably one of the few that are having SO much fun, wearing what they like, and you can see it--although I don't necessarily resonate with their style haha.
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So what makes a good fashion blog, and what is the role of a fashion blog? Obviously it's a matter of personal taste.

I like the idea of getting insight into a single person's preferences, and going on their journey, rather than having information shoved upon you by a major media company, with the backing of advertisers.

Good taste (depending on your personal preferences) is fundamental, as are images; and as much as I would like to put writing skills as paramount, I think for most readers/viewers it comes third.

With all the street style and 'what I wore today' blogs out there, I feel it gets mundane, and many are very poorly written. I very rarely remember street style photographs, or blog articles, they don't inspire me the same way a magazine article would. I also hate scrolling through something that is badly designed, and looks like its been stuck into someone's scrapbook.

Product endorsements, sneaky advertorials etc are annoying, but the big mags have been doing it for years (which of course doesn't make it right!)

Would love to hear other people's thoughts on this..


I agree with you when it comes to the persons personal journey and their own point of view as it provides something different and interesting. I also really value good writing skills as I believe this is just as important as high quality images, but I am tiring of seeing fashion blogs that are really similar to each other and have no individualism about them.

I love streetstyle blogs as I find the images really insightful and inspiring but would like to see something different, I feel like a lot of blogs are the same.....
Tali x
I want a fashion blog with a blogger who is 5'5", has red curly hair and has great taste - So basically someone who looks like me and can inspire me with their style. I am tired of trying to imagine Kate Moss and Clemence Poesy with red curly hair in every picture!:lol:

Oh, and none of those fashion victim-bloggers. If you buy a whole new wardrobe every 3 months and never wear the same thing twice, how is that inspiring style-wise? Owning the entire Zara (or Chanel, for that matter) collection does not give you good taste or great style.

I wouldn't mind it if the blogger wore the same boring wool sweater in half of her pictures. I would prefer it actually.

I still have not found this blog...

There are a lot of great danish blogs though, content-wise. But not a lot of Danes have curly red hair.
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Someone who has an actual sense of style, I'm seeing so many ''fashion bloggers'' literally bringing the same outfit we see on the runway and that's something I can't tolerate. Also good writing skills, and I very appreciate fashion weeks reviews.
Like many of you noted, I love a good blog where I can sense the human behind the computer. Great photos, a good perspective, and genuine honesty. I think the reason people originally started blogs was to express themselves, before it got lucrative that is. I admire those who have made their blog a full-time career. I think they're successful because they've always stuck to their core roots and values. Their true interests and style. I started my blog as a pure means of expression...it revolves mostly around fashion but I think its important not to limit myself. My number one rule to myself is to stay true and in line to my character. I like to express my personal life in an artful way. I love when bloggers do the same, share their life & experiences through their pictures and words. Those are the ones who inspire me most. Those are the ones who people want to follow.

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