Smoking is an appetite suppressant because it deadens taste buds and thus the taste of food in your mouth, and also I think your sense of smell.
I think what paparazzi shots do in general is glamorize a celebrity's life and if smoking is part of it...well then, that gets glamorized as well. When we look at celebs we often think of what they are doing as normal (because we don't see pictures of non-celebs doing the mundane) and therefore if people see a constant stream of celebs out at parties and smoking, it can become in underage people, well this is what you do at a party. Just like how a lot of people look at celebs weight as being the norm. I do think they factor in.
I think what paparazzi shots do in general is glamorize a celebrity's life and if smoking is part of it...well then, that gets glamorized as well. When we look at celebs we often think of what they are doing as normal (because we don't see pictures of non-celebs doing the mundane) and therefore if people see a constant stream of celebs out at parties and smoking, it can become in underage people, well this is what you do at a party. Just like how a lot of people look at celebs weight as being the norm. I do think they factor in.