Where There's Smoke, There's a Star - NYTimes article on celebs who smoke

CelineChic said:

I suppose that celebrities have a little influence, but in general, I think parents have more influence so it should be their responsibility to make it so their kids don't start to smoke.

I thnk parents are rather marginalised in the 'war' against smoking. The whole point of smoking is to rebel. The culture of addiction means that denial, and manipulation, are important tools used by smokers to allow them to continue the pathetic habit.

The first day out of hospital after giving birth to my first baby, I had a celebratory lunch outdoors with my family. I watched smokers' ash float by her tiny nose as a diner at the next table lit up.

My baby is now two years old, and I hate seeing her little curious eyes when the neighbours, or my workmates, or the people in the street suck on their durries.

Smoking is definitely a social problem, and a cultural problem, not (just) a family problem. I wish it was finally outlawed outright, and that the stupid debate was over.
I do agree: I'm a smoker, and I do see smoking as sexy. It's not the only thing I see like that, so I don't think people who don't smoke don't appeal to me, but the film culture does have an effect on [at least] my smoking. Not maybe the cinema now ie Lindsay Lohans, but all those old film noirs and Hitchcock films...:heart: Sad, but true.

Still, this is not the main reason I smoke. I enjoy smoking, it relaxes me. If I wouldn't like smoking, no matter how glamorous would I find those Hitchcock women to be, I wouldn't smoke. I have a lot of friends who say they like the sight of someone smoking, but as they don't like the taste/etc, they don't feel any need to start smoking.

Just my two cents :flower:
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Read the other posts...IluvJeisa's post was great, I agree with the thing she wrote about the hand movement etc. That is the reason smoking looks good, definetily.
tastes_like_chic said:
Christy Turlington doesn't, but she used to. Now she's dead against it after her father died from a smoking related illness.

i remember when Christy would chain smoke back in the day.:doh: there wasn't a time you didn't see her with a ciggie in hand and puffing away. and her a dad was a handsome, dashing gent. she loved and admire her dad. she was daddy's girl.
Christy's dad was handsome wasnt he?

And Ohmygosh Leonardo. Why? Although I shouldn't be surprised.

I think it is silly to think that celebrities do not influence kids. I have a very Eurocentric mindset but the unapolagetic way these people smoke is just so idiotic. Los Angeles has the right idea. Let them smoke but make sure it is far away from all the innocent lungs. And they probably slather themselves with sunscreen on a beach too. Why bother? Spend the sunscreen money on a pack of ciggs I say. Why does it bother me? Well these people are a huge pressure on the healthcare services. The brilliant NHS is already working underfunded and it doesnt need pressure from the obese and the smokers and all these other people who dont respect themselves.

Smoking is rebelling and being graceful is it? Why didnt I think of that one? Screw those ballet classes, that phase where I tried to master a skate board, screw any literary ambitions I may have had. All I had to do was go to my Indian cornershop and spend a fortune on fuzzy sticks. Stupid me.
floatinglili said:
Smoking is definitely a social problem, and a cultural problem, not (just) a family problem. I wish it was finally outlawed outright, and that the stupid debate was over.

I am not one for making things illegal. Yes make it difficult for them but not illegal. I think drugs should be legalised because I dont give a fig for the people who use. It is the brutalised prostitutes, the dead policemen, the South American families torn apart that I lose sleep over.
funny. i do smoke. but not one person i percive as an *idol in some perspective of how life should be treated* does.

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