well i will go against the grain on this one...
mariah carey: sure, she is a giant tart with gaudy, tight clothing. but i actually LIKE how she says 'this is who i am, and this is how i dress'. she is one of the few fuller figured celebs. she is proud of her curves and flaunts them. good on her! B)
paris hilton: she knows what she likes, she is confident and she isnt afraid to try something new. i get a laugh out of her over-the-top clothes. she dresses like eddy on ABFAB
victoria beckham: she just TRIES so hard. i think that occasionally she gets it right, but mostly she just looks uncomfortable and highstrung.
that pompom monstrosity takes the cake! she looks like she has giant furry boobs hanging on her jumper
i think that she would be SO attractive if she just loosened up, took off a pound of makeup and dressed casually. she is so overprocessed and overmaintained.
fergie: cant say i really care. ever since she joined the BEP their music is sh*t. she just wears common club trash, like their music i suppose.
marykate: she has become a parody of herself. she is trying so hard to be 'alternative', and it honestly comes across as tragic sometimes. she needs to work on her posture thats for sure! and she needs to learn about minimalism
i just feel really sorry for her. i am not going to criticise her looks because she comes across as so depressed, i think that letting herself go has been because of her unhappiness. i hope she makes a comeback soon! remember how AMAZING she looked in the past?
my personal worst dressed award goes to nicole richie. she has lost all of her spirit and all of her personal taste. who cares if she dressed a bit trashy in the past? i would much prefer to see that than some stupid 'perfect' image where everything is just so. she bores me to tears, because her outfits say to me 'i am a personality-free intangible clothes hanger sapped of all energy and zest'
lindsay lohan she just has no personal style. it is written all over her. she wears the latest and greatest but she just doesent understand that its not about that!
mariah carey: sure, she is a giant tart with gaudy, tight clothing. but i actually LIKE how she says 'this is who i am, and this is how i dress'. she is one of the few fuller figured celebs. she is proud of her curves and flaunts them. good on her! B)
paris hilton: she knows what she likes, she is confident and she isnt afraid to try something new. i get a laugh out of her over-the-top clothes. she dresses like eddy on ABFAB

victoria beckham: she just TRIES so hard. i think that occasionally she gets it right, but mostly she just looks uncomfortable and highstrung.
that pompom monstrosity takes the cake! she looks like she has giant furry boobs hanging on her jumper
i think that she would be SO attractive if she just loosened up, took off a pound of makeup and dressed casually. she is so overprocessed and overmaintained.
fergie: cant say i really care. ever since she joined the BEP their music is sh*t. she just wears common club trash, like their music i suppose.
marykate: she has become a parody of herself. she is trying so hard to be 'alternative', and it honestly comes across as tragic sometimes. she needs to work on her posture thats for sure! and she needs to learn about minimalism


my personal worst dressed award goes to nicole richie. she has lost all of her spirit and all of her personal taste. who cares if she dressed a bit trashy in the past? i would much prefer to see that than some stupid 'perfect' image where everything is just so. she bores me to tears, because her outfits say to me 'i am a personality-free intangible clothes hanger sapped of all energy and zest'
lindsay lohan she just has no personal style. it is written all over her. she wears the latest and greatest but she just doesent understand that its not about that!