Would you change your style for someone else?


Active Member
Aug 9, 2004
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The thread about how girls want guys to dress inspired me to start this thread...

Would you change your style for another person (friend, significant other, family member, etc.)? For instance, if someone you really like wanted to date you, but insisted you change your style either slightly or drastically, would you do it? How flexible are you with your style? Is personal style that important to you? You get the idea...

My answer: If someone's not into my style, they're not into me, so I'm not into them. I want to always dress the way I want to dress. My style is part of who I am. It's part of how I express myself every day. If someone has good critical input, that's different. But if you want me to start wearing vintage tees, ill-fitting jeans, and filthy sandals every day like millions of other guys, I probably don't like you very much. :lol:


like you said . . style is an extension of personality in some ways
& if someone doesn't like my style then they can go screw themselves. :lol:
it's only a bit of fun anyway & so no-one should be taking it tht srsly
& giving me conditions under which i should dress before they'll go out w/me or wtvr . .!
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No i would never change my style for anyone.. (although my parents would like to see me in some more conservative clothing)..

.. I can dress up extra nice for a girl, but that's about it..
AlexN said:
My answer: If someone's not into my style, they're not into me, so I'm not into them. I want to always dress the way I want to dress. My style is part of who I am. It's part of how I express myself every day. If someone has good critical input, that's different

well said! I agree.
Karma! :flower:
Unfortunately, I've had to change my style for others (my job more specifically) and it totally sucks. It was either I had to conform to coprorate america's strict dress code or lose my job. I hate it but I need to work too. But other than this, I've never changed my style for anyone; for the most part, everyone's cool with my style and I"m cool with others style.

Good Question Alex!

I'd never change my overall style for anyone...I agree with what you say if they're not into the way you dress then they're not really into the 'true you' however I think if it was some minor thing like a night out to somewhere with them/they'd invited me somewhere with their family and they showed a real dislike for an item/outfit I was wearing then I'd probably change it, sometimes compromise is needed (I can imagine if I was going out with someone and seriously disliked something they were wearing when we were on the way to meet my family for example therefore giving a first impression; I'd want them to be fair and change it). But overall they would never have an affect on my style.
Come to think of it.. I do actually also have to change my style a bit for work. It's not like I wear clothes that are very different from what I consider my style, but it's a bit more simple, conservative and elegant. I don't have a strict dress code, but I do have to dress more "serious" than I do otherwise. But I don't really mind, I actually enjoy getting to work out that minimalistic side of my style. Sometimes it gets a bit boring though, as I'd rather spend money on the clothes I looove. Other than that I would never change my style for someone as it's part of who I am.

For a short period of time I quit wearing heels when dating a guy exactly my height, but after a few days or so realized that was just silly, and started to wear heels again :D
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i've had guys who have told me how to dress or openly voiced what kind of things they dont like with alot of emphasis. I found it absolutely rude, i would never dream of telling someone how to dress, its like going up to someone and telling them they are ugly to their face. your clothes are an extention and expression of who you are.... and if people dont like your clothes then they dont really like you!

thankfully now im with someone who allows me to dress the way i please and he likes it that way. although even if he did tell me how to dress i'd tell him where to go:innocent:

and my mother constantly asks me before i leave the house " are you really wearing that out!?" i just dont listen to her anymore though since she hates all my clothes:lol:
I had to change my style for my bf.

Nine months ago, I used to dress completely different, as you might remember, I was the closest thing to a drag queen in this forum :lol: but lately I've learned on how to tone it down to a better look, but still keeping a cool edge to it, I don't know, I like it now...
It's like you said Alex, style is a part of who you are, so no, I wouldn't change it for someone. If you like it, that's great, if you don't that's fine too, as long as you accept it.
AlexN said:
If someone's not into my style, they're not into me, so I'm not into them. I want to always dress the way I want to dress. My style is part of who I am. It's part of how I express myself every day. If someone has good critical input, that's different. But if you want me to start wearing vintage tees, ill-fitting jeans, and filthy sandals every day like millions of other guys, I probably don't like you very much.
yup my thoughts exactly
I've tweeked my style for guys I've seriously dated.

I was dating a 30-something investment banker who definitely required that I dress more maturely and conservatively than a 21 year old college student normally might.
I haven't had to yet. My style has gradually changed over the years but it was of my own accord.

If my mom had her way I would not own a single halter top or cleavage shirt. I mean, a lot of stuff can be cleavage shirts when you have larger boobs, it's a fact of life.
I had to change my style for my work - drastically!
From a blue jeans person I've become a suit person!
Now everybody knows my style - well tailored dark pant suits /unfortunately/.
On the weekend I'm again a jeans person - but with heels and shirt. I love the look of blue jeans and a blazer, but I would wear it as I feel I'm in the office.
It's a compromise one has todo - for me is a compromise and it doesn't matter if you do it for your job, or your guy.
I'd like a guy to suggest a new style for me, but so far they always love my conservative style.
Job - Dress - Code is a shame imo. I just did a internship at a law firm and it's only dark suits, no way to get a bit personality into that. I was even told to stop wearing my fave earrings because they 'convey an unserious image'. In the first week I recived a memo which was the dress code for women
- suits in black, grey, navy etc no strong bright colours
- if you wear a skirt shave your legs ( like who doesn't !?!) and the skirt has to cover your knees & always wear thighs
- always wear make up and perfume but in tasteful amounts
etc etc but lawfirms are evil anyway and I am soo happy to be back working for the museum

but I understand that in certain branches of buisness one really has to dress in a certain way to convey a serious image.
in my private life I only dress kinda out of style for family meetings, mostly because of my mothers stern view of elegance, but I admit that I also quite enjoy those little expeditions to the land of oldfashioned preppy style.
I would never change my everyday style for a guy though...
Alejandro said:
I had to change my style for my bf.

Nine months ago, I used to dress completely different, as you might remember, I was the closest thing to a drag queen in this forum :lol: but lately I've learned on how to tone it down to a better look, but still keeping a cool edge to it, I don't know, I like it now...

and here I was thinking it was just a phase:lol:

actually, I thought it was just a natural evolution of your personal style ale:flower: and I'm really digging it too......but you no longer wear the Amex earrings:wink:

I will never compromise anything about my life for another person to be allowed in......isn't that what attraction is all about. Personal style to me isn't just about the clothing you wear. It's the WHOLE package; hair, skin, clothes, posture, attitude...everything.

My first lesson in this came at a young age when I was "coming out". I lived in a small Florida town and ran around with the punk scene. The gays wanted absolutely nothing to do with me and because I thought I belonged with them I changed my style to fit in. And contrary to popular belief not all gays can dress:ninja::lol: I learned very quickly that that was not who I was and I wouldn't compromise myself to be part of a group that I didn't belong in anyways. Not that I'm not gay, I wasn't like them and had to find my own place in the world.

Changing your personal style for a profession is a completely different thing. For example: one of my friends that's a lawyer goes to work in a suit and tie complete with elegant cuff links and spit shined shoes. When he comes home and takes off the suit you see that both arms are covered in tatoos and he throws on his vintage Black Flag tshirt and baggy shorts to hang out with his friends. And as ironic as it may seem he is a damn fine lawyer and loves his job.
What Alex said.

At the moment, I am into being conservative, discreet...I am in high school. I don't want to be uptight, nor too "loose". So I'm buying pieces with discreet details, instead of over-the-top, which has never been my style.

I think most people accept this, so I have no problem except from the a$$holes who insult me because I have nice clothes.

They're trash anyway, so I don't need to change my style for other people to think well of me.
Like Alex, Purechris, Baizilla have said..it's a package, it's your personality speaking...if they don't like your 'style', your 'package'...then they don't like u and they can go to :ninja:
Arturo21 said:
I think most people accept this, so I have no problem except from the a$$holes who insult me because I have nice clothes.
That kind of jealousy and insecurity is so :wacko:.
Yeah I do.:blink:
Its unfortunate.Not to a great extent,but if I'm wearing something a little to fashionable/vintage/thrown together,my boyfriend will tease me for being a 'scenester',which he hates.
Otherwise I promise I'm very strong willed.:doh:

saying that,I recently bought a sparkly huge blue bag from paul's boutique at topshop.He hates it,and says I have lost my style.I love that,it makes me laugh so I take it out all the time.
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