Your shopping rituals?

I love shopping with my friends, when I'm alone i get a bit bored but it goes much faster cuz you dont have to tell your friend "you dont look fat in that" a million times. My favourite part is sitting down for a drink afterwards and disscussing the purchases of the day.
funny how most of you prefer to go shopping alone... i dont!

in fact i seem to be absolutely unable to do anything on my own. i have never been to the movies by myself even!

now that i think of that.... except for very unimportant buys... i always go shopping with INTER. we dont always have the same taste though (i´d say very rarely do we agree...) but it is nice to go shopping with someone else. i cant imagine me shopping on my own... how scarey... i dont even dare to order drinks in pubs/clubs so i dont even want to imagine asking the shop assistant (which arent always the kindest ppl alive) for certain pair of jeans in a different size... i have to face it... i am not that brave!
Alone definitely. I usually shop during the morning right when the stores open to avoid other people.
First thing I do when I enter a boutique is confront an SA and question what clothing items are availabe in my size (since its impossible to find men's XS sizes in this country.)
From there I pick out anything I like and try it on. *ching ching* The faster, the better! :ninja:
I forgot to add, I like to go shopping with my sister or mum, because I dont have to really entertain anyone, we split up, go to our sections, rendezvoux when we need opinions before buying...Hassle free...
a glass of wine is essential. before, during, and after.
I shop alone. I go to the mall I work at and shop for a few hours, then I go meet up with friends somewhere else to shop. To me, shopping is an all day thing. When I'm off, I love it, I walk everywhere and it's pretty relaxing.
I must not much of the shopping alone type. I am very outgoing and just tend to get bored when not entertained by someone else...I tried taking my boyfriend and that was a complete disaster, so instead I usually bring a friend that has the same fashion sense as me, so they arent biased in what they really think. I have almost completely given up on malls, between people and lines, it is just starting to annoy me...and to acutally have the time between work and all to go to the mall...I am leaning more towards the online shopping lately...although I do like trying things on, I havent had too many bad experiences with the online thing.
marcj said:
a glass of wine is essential. before, during, and after.

It depends on what I want.

If I want the man to buy me stuff, I have to get him drunk first. He's much more free with the credit card when he's buzzed.:lol:
Yeah, I have my rituall..If I make it a point to actually BUY something, I'll go on the weekdays so I dont have to fight other shoppers for a SA's help..I'll start my day by checking my bank-account & determine which stores I can & cannot affford that day; then, depending on what stores I'll be going to, I get dressed acccordingly (that "i-just-rolled-out-of-bed" look may work at UrbanOutfitters or H&M, but not at places like Barneys; sad but true); then I'll hit a DunkinDonuts; then the stores, where I'll check the sales rack & shoe department (and thus usually wind up in disappointment); and then lunch...and end it w/ a cigarette in the cab-ride home..
marcj said:
a glass of wine is essential. before, during, and after.

At Cartier's once (it was Christmas) they kept offering me champagne and was a dizzy experience, I believe they also wanted to cloud my senses...:p for I would have bought THE WHOLE shop!
I windowshop with friends, I do serious shopping alone. Knowing that someone is waiting for me irritates me.

Like so many here, I loathe crowds so you'll never find me at sales. If I so much as see a 3 person queue for the changing room, I put everything back.:ninja:

If I'm seen the catalogues of a store / boutique that, I'd have have picked out a few pieces and will directly ask the sales people to bring it for me. I take that waiting time to browse quickly for anymore interesting pieces so that they can bring those for me while I'm trying on the first set.

I don't really compare prices. If I like it, I buy it immediately.

I hate rummaging in those racks / bins where they have the "sale" goods. It's usually not organised and I get a headache. I like stores with neatly arranged racks and shelves and vast spaces. Yep, I'm very claustrophobic.:doh:

Whether or not I go into a store depends very much on the interior decor as well. I tend to go into places that are clean, wide and minimalistic in design and decor (applies also to the clothes). If it's got funky decor, weird lighting and loud music, I won't go in.:yuk:

If I'm not sure whether I like a piece of clothing, I usually don't buy it.

If the sales people are rude / snooty / irritating, I walk out of the store without buying anything.

When it comes to makeup and fragrances, I'm a sucker for packaging.:blush:

I usually need a coffee and snack after shopping so that's when I'd have arranged to meet up with friends!^_^
I prefer to shop alone as well. When I go with friends I find they tend to influence what I buy and I don't get as much wear out of my purchases.

They also tend to not want to stay in the same stores as I do, and I hate the feeling that someone is waiting for me.

Sometimes I like shopping with my boyfriend, but he tends to get annoyed and says that everything starts to look the same after a while.

I usually start the day off with a coffee and I always carry a bottle of water with me.

I'll stop for snacks occasionally.

I prefer to walk to my destination (after driving - I live in a small town so I have to drive to get anywhere).

After the day is over, I take everything out and assess what I bought.
Like many, I too prefer to shop alone. I don't like other people waiting around or following me around the store and prefer to browse at my own leisure.
I can't face hitting the shops on a weekend though, instead I usually go on a lunch break from work. I work in the middle of the city, good for shopping not so good for my bank balance :lol: Going in my lunch break allows me to have something to look forward to at lunch, although my workmates constantly get on at me for how much I buy!
I don't think I could spend a whole day shopping any more. I just get too cross with the crowds and recently have been buying a lot more online because of this. I have a big ebay addiction :lol:
Love to check out the local thrift stores here and Hollywood.
Lots of interesting boutiques, my closet is packed!
still never enough shoes, belts and scarfs.
Found a cool Dolce & Gabbana belt in a thrift store in Santa Barbara Ca.
along with a Pink Christian Dior sweater.
I really love my friends but I would never go shopping with them. It's very much a solitary thing for me because I'm either very slow or very impatient and I don't want to bother anyone, plus I really can't stand hearing ten people saying "Ohmygod, this is sooooooooooooo cute!". I guess I'm kinda square that way, haha.

I like shopping on weekdays and in the morning if I can because it's much more peaceful then.

Aaaannd, sales people really make me nervous and uncomfortable, so I try to keep any contact with them at a minimum. Just when paying. I know many mean well but I'm just weird I guess.
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I enjoy browsing through shops with my friends but that's mainly just for the social aspect, not shopping.

When I go shopping I pretty much always go on my own, it's easier to find things I like that way and I can go anywhere I want to.
It keeps me open-minded as far as purchases go.

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