Zeit Magazin February 1, 2024 : Linda Evangelista by Cass Bird

I'm so happy to see her back every month with new covers and photos :) happy like most of you guys to see her supported by the industry and warming up to posing and revealing herself and feeling secure in her body once again.

Photography: Cass Bird
Styling: Katelyn Gray
Hair: Bob Recine
Make-up: Romy Soleimani
Model: Linda Evangelista

Zeit Magazin Digital Edition
I'd love to see a saturation of Linda if there's ever one again. Maybe take me on a time machine back to the 90s when that actually happened. Anyway, she looks gorgeous in the editorial. Happy that she's getting more comfortable showing herself rather than all cloaked up like before.
Also, showing scars and less retouching after some unfortunate surgery that you have only when you have millions of dollars to dispose is not brave, it is a cringe twist to display one's unlucky situation and lack of proper judgement. Brave would be showing genetic defects or body burns without retouch as those people cannot help it, they suffered out of their control. Having an unfortunate accident after getting pricey treatment, because one was a look-obsessed model that refused to age naturally is not brave.

The visible scars here aren't a result of her botched cosmetic procedure, those are her mastectomy scars from breast cancer.
Also, showing scars and less retouching after some unfortunate surgery that you have only when you have millions of dollars to dispose is not brave, it is a cringe twist to display one's unlucky situation and lack of proper judgement. Brave would be showing genetic defects or body burns without retouch as those people cannot help it, they suffered out of their control. Having an unfortunate accident after getting pricey treatment, because one was a look-obsessed model that refused to age naturally is not brave.

The large scars visible on her chest are from a mastectomy - because of breast cancer. It’s nothing to do with the cool sculpting.
I'd love to see a saturation of Linda if there's ever one again. Maybe take me on a time machine back to the 90s when that actually happened. Anyway, she looks gorgeous in the editorial. Happy that she's getting more comfortable showing herself rather than all cloaked up like before.
Exactly! People seem to forget that during her glory days, she used to be on every cover and campaign. That was a real saturation. We get one or another cover once in a while (and they're smaller publications, we're not even talking about Vogue) and suddenly she's everywhere. Come on... People would still be complaining if it was Amelia Gray, lol.
I love that Ed! Probably her best and most cinematic!
This is her breast cancer surgery scar and not her other surgery!
Fabulous, indeed!
Indeed the ed is the best so far. It feels more genuine and more in tune with who she is now instead of relying heavily on her past self.

The styling is non-existent but her presence enough makes it work.
Can only echo everyone else's sentiments over just how wonderful it is to see Linda Evangelista photographed this way, being so raw and vulnerable yet so powerful and brave. We can save the glitz, glamour and gloss for some other time. A massive fan of this! :heart:
The visible scars here aren't a result of her botched cosmetic procedure, those are her mastectomy scars from breast cancer.
Yes. I need to rephrase the point. I mean that it is still because she is Linda and all the story and drama that happened to her. However, there are numerous models and other celebrities that had breast cancer and none of them are showing it, because they don't have the 'moment' for it. It feels hypocritical, in a sense like a nepotism favouritism - the scars are there because it is Linda, not because it is to show some awareness or acceptance.

The editorial is nice, still am getting tired of the same old, and my point proved itself that TFS is just an echo chamber.
Yes. I need to rephrase the point. I mean that it is still because she is Linda and all the story and drama that happened to her. However, there are numerous models and other celebrities that had breast cancer and none of them are showing it, because they don't have the 'moment' for it. It feels hypocritical, in a sense like a nepotism favouritism - the scars are there because it is Linda, not because it is to show some awareness or acceptance.

The editorial is nice, still am getting tired of the same old, and my point proved itself that TFS is just an echo chamber.

Of course it’s because she is Linda… and well since she is who she is maybe it can help others to show their stories in the future or to create awareness or to help her get back in the industry etc etc.
I find it refreshing that someone as important as her is able to show their vulnerability and get back to what she loves doing which is working as a model (one of the best ever).
I suppose, all things said and done, I just find Linda and this entire "comeback" to be very disingenuous. *shrug* Sure, she can be brave and show her scars... but they still style her in comforters and giant trench coats.

(Before someone "what about model [x] though?" Let me just reply, what about her? The topic is about Linda.
Love the cover and the editorial shows why she was called the Chameleon. Its very simple yet she adds more texture by giving it a cinematic feel. I wonder why she didnt get into acting like the other print Chameleon, Amber.
I wish I knew why I can’t stand Linda, she’s always rubbed me the wrong way. It’s nice to see her less hidden, I suppose. It’s definitely better than her V monstrosity.

…But she’s from St. Catherines!

She admittedly was a great model, is fashion royalty, remains to possess good personal style etc etc, but I also never liked her. Just like Versace as a brand is undeniably a presence, and most impressive with its campaigns, but it’s a brand I never cared for. What it is that I find so unlikable about both Linda and Versace is that I always got the impression that they’re only phoney-nice, even fake-generous, to the people that matters, while treating those that they deem lesser, with blatant disdain. There’s a moment in Mizrahi’s doc that shamelessly ripped off Madonna’s Truth or Dare, where Linda seems to be hamming up her diva-status for the camera, while Kate quietly says nothing and walks away, fully aware of not participating in the cringe that’s being immortalized.

(Decent cover and story. It’s so unfortunately heavily retouched that she resembles maybe even Milla Jovovich on the cover more LMFAO. At least it isn’t a mangled mess like so many of her shoots these days. The Meisel for WSJ remains the best. Let her be photographed like Naomi— who seems beyond retouching aid with whatever she’s done to her face.)

The editorial is nice, still am getting tired of the same old, and my point proved itself that TFS is just an echo chamber.

Absolutely. This branding narrative that she’s “brave”/“courageous”/“survivor” of very unfortunate life events and inconveniences— ones that plague many many people, while they continue on with mounting debts/bills/struggles, comes off unintentionally manipulative, and almost begging for acceptance from the masses, rather than relatable: OMG Linda has been humbled and waits in line at Chanel like the destitute LMFAO

In terms of her return to fashion; if only Linda wasn’t always retouched to resemble her 90s-self, because thoughtfully retouching her to resemble her current older and fuller self would be more respectful and genuine to her current narrative-- and... relatable. But I get it: OMG Linda's back. Yaaaassss Queen etc etc
I am glad as always for your point, not only because it aligns, but also how elaborate it is.

What rubs me is not only even Linda, she owns everything she does, it's just the state of discussion too. Maybe I just don't want to lose the momentum we all got since Margiela, it was a sparkle of TFS excitement that I had since eons ago, and it tickle a contrarian in me. It has been too long since we had fashion tension, everyone in disagreement, yet respectful and insightful. I browsed Vogue US and Paris circa 2008-2012 recently, and don't want TFS to turn into a corpse of yasss-queenism. I'd rather have people challenge each other here than have staleness. TFS was a reflectionist place, now we have seldom rises of that, but more often it is yes-b*tch-work to any 90s era person, horrible-lazy-annoying to anyone current, and that is it. It is a slow roast cooking into a fashion-boomer reserve, but times were always like this. People on this very forum used to say they are tired of Lara, Daria on VP, and were bored by Anna Selezneva and Maartje Verhoef way before Loli Bahia.

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